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九三读小说网 > 开始于失败之时 > 第一百章 水 饺

第一百章 水 饺 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新开始于失败之时!

回不去的事情,又何必想呢? cindy默默地向前走着,旁边的赵老师也没有说什么,也只是走着,快到羽毛球馆的时候,cindy想起来什么,说着:“今天天气好冷,打羽毛球也不好玩,要不,去逛商场,还可以蹭暖气。”


“this is a nasty season and there are no tree s or fishes. only the wind kept blowing. Everything else is still, and it’s been the same scene for a long time.Nothing can get me out of the bed. I haven’t remembered my dream last night. but the alarm clock keeps ringing, let me go to save the world. can you stop this day of struggle?”


“on such a cold day , I should be cooped up in quilt and hold myself tight and refuse the bad weather outsides. on such a cold day, you should stay in bed and eat more in order to feel lonely. on such a cold day, you should watch a movie and write a dairy that you don’t know what to say. on such a cold day, you should sleep in the quilt and have a dream to evoke the memory of your youth.”







“the orchid sprouts at the foot of the mountain are immerse shortly in the stream, the sand road between the pines is clean and free of mud. Rustling in the twilight rain, cuckoo crowing. who says there is nothing less in life? the running water in front of the door is still in the west. don’t sing the song with white hair to yellow chicken.”

