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理想的领导者是什么样子的 (第1/2页)

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第162章 理想的领导者是什么样子的?

Jack ma Ally Joe tsai to take helm of Alibaba


by Raffaele huang

Alibaba Group named brooklyn Nets owner Joe tsai to be its chairman, putting the close ally of fellow co-founder Jack ma atop the chinese e-merce giant as it seeks a revival from sluggish growth amid fierce petition.

阿里巴巴集团任命布鲁克林篮网队老板蔡崇信(Joe tsai)为董事会主席,执掌这家中国电子商务巨头。蔡崇信与马云同为阿里巴巴联合创始人,也是马云的亲密战友。眼下,阿里正处于激烈竞争之中,需要摆脱低迷,谋求发展。

tsai, 59, is seen by pany insiders and analysts as being close to ma, the pany's largest shareholder who stepped down as executive chairman in 2019.


their relationship could give tsai more heft than the departing chairman daniel Zhang to push along the pany's plans to reorganize itself into multiple independent panies and get its e-merce business back on a growth track.

蔡马二人的密切关系会让蔡崇信比即将离任的董事会主席张勇(daniel Zhang)拥有更多影响力,有助于推动阿里重组为多家独立公司,并使其电商业务重新走上增长轨道。

Last month, ma met executives of Alibaba's chinese merce division to discuss the intensified petition it is facing, people familiar with the talks said. he urged the unit to adjust business strategies and governance as he warned that the methods that Alibaba relied on to succeed in the past might not be applicable anymore, the people said.


the reshuffle indicates that ma is returning “to exercise more direct control,“ said charlie chai, a tech-focused analyst at equity research firm 86Research.

八六证券研究有限公司专注科技领域的分析师查理·柴(charlie chai)表示,这次改组表明马云正在回归,“将行使更为直接的控制权”。

tsai is well-liked by investors and his appointment should be seen as good news, said Vey-Sern Ling, a senior adviser for Asia technology stocks at Union bancaire privée. but the move is unlikely to boost Alibaba's stock price, which is suffering as a result of geopolitical issues and concerns over economy rather than any questions about management, Ling added.

瑞联银行亚洲科技股高级顾问凌炜森(Vey-Sern Ling)表示,蔡崇信深受投资人欢迎,他被委任为董事会主席应被视为好消息。但凌炜森还补充到,这一变动不太可能会提振阿里巴巴的股价,因为影响股价的主要原因是地缘政治问题和对经济状况的担忧,而非对该公司管理层的质疑。


1.take the helm of

掌舵、接掌(take charge of)


helm n.方向盘,船舵

when the previous cEo left, she took the helm of the troubled pany, quickly turning it around.


2.put somebody\/something atop something

将某人或某物置于权威或显要地位(take the helm of)


atop prep.在......之上

they put their most talented engineer atop the research team.




adj.缓慢的,迟钝的(slow or inactive)


the sluggish economy低迷的经济

sluggish demand for the product低迷的产品需求

the sluggish pace of the project项目缓慢的进度

4.step down



he stepped down as cEo of the pany.
