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九三读小说网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第22章 决战22

第22章 决战22 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新离开悟空后,悟饭无敌!

Gohan squared his shoulders, subconsciously preparing for battle. \\\what? who are you?\\\

translation: Gohan挺直了肩膀,下意识地准备战斗。“什么?你是谁?”

\\\merus, a Galactic patrolman,\\\ the purple man replied.

translation: \\\我是merus,银河巡逻队员,\\\那个紫色的人回答道。

Gohan looked down at his armor and noticed the distinctive insignia. \\\You\\u0027re under arrest for participating in the murder of our rade a year ago.\\\

translation: Gohan低头看着自己的盔甲,注意到了独特的标志。“你因为参与一年前我们同伴的谋杀行动而被逮捕。”

murder of a rade? Gohan squinted at merus, trying to figure out what he\\u0027d been talking about – and then it hit him again. \\\what the hell?!\\\ he snapped. \\\I had nothing to do with that! did Gomayn send you? he\\u0027s full of shit.\\\

translation: 同伴的谋杀?Gohan眯起眼睛看着merus,试图弄清楚他在说什么 - 然后他再次明白了。“他妈的!”,他厉声说道。“我和那没有任何关系!是Gomayn派你来的吗?他根本就是胡说八道。”

Gohan snarled in disgust. this had that rat bastard\\u0027s name written all over it – the timing was far too convenient. \\\It was Gomayn, yes, though I\\u0027m not sure how you know of him,\\\ merus replied. \\\but we confirmed you, Vegeta, and another Saiyan were involved.\\\

translation: Gohan厌恶地咆哮着。这件事完全是那个该死的家伙搞的 - 时间安排得太巧合了。“是Gomayn,没错,尽管我不确定你是怎么知道他的,”merus回答道。“但我们确认你、Vegeta和另一个赛亚人都参与其中。”

\\\do you not even realize that Gomayn\\u0027s been playing you? he\\u0027s part of the Frieza Force!\\\ merus\\u0027 eyes widened in surprise, though he quickly regained his posure.

translation: “你难道没有意识到Gomayn一直在玩弄你吗?他是弗里沙军团的一员!” merus惊讶地睁大了眼睛,尽管他很快恢复了镇定。

\\\I\\u0027m not so sure I\\u0027d take the word of their strongest soldier.\\\

translation: \\\我并不确定我会相信他们最强壮的士兵的话。\\\

Gohan hung his head, as those negative feelings that he had worked so hard to control resurfaced. At the end of the day, this was his identity to the universe.

translation: Gohan低下头,那些他曾努力控制的负面情绪再次浮现。归根结底,这是他在宇宙中的身份。

merus drew a laser gun from the back of his armor. \\\I can sense Frieza approaching here, so I\\u0027ll have to make this quick.\\\

translation: merus从盔甲后面拿出一把激光枪。“我能感觉到弗里沙正在接近这里,所以我必须快点解决。”

Gohan sucked his teeth in revulsion. this was absurd. \\\If you can sense all those bastards ing here, then why are you going after me when I\\u0027m clearly not causing any trouble? I\\u0027m not working with Frieza - I\\u0027m fighting him.\\\

translation: Gohan厌恶地咂了咂牙。这太荒谬了。“如果你能感觉到所有那些混蛋来这里,那为什么你要追着我,明明我并没有制造麻烦?我不是与弗里沙合作 - 我正在与他战斗。”

he motioned his hand towards Videl. \\\hell, why do you think this Earthling is trying to help me?\\\ the Galactic patrolman turned to her with studious eyes. \\\wait a second - you\\u0027re Arepa, aren\\u0027t you? Gomayn gave us your picture in his investigation. You\\u0027re one of his allies.\\\

translation: 他用手指向Videl。“该死,你觉得为什么这个地球人在试图帮助我?”银河巡逻队员转向她,目光认真。“等一下 - 你是Arepa,对吧?Gomayn在他的调查中给了我们你的照片。你是他的盟友之一。”

\\\what the hell are you talking about?! my name\\u0027s Videl.\\\

translation: “你在说什么鬼话?!我的名字是Videl。”

while Videl glared in confusion, Gohan actually looked up at the sky and mirthlessly chuckled. of all of the fucking times.

当Videl困惑地怒视着时,Gohan实际上抬头看着天空,冷笑了一声。 真是他妈的时候。

Figuring it to be a lie, merus shook his head in dismissal and shifted his attention back to Gohan. \\\And if you\\u0027re fighting against the Frieza Force, then why are you wearing their armor?\\\

认为这是谎言,merus摇了摇头,表示不予理会,将注意力重新转向Gohan。 \\\如果你是在对抗弗利萨势力,那你为什么穿着他们的盔甲?\\\

Gohan looked down at the fresh uniform bulma had given him and groaned. he knew he should\\u0027ve just kept on piccolo\\u0027s outfit. Every single part of his past life cursed him. Realizing he didn\\u0027t have a single leg to stand on, he went to his only other option.

Gohan低头看着布尔玛给他的崭新制服,叹了口气。 他知道他应该一直穿着那套由皮克罗所给他的装束。 他过去生活的每一个部分都在诅咒他。 意识到自己没有立足之地,他只剩下唯一的选择。

merus cocked his gun. \\\Frieza\\u0027s still an hour away. You have no back-up. So we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. \\\

merus拉响了枪。 \\\弗利萨还有一个小时才到。 你没有后援。 所以我们可以简单地解决,或者我们可以用困难的方式解决。\\\

\\\You guys are suckers, letting Gomayn manipulate you,\\\ Gohan said, a petitive smirk spreading across his lips. \\\but if that\\u0027s the case, I\\u0027ll just have to do this the hard way. \\\

\\\你们都是傻瓜,让Gomayn操纵你们,\\\ Gohan说道,嘴角勾起一丝竞争的笑容。 \\\但如果是这样,我只能用困难的方式解决了。\\\

As he crouched into a fighting stance, he glanced at Videl. She had her gun drawn and aimed right at merus. he would have to end this quickly.

当他蹲下采取战斗姿势时,他瞥了一眼Videl。 她拔出了枪,直接对准了merus。 他必须快速解决这个问题。

And so, he dove at merus with lightning speed, measuring his strength to make sure his punch wouldn\\u0027t kill him.


merus was behind him before his fist even punched air.


before Gohan could even ask how he moved away so fast, a jolt of electricity struck his back and sent him to the ground, instantly robbing him of feeling in his limbs.


\\\dammit... \\\ he growled through his teeth.

\\\该死... \\\ 他咬牙切齿地咆哮道。

Videl shot her laser at merus, but the patrolman effortlessly evaded the beam and snatched the weapon out of her hand in one swift motion. \\\we don\\u0027t have any orders to arrest you, but I\\u0027d suggest you stand down. You\\u0027re not strong enough to be a threat to anyone. \\\

Videl向merus射出激光,但这位巡警轻松地躲过了光束,并在一瞬间夺走了她手中的武器。 \\\我们没有接到逮捕你的命令,但我建议你放下武器。 你没有足够的实力对任何人构成威胁。\\\

Gohan watched Videl and her friend helplessly stammer as merus wrapped his hands in cuffs. Feeling the nerves in his limbs returning, Gohan flexed his Ki to snap the cuffs away, only to get nothing. clearly, these were Ki-absorbing handcuffs. merus scooped Gohan up and hauled him onto his shoulder. After tossing the rifle into the sky, tapped his earpiece.

Gohan无助地看着Videl和她的朋友结结巴巴地说话,而merus将他的手套上手铐。 感觉到四肢的神经恢复,Gohan用气劲折断手铐,但什么也没有发生。 显然,这些是吸取气功的手铐。 merus抱起Gohan,将他扔在肩上。 在将步枪扔向天空后,他轻击了一下耳机。

\\\Gomayn, I\\u0027ve got the other Saiyan. I\\u0027m heading back to the ship.\\\


Gohan tried wrestling out of merus\\u0027 grip, but was hopeless.


As they flew away, he heard Videl shout his name.


All he wanted to at the moment was rip that neon-colored bastard on merus\\u0027 line to shreds. Gomayn had been a thorn in his side ever since he first showed his face in the Frieza Force, his jealousy and lies ultimately spinning off into the ining invasion. the invasion that Gohan was about to be dragged away from.


he squeezed his eyes shut, stewing with rage. this was how it would end – getting punished for his past crimes and handed to Frieza on a silver platter.


they arrived at a spaceship a few miles out of the city, merus walking up the ramp and dumping Gohan onto the floor. when the boy looked up, he saw his worst fear – not only was Vegeta handcuffed, but so was his father. Neither were unconscious, but they both sat with angry, bewildered expressions.


\\\Goddammit,\\\ Vegeta sneered. he aimed his eyes at merus like a pair of poisonous darts. \\\when I\\u0027m out of this, you\\u0027ll pay dearly!\\\


\\\Some way for this to go, huh?\\\ Goku lamented.


merus ignored them, looking straight ahead. \\\Gomayn! I\\u0027m back!\\\


Gohan\\u0027s heart raced in blood-curdling anticipation as he overheard footsteps from behind the door a few feet away. when the doors slid open, the object of Gohan\\u0027s pettiest hatred revealed itself. his stupid fucking body suit. his stupid fucking armor. his stupid fucking green face. his stupid fucking purple hair. And his stupid fucking grin.


\\\worthless fucking pussy,\\\ Gohan spat through his teeth. \\\I\\u0027ll rip you apart!\\\


\\\whoa, an aggressive one, this is!\\\ Gomayn said, with a theatrical, friendly delivery. \\\thank God for those cuffs. we\\u0027re fortunate that we caught these two here before the rest of Frieza\\u0027s men arrived. this will cripple their efforts.\\\


\\\this rodent is with Frieza his damn self!\\\ Vegeta yelled to merus.


\\\how else could we possibly know him?\\\

translation: \\\我们还能怎么可能认识他呢?\\\

\\\people say the craziest things to save their asses,\\\ Gomayn snickered. his face twisted into a hateful scowl. \\\we only know each other because you rotten scum purged my planet! It was a miracle I even escaped and found a new home with the Galactic patrol!\\\

translation: \\\人们会说最疯狂的话来保命,\\\ Gomayn窃笑着说道。他的脸扭曲成仇恨的怒容。“我们之所以认识,只是因为你这些卑劣的渣滓净化了我的星球!我能逃脱并找到银河巡逻队作为新家简直是个奇迹!\\\
