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第8章 未知的面纱 (第1/2页)

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哈特利博士胜利的消息传得很远很广,吸引了学者、冒险家和那些对神秘城市 R'lyeha 好奇的人的注意。她的名字成为勇气和知识的代名词,激励新一代探险家寻找隐藏在神秘深处的真相。








In the center of the Abyssal Library, stood Eliandra, trapped in the secret universe she had revealed. he felt a growing sense of dread, as if the library itself was something evil, play through his mind. In the absence of understanding, the emotional gap grows, a crisis that seems impossible to erase.

As the minutes stretched into eternity, he remained deep in the library, enjoying his revelation. they were held captive in the Abyssal Library, and the mysterious librarian remained silent, their presence a constant reminder of the library's evil.

In chapter 1, the stage is set for Eliandra's terrifying journey into the heart of the Abyssal Library, where a forbidden tome contains inprehensible cosmic secrets. the emotional gulf of curiosity and disfort is woven into the story, and the oppressive atmosphere of the library creates a palpable sense of dread. this history serves as a record of the events that took place, a testament to the impartial and detailed style of historical recording that characterizes R'lyehxia's local history.

**chapter 2: the Forbidden tome**

In the year of the Immortal city of Silica, Eliandra, coralis' assistant, finds herself trapped within the confines of the Abyssal Library. the bad reputation of the library, defined by its unique structure, became its unrelenting reality.

the librarian, a man whose flesh is united with the library's coral, is guided deep into its depths. they moved in silence, the only sound being the muffled chatter of shifting shelves.

Eliandra was taken to a special volume, bigger and scarier than the others. he paused for a moment, allowing his eyes to follow the mysterious writing on its page. Librarians, the epitome of librarian evil, do not speak, but their intentions are clear. with trembling hands, Eliandra reached out and touched the pages of the volume.

As his fingers touched the eldritch pages, forbidden knowledge flooded his mind, flooding his senses with visions and revelations. the secret of cthulhu's dreams, once hidden from his understanding, appeared in a flood of understanding.

the nature of the vision was an assault on his consciousness, and each revelation was more profound and inprehensible than the last. the sight was beyond the bounds of his mortal mind, leaving him unable to prehend. the clarity and depth of the revelation is fascinating and terrifying.

In the oppressive environment of the Abyssal Library, Eliandra stands trapped in the secrets of the universe. the library, with its coral shelves and eerie lighting, is a testament to his growing anxiety. A lack of emotion, a hunger for knowledge beyond his soul's capacity, roared within him.

he was imprisoned in the library as the minutes stretched into eternity. the librarian, his flesh melting into the librarian's barley, was silent. tome, with his forbidden knowledge, continued to pour his mind into eldritch revelations, and deep understanding.

chapter 2 documents the lackluster and detailed story of Eliandra's forbidden encounter inside the Abyssal Library. Events are presented vividly and realistically, reflecting the style of local history in R'lyehxia. the evils of the library and the extreme nature of the revelations are accurately documented, showing the difference between the known and unknown sides of the story.

**chapter 3: manifestations and consequences**

during the city's year of eternal suffering, Eliandra, coralis' assistant, remained trapped inside the Abyssal Library. his meeting with the forbidden tomega sparks many revelations in the universe.

the vision that filled his mind was inprehensible. they reveal the true nature of cthulhu's dreams and the purpose of R'lyehxia's existence. the mysterious dance of the universe unfolded before him in a way that defied his mortal understanding.

As the emotional gap deepened, Eliandra's feelings grew. the burden of the verses fell upon him and left him in great fear. the depth of understanding seems beyond his understanding

during the year of endless torment in the city, Eliandra, the maid, finds herself trapped in the Abyssal Library, still reeling from the effects of the evil events.

the library, with its coral shelves and eerie light, witnessed the destruction. the architecture seems to be protesting now, silently watching Eliandra's encounter with the forbidden book. the library shuddered, the coral shelves shook with pain, and the silent agony was broken by a terrible sound.

A man born from the changing sky landed in the library. It is a mysterious existence that manifests itself in indescribable forms and changes every moment. the librarian, whose body bees one of the library's coral, is eaten by the entity.

the librarian winced in raw pain, shuddering and merging with the descending object. the sight of the entity broke the eerie silence that reigned in the library, replaced by the librarian's screams of pain.

Eliandra is caught up in this storm of otherworldly existence and continues to struggle with the revelations of the universe that wash over her mind. Seeing vandalism in the library added to his anxiety. he had no choice but to flee to escape the ing chaos.

As he walks through the winding corridors of the deep Sea Library, he finds himself drawn to the villain's character. It's a quest that defies the laws of reality as the Enterprise follows him through time and space.

Eliandra took shaky steps out of the library and into coralis' twisted reality. the townspeople are still driven by madness, and their existence reflects the town's constant chaos.

Eliandra emerges from the depths of the library, bringing with her forbidden knowledge, cosmic revelations, and the imminent presence of a star. the emotional divide between fascination and fear widens, and as Ruluisia's cosmic power continues to expand, doubts grow. the fourth chapter tells of the evil that descends on the library and the chaos that follows, all told in a strong, unemotional tone that contrasts with the unknown aspects of the story.

**chapter 6: council of prophets**

during the city's year of endless suffering, coralis' assistant Eliandra finds herself on a journey of cosmic significance. As he confronts the evil of the constellation, he searches for answers to a mysterious revelation given to him.

his search leads him to the council of Seers, a mysterious group that lives deep in Ruluizia. chosen by the forces of the universe, these individuals are known to see cosmic realities in the realm of dreams.

devastated by the revelation, Eliandra seeks out the council of Seers. through the intricate roads of coralis, he navigates the ever-changing geometry, driven by constant curiosity and anticipation of what the council will reveal. I did it.

\wow, where did this kid e from? Is he really strong!?\

\wow, the plaster almost burst from the inside.\

Li Yingqi did not expect that the four of them would have to work together to subdue Yu Lianyun, who was out of control. he gritted his teeth and said, “whatever it is, we have to control it now!”

when he Jian'an rushed to the evacuation center, the lights on the entire floor were dimmed, the power system on the entire floor was almost paralyzed, and the air became cold. the blood and air mix, causing vomiting with each bite. Nadu felt blood rush from his airway.

In the hallway beyond, more than a dozen mysterious agents died in tragic conditions. most of their bodies were no longer human. there were sharp thorns growing on its body and blood. the bags were waiting to be released, and the roots of the vines were in a tangled body, some hanging in the sky, some tangled in the ground.

“hurry up and hold your breath!” Jia An cringed, teasingly covered her mouth and nose, clenched her fists, opened the emergency disinfection mask storage box kept on the nearby wall, and took a few from there. took out his mask and gave it to the mysterious young detective. that.

\how...how could something like this happen? It only took a few minutes...\ the secret agent who was traveling with he Jia'an couldn't believe it. he quickly put on his mask and saw some familiar faces on the ground, their eyes filled with sadness.

\boy, please calm down.\ Li Jian'an patted the other person on the back and asked, \what's your name?\

the young mysterious agent took a deep breath and replied, \please report to captain Li. I am bu Gaojun, a mysterious class c agent.\

“I am he Jian, a class A mysterious agent and the leader of the tiger team.” Li Jiaan looked at each other through his mask and said, “we unilaterally confirmed that the situation has escalated to a prefecture-level issue. therefore, I need everyone's cooperation.will you accept it?'' he said seriously.

\I can do it!\ bu Gaojun was tired but a little excited and nodded.

Li Ka'an is the leader of the tiger Group known as the Vultures. Since joining the mysterious group, he has solved dozens of mysterious incidents, experienced more than five incidents on the ground, and even escaped from an incident in the sky. Each of them has bee a legend in the minds of newers to occult groups.

bu Gaojun felt that it was a mortal honor to be able to work with Fu Jian.

cults of personality are not desirable, but in organizations where work is life-or-death and where people often encounter dangerous and strange events, some degree of worship and faith is necessary when people are faced with crisis or desperate situations. It can have unexpected miraculous effects.

therefore, in esoteric organizations, everyone maintains an attitude of condemnation and respect, unless they believe in strange gods or worship outrageous figures.

but if people admire and believe in the organization, that's not a bad thing. organizations may also secretly help promote it.

\Let's go, I'll go first, and you can help me take care of the back.\ Li Jian'an stopped talking nonsense and took wu Gaojun to the \primordial forest\ of flesh and blood and modern steel. went.

the lower you go, the more corpses you see. All of these corpses are in a horrible state of death, but the red cluster amaryllis that grows on the lives is bright and beautiful.

these are the sparks stolen from all the glorious lives of all living beings.

on the way, he Jia'an and bu Gao Jun, together with the main forces of the headquarters, tried to contact the survivors on this floor, but it turned out that the signal here could no longer be transmitted, and they could not find anyone alive with them. road

\huh?\ Just as he Jia'an was about to give up hope of survival, he suddenly spotted a mysterious, barely human-looking agent leaning against the wall in the corner of the hallway.

Seeing this, Li Jia'an immediately ran forward and stopped when he was still three steps away from his opponent. \hey, brother! Are you okay?\

It's a man in his 30s who appears to be a graduate student wearing a white coat. At this moment, your chest will be exposed. the flowers of the other side, firmly rooted in his heart, are blooming. A man's name ``cai Yong'' is written on the badge on his chest.

hearing he Jian's voice, cai Yong slowly got up. when I saw the two of them alive, my first words were, ``quickly...run away...''

\what's wrong?\ Li Jia'an tried to remove the flower from the other person's chest, but found that cai Yong felt pain just by touching it. only then did I realize that the flower on the other side had bee one with the other person's heart.

In other words, it was hopeless.

cai Yong's face was filled with pain, and he said weakly. \this time... it's not the three-armed ice giant we know from another dimension... but... an unknown god... an anomaly of anomalies. ', the strangest of strangeness...'

After saying that, wisdom slowly disappeared from cai Yong's eyes. After coughing up a mouthful of blood, he stopped breathing. then, a dense granular substance appeared on the surface of the corpse's skin, and bright red granulation buds appeared. then it was crushed in a saucepan.

21 plans to burn buildings

Seeing cai Yong's corpse transformed into a terrifyingly beautiful sea of flesh and flowers, both he Jia'an and bu Gaojun felt an explosion of heroic sadness.

this is the fate of the mysterious detective - an ordinary death. the greatest blessing is to have a perfect body after death. most of the time, like cai Yong and the corpses here, they are not human.

Neither he Jia'an nor bu Gao Jun were immersed in sadness for very long. the first lesson for occult detectives is to control your emotions. Adversaries are often inhuman. It's pletely unfair to fight such an enemy, so they either bee crazed lunatics or rational lunatics, and the choice is clear.

``captain Lee, what god is he talking about?'' takekao clenched his fists. Even though he clenched his fists so hard they shattered, he still felt extremely weak.

Li Jian thought for a moment and said: \In this world, in this universe, all life does not necessarily have human emotions, but it definitely has human-like desires. where there are desires, there are also beliefs. In other words: , there is no such thing as life.'' beliefs do not motivate you to live. Even atheists have their own beliefs, but they do not believe in so-called God. In fact, it turns out that most of the gods believed by various races in this universe actually have powers beyond mon sense. A higher being with abilities.

therefore, it is difficult to judge whether the higher-order extradimensional life form that was behind the woman's corpse, that is, the extradimensional animal race currently called the three-armed ice giant, is something to be believed. do not have. think about it, they failed to get in here. As the world continues on, who else will be sent for invasion in the future? have you ever read a novel on the Internet? After you beat the small, the big will e, that's the principle.

Also, don't try to deeply analyze other races, just have superficial preferences. believe me, no race can fully understand another race. Even highly intelligent animals cannot fully understand human behavior patterns. If you think about it too much, you'll go crazy. ”

``So, something big is ing?'' takeka was shocked.

Li Jian looked at her and said, \She's already here. think about it. Since last night, the way the female corpse invaded humans changed, our enemy has also changed. that's why Yu.?Lian Yun has radiated a blessing to this world.\ ”the figure now invading Earth is more powerful than the three-armed ice giant, so its effectiveness has been lost. ”

wu Gao took a deep breath and hurriedly asked, \then what should I do?\

what he actually meant is that perhaps this is not something they can handle.

Li Jian also saw bu Gaojun's thoughts, but he did not despise them. on the contrary, the fact that he is able to recognize the current situation at this point shows that he has the qualities of an excellent occult detective.

“we originally planned to activate the mechanism directly and move the room containing the female corpse to the isolation transport shed. that way the impact of the female corpse would be greatly reduced, but currently the room containing the female corpse It seems we need to open up the floor. we can't get what we want.'' Li Jian'an said, ``So I think this floor should be burned.''

Futaka nodded clearly, but quickly realized what was wrong with the other person's words. he looked at he Jian in fear and stammered: “bubble… will it burn?”

“Yes, please burn it.” Li Jian’an nodded affirmatively. Since he can bee an A-class mystery detective at his age, he is naturally knowledgeable about secrets.

After saying this, he Jian thought for a while and then added: \but first, let's check to see if there are any survivors. If there are, eliminate them as much as possible.\

\Yes,\ takeko answered solemnly.

Just as the two of them were about to continue their search and rescue work, they suddenly felt two gusts of wind passing behind them one after the other, and they both couldn't help but tremble.

\what is that?!\ taketaka suddenly turned around and realized that there was nothing behind him.

Li Jian’an frowned. he also felt a chill, but it was clear that the cold was pletely different from the usual cold that came from the back of a dead woman. the former es from the heart, from the inside out, and the latter es from the surface and outside. pierce the soul inside.

“blessing power?” Li Jiaan now found a familiar feeling in the dark wind, he felt a little surprised for a moment.

Shouldn't blessings be distributed equally throughout the world? why can we still wield this power? And why does it suddenly appear now?

Li Jiaan immediately remembered Yu Lianyun lying in the hospital bed downstairs and guessed that this problem must be related to Yu Lianyun.

Yu Lianyun was still struggling like crazy, but the four mysterious detectives who subdued him did their best.

``how long are you going to hold out?'' wei Jiang was a strong adult man, and he was a little overwhelmed. he had no idea that holding a girl in a cast all over her body for more than 10 minutes was actually better than him. I was tired because I went to the gym all afternoon.

Li Yingchi gritted her teeth and said, “please stop talking, I feel like I’m going to be disappointed.”

wei Jiang and several other men quickly silenced their plaints and concentrated on pushing the girl down.

when the four of them were in a stalemate with Yu Lianyun out of control, the sound of hurried and heavy breathing came closer and closer.

\Is his team back?\ someone guessed, suddenly looking surprised.

“No, it’s not captain Li!” wei Jiang suddenly felt something, his face changed greatly, he suddenly lowered the hand that was holding Yu Lianyun, ran towards the ward door in a few steps, and immediately opened the ward door. closed and closed from the ward. internal. .

without the control force of wei Jiang, Li Yingqi and others were suddenly able to control Yulianyun. Yu Lianyun let out a strange cry and waved off the three people approaching. the bandages all over his body quickly fell off, and Yu Lianyun was able to move his arms and legs.

Seeing this, wei Jiang felt that he could not keep himself in the right direction, so he jumped back and tightly closed Yu Lianyun's arms and neck from behind.

the few people who were thrown also withdrew with some strength left. the four worked together again to secure Yu Lianyun in place.

At the same time, the torrent stopped outside the ward, and cold air rushed in through the gap in the door below.


Ice appeared through the door lock handle and keyhole and gradually spread across the hospital room door.

Seeing this strange scene, the mysterious detective quickly closed his eyes, determining that it was Ji An who had returned before. It was impossible for he Jia'an to e back. Li Jia'an did not have this freezing ability.

pen pen pen!

when the entire door of the ward was pletely frozen, suddenly three points hit the door one after another, and the entire special door was deformed. Suddenly, the fist print on the door disappeared and was replaced by several ice spikes directly penetrating. the point mark was revealed and we entered the parish.

then another dry sound was heard, and the spikes of ice suddenly cracked and collapsed, leaving only several large holes in the door. through the large gap in the door, everyone saw a man in a police uniform standing in front of the door. her face is not visible outside, but her clothes and face are clearly visible.

Li Yingqi tightly closed one of Yu Lianyun’s legs. because of the angle, he happened to see the police number and name hanging on the officer's chest.

“old Year 0, chen Jinshan.” Li Yingqi’s expression changed and said, “he is the mander of the third law enforcement team in old Year city. how did he find this place? No, he was dead a long time ago. his body was already deformed.'' he had been possessed for a long time! he was acting like he always did, but maybe he was... pretending. Is not it?

22 Intense

chen Jinshan is a friend of Yu Lianyun in Jiannian city and a police mander who frequently transports bodies to Yu Lianyun's autopsy office.

Regarding the issue of the woman's body, after it was discovered that there were abnormal elements in the woman's body, the mysterious team focused on this and all those who had direct or indirect contact with the woman's body, including this old man. we focused our research on the following. . . captain of the city's enforcement department.

but what I never expected was that even after a rigorous and thorough investigation by their secret team, chen Jinshan, who briefly came into contact with the corpse, was still invaded by extradimensional life forms in an unknown way. was.

At this point, the facts are in front of us and there are no excuses.

\If you control it, I will deal with chen Jinshan,\ Li Yingqi said. pared to players with excellent physical strength, the impact of his withdrawal will be relatively small.

\Agreed!\ wei Jiang and the other mysterious agent agreed in unison.

Li Yingqi immediately let go of Yu Lianyun's legs, stood aside, took out a gun from her waist, and fired directly at the broken door without hesitation.

when a physical body is occupied by an alien life form, it means that the occupied person's body also pletes a corresponding change and is no longer human. Li Yingqi took out a gun and started shooting, so naturally the burden was not too heavy on her.

After several gunshots, there were several bloody holes on chen Jinshan's body outside the door, but chen Jinshan did not scream.

when I saw chen Jinshan move, a sharp glass knife suddenly entered the closed door. An ice knife cuts iron like mud. the door to the ward split in two with one blow, and his eyes turned white. A middle-aged man with a bent back and a large sara on his back appeared in front of everyone.

when chen Jinshan let out a strange cry, the fabric on his back suddenly tore. A crack suddenly appeared on the sara hidden under his clothes and his ferocious fingers spread out. who would have imagined that he would turn out to be an unusually long animal? Its arms have multiple joints and hang high like a scorpion's tail, giving off a dangerous aura.

“As expected, its body was invaded by a three-handed ice giant.” Li Yingchi grinned, showing his teeth.

the so-called three Ice Giants is the name given to this newly discovered race after confirming the mon image of extradimensional life behind the corpse of a woman. Very simple and appropriate.

the third arm behind chen Jinshan moved his phalanx slightly, clenched it into a fist, stretched out his arm, and swung it down like a big pendulum.

Li Yingqi ran to avoid it, but the opponent's third arm was as flexible as an arm and could be swung around at will, allowing him to create a spider web-like crack in the hard floor with a casual punch.

chen Jinshan controlled the third arm to pursue Li Yingqi, and Li Yingqi was forced to maintain a certain distance from chen Jinshan.

chen Jinshan's attack was fierce, but Li Yingqi also gradually realized chen Jinshan's weaknesses. this means that when attacking using the third arm, its movement speed should be slowed down accordingly. with this, chen Jinshan would not be able to master firearms. For Li Yingqi, it is no different from a fixed goal.

bang bang bang...

there were no more bullets in the magazine, and almost 90% of the bullets hit chen Jinshan's body. blood flowed from holes all over his body. the negative effects of excessive blood loss were gradually reflected in chen Jinshan's body.

At one moment, chen Jinshan was hit on the knee. the opponent's legs and feet suddenly became weak and he could no longer stand on his knees.

In this sense, the three ice giants that possessed chen Jinshan felt deep confusion. he can't seem to understand why his body is still so fragile even after his transformation.

the answer is simple. the mysterious agent is equipped with specially prepared bullets that are nearly three times more lethal than the bullets normally equipped.

the changes in the human body caused by the three-handed ice giant are exaggerated enough, but it is far from being able to eat special bullets.

\Go to hell!\ Li Yingqi shot chen Jinshan cleanly in the head. the latter immediately lost his expression and fell to the ground, trembling.

Seeing chen Jinshan fall, Li Yingqi remained alert and fired several more shots at chen Jinshan's head until another magazine was empty.

At that moment, chen Jinshan was knocked down by the wind, and his human form was pletely unrecognizable. he fell motionless on the bloody ground. It was almost certain that the body had been pletely abandoned.

wei Jiang and the others, who were busy trying to stop Yu Lianyun from disobeying, could only hold their breath when they saw this, but they soon realized that a strong force was ing from Yu Lianyun. they didn’t even have time to change their expressions and were immediately thrown by Yu Lianyun. go outside

I saw Yu Lianyun kneeling on the ground in pain, holding her head in her hands. then, an unknown black energy came out of his body. At the same time, ice gradually formed under his knees and continued to spread around him.

\Is this it!?\ wei Jiang felt that they were in pain. when he felt the abnormal radio wave transmission from chen Jinshan's body to Yu Lianyun's body, his expression suddenly changed. “this is the three-sided mirror possessing chen Jinshan’s body. the giant is trying to change his body, but his target is actually Yu, Liangyun!”

Just as the secret agents were wondering whether to take advantage of the situation and eliminate the danger, they suddenly saw a blue light and the outline of a humanoid monster with what appeared to be three hands. ice giant. his soul was gone, and it seemed to be struggling to escape from Yu Lianyun's body.

Everyone was shocked. this monster clearly voluntarily runs into someone else's body. why did he suddenly regret it?

got it -

Suddenly I heard a harsh, muffled sound. the sound was different from those made by ordinary people, and it came from Yu Lianyun's heart, lungs, and vocal cords in her throat.

the strange black energy surrounding Yu Lianyun's body suddenly turned into several black ghost hands, which directly grabbed the spirit bodies of the three ice giants and pulled them back into Yu Lianyun's body.

there was a trembling sound of teeth creaking and creaking, and then the dark energy disappeared from Yu Lianyun’s body again. As the dark energy fell, he himself fell to the ground and fell into a a again. .

At that moment, the bandage on Yu Lianyun's body crumbled, exposing the white skin hidden under the bandage. It was smooth and toned, with no visible bruising or swelling from the reattachment of the limbs.

the four mysterious detectives present looked at each other with confused expressions. No one knew what the power hidden in Yu Lianyun's body was, but did he actually have the ability to heal wounds? !


Like a swarm of man-eating ants, Li Jian and wu Gaojun raced through the dangerous corridors of the shelter, chased by countless vines.

Li Jian was very depressed about this. Just now, all of a sudden, all the roots of the plants on the floor came back to life and became very aggressive. they instinctively wanted to capture all life and use its body for warmly nurtured seeds.

Li Jian and bu Gaojun were the most delicious big fish on this floor, so they were naturally greedy for these plants and immediately started chasing them desperately.

``why did you stand up suddenly?'' Li Jian'an felt that it was normal. these plants should be in a state of plete rest after absorbing the corpses of dozens of mysterious agents. there were still many corpses that did not have time to digest. don't miss it. the food is right. they walked through the forest in their flesh, without being attacked by plants. this is the best evidence.

but now that has suddenly changed.

got it -

cry! !

At the moment of confusion, strange roars echoed through the hallway one after another, and the entire building shook violently. Not too far away, it seemed, two terrifying kings of monsters were facing each other. Its powerful force shook the entire building. space.
