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第25章 学者的策略 (第1/2页)

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因此,埃尔德里丹的编年史仍在继续,记录了破碎的预言和寻求者坚定不移的决心。draven blackthorn和Seraphina Nightshade在目标上团结一致,开辟了一条新的前进道路。破碎的预言成为他们成长的催化剂,使他们在埃尔德里丹的宇宙交响曲中更接近他们的最终命运。第9章 最后的启示





















Every time I heard derek ask himself this question, it was like a reminder to his numb body and mind. Fatigue and negativity were like waves crashing on the shore, and he felt dizzy and almost passed out on the spot.

derek grabbed Li Nuowei's shoulder, squeezed it gently, and said: \don't hesitate, I don't know how each 'circle of death' affects you, but judging from your face, I highly doubt this ability.\ You will also have to bear a huge mental burden.Even though you have been reborn, I feel that your body temperature is very low, bro.I am worried that you will someday mysteriously die and I will never see you again. ``use'' their abilities. ”

Li Nuwei secretly gritted his teeth, nodded, and said quietly, \It's okay, thank you for worrying.\

derek saw this and said nothing more.

Shortly thereafter, the car was parked in a parking lot by the sea, and Li Nuowei and the other three arrived at the shore of tianya haijiao, staring out at the vast mist in front of them.

``the ship is there.'' Li Nuowei easily found the pier and followed the red speedboat worth tens of millions of dollars. he gestured to drake, \e here and help me move it. Some things can't be moved.\

hearing this, drake was confused, \Is this ship yours? Are you still planning on bringing things back?\

Li Nuowei shook her head. “It was only after observing the master of the house many times that I learned how to drive a boat and actually dive.”

hundred and Nursery Rhymes (2\/1)

It turns out that the owners of speedboats are quite wealthy. there are many external devices, but most are flashy items such as brand-name speakers and tVs, which cost tens of thousands of units. these are not important, but they add to the burden. .

drake and Li Nuo were very gentlemanly. they could have thrown everything they scavenged into the sea, but they still scavenged on shore in the hope that the ship's owner would find what they had lost. Li Nuo wei finally left behind a loan, but it was signed in drake's name.

\why did you leave out my name?\ drake asked, a little unfortable. It was clearly this kid's idea to steal the boat and he just stole it. how could he leave his name behind?

Li Nuowei said with a serious expression, \I'm still a student.\

\You're a college student, not an elementary school student!\ derek was a little angry, but still chose not to argue too much with this little fool, considering how many lives this man had saved.

the speedboat sailed through the fog, and the surrounding fog was thick like an endless wall. All they could see was the sea water on the road. occasionally dangerous black rocks could be seen appearing on the sea. these are Shinigami's natural traps and sneaky malice, but Li Nuwei's driving skills are excellent and he is able to easily and skillfully avoid them almost every time.

\how long have you been learning this?\ drake asked curiously. As a skilled detective, he was also able to drive a speedboat, although he was not as skilled as Li Novi.

Li Nuowei laughed and explained: \It took me a week to fully learn Kai, but it took me two years to practice to this level.\

\You don't need to be involved in this every time you reincarnate, right?\ derek looked deeply at the other person, and guessed, \If you're a student, you probably don't have much time for this kind of thing. You specialize in learning things like this.\ .

he deduced that most of Li Nuowei's knowledge and skills came from learning through reincarnation.

\Yes.\ Li Nuwei said, \Learn to drive different types of transportation, study different histories, regional languages, ancient scripts, etc. in order to solve the daily events happening in Liuhua port. \I've done a lot of preparation,\ he generously admitted. to be honest, you won't know what your special skills are unless you actually experience various studies. ”

\that's it.\ derek nodded, and it was just as he expected. he crossed his arms and said, \I agree with you. You don't know if you're right for many things until you try.\

that being said, drake asked a question he always wanted to know, but it was also a question that Li Nuowei avoided. taking advantage of the calm atmosphere, he asked, \You have a special ability of death and reincarnation.\ , and went through thousands of reincarnations. I think most of the people in your life should look like normal Npcs in the game. there are countless better ways to live, so why should you? Are you floating in muddy water? Is it as simple as returning the favor? ”

As Li Nuowei drove the boat, the sound of the motor echoed between him and drake. After a long silence, he answered: \You may be misunderstanding me, but it is precisely because I have this ability. we cannot simply think of everyone in this world as Npcs. we must think of each person's life as a game. please\ .

No matter how many times I die and e back, the feelings about death are still deep in my heart. Every time I die, that emotion takes an extreme toll on my soul and spirit.

most people only experience plete death once, but I've experienced it thousands of times, and each time it's fresh in my memory.

Even if we reincarnate, we cannot ignore death. Although we may bee numb to being alive, we cannot erase the shadow of death.

of course, through reincarnation, I also learned that there are many crueler things in the world than watching one's own death or the death of others.

If I always ignore the daily happenings in Ruka port, even if I try to escape from the city, even if I choose to let the situation develop to the end, there will be no one who will properly save me every time. that's wonderful. Fate, even if I stay away from you on purpose, we will meet in fate, oh, even if it is a bad fate like death...\

derek listened carefully to Li Nuowei's voice in his head, was silent for a while, and said, \can you tell me the situation where I saved you?\

“why are you so shameless, but you still want to hear words of gratitude for your heroic deed?” hearing this, Li Nuowei immediately frowned and looked at drake, satisfied. I said I haven't.

drake smiled, showing a mouth full of loose fangs, \hahaha, consider satisfying my curiosity. Also, how can I bee attached to you in various reincarnation lines? I want to know what happened.”

Li Nuowei curled her lips, but still satisfied drake’s curiosity. She is a female student in my class. when the investigators went missing, you also came to the hospital and saved me. ”

\wait, what did you do? Your favorite female classmate is trying to kill you?\ drake looked shocked.

Li Nuowei looked at the other party and knew from derek's teasing eyes that the other party was actually telling the truth, but he still explained: he basically pleted his transformation in that moment, pletely lost all human reason, killed the nurses and doctors, and of course tried to kill me. ”

\Later, with everyone's help, we managed to escape, but a few days later, on the night of the meteor shower, sea mist like today's drifted from the sea to the shore, trapping huge animals that had e on the waves. we'll hide it.'' the tsunami engulfed the city, and countless residents died in the floods. I was lucky to escape death in the tsunami, but with your help I was able to escape from the city that was submerged in the tsunami. \I turned into a fishman. the city...well, I didn't survive this time, and was caught and eaten by other fish,\ Li Nuowei said, recalling his first experience with a bit of sadness.

And then I entered reincarnation for the first time. Li Nuwei squinted her eyes and continued to remember, \I really thought it was a nightmare, but until I came to the hospital again to visit my loved one, I encountered the same situation. It was finally confirmed that I was not dreaming. but, at that time, I was still immature and a little impatient, but after you saved my life again, I immediately rushed into this city to find out what kind of abnormal situation had occurred in this city. did. It got worse and eventually he was killed by a taxi driver. ”

derek also thought about the rest of Ankai Shinki. After listening to Li Nuowei's calm explanation, he felt deep anger. At that time, he did not know how much money the taxi brought the children. psychological shadow, or how much trouble he caused the opponent in various reincarnation lines, he was able to help Li Nuowei, but the \evil\ sent the opponent to heaven.

drake listened to Li Nuowei's story about how they helped each other in their various reincarnation lineages. Each time, it was almost a life-saving blessing. Even if Li Nuowei gave up going to the hospital to visit the girl he loved, the two would still be in the same place. they met on the street and he saved the family dog's life.

when he heard Re-Novi talking about the 57th time he saved himself, drake interrupted him and asked, \You avoided this mon occurrence in your reincarnation line. then I shouldn't be here.'' Got it? \

Unexpectedly, Li Nuwei looked at the other party with a plicated expression and said: \Yes, there is more. I married the same wife in this reincarnation, and it is only after these few experiences that I finally understand what he is suffering.\ the usual \travel sickness\ curse.

I think you guessed it. Yes, my wife, like you, is descended from a cursed member of the Ankai Shinkai. when I was 42, my wife and children died in another meteor shower. the night they appeared, they returned to the sunken city. on the way to rescue him, he encountered a misbehaving fish expert.

Yes, don't look at me strangely, what I have explained is correct, and without humility I will say it frankly, this special fishman is you. You are a special fishman who can awaken human memories in your head when you are full. You helped me a lot on the way to finding my wife and children. It was from you that I learned about the origins of the lying disease. In response to

In the end, you helped me find my wife and children, but you also died because of it...\

After listening to Li Nuowei's story, drake was in a daze, his thoughts were unstable, and his eyes were a little cloudy. he really didn't expect that his fate with Li Nuwei was so deep that even if he turned into a fish, he would be saved. For his entire family.

Li Nuowei looked at derek helplessly: “Are you satisfied already, so can you understand my feelings a little bit? It’s not like I don’t want to explain to you why I’m planning to give you back. No, the important thing is to explain, \I'm really lazy to stand up...\

derek came to his senses, secretly sighing, and shook his head. “I believe it now.”

“but I think my motivation to return the favor is a little too weak.” derek looked at Li Nuowei with yellow eyes and said in a hoarse voice. ”

Li Nuwei did not refute this, but frankly admitted, ``that's right.''

derek said through his teeth, \And like you said before, all deaths cause you great pain. watching others die is more unpleasant than your own death.\ Let’s just say you have a strong sense of moral honor, people.”

After you have personally experienced the disappearance of the city of Ryuka port many times, you know everything that happened in the city and have this magical ability, but you cannot save the city. It must also be a kind of spiritual feeling for you. torture\

Li Nuowei glanced at the other party, his breathing was unsteady, and he sighed, “that’s right.”

\In summary, you not only took the initiative to save me, but also took the initiative to participate in this town's annual event. that may be a big reason, but to get rid of the nightmare and protect my future wife. there was also a selfish intention.'' And the children. ” two lakes were analyzed.

Li Nuwei said helplessly, “does my motive really matter?”

\It's important, it's important,\ drake said seriously. he patted Li Nuowei on the shoulder and said, \that means you have twice as much trust as me.\

\I have to explain things every time. It takes time to gain trust every time,\ drake asked with a smile.

“Yes, your rationality as a detective is highly questionable.” Li Nuwei also raised the corner of his mouth.

derek lightly grabbed Li Nuowei's shoulder and said, \If this reincarnation line fails, next time you find me, please read me a nursery rhyme.\

drake reads nursery rhymes in New York to the astonished eyes of Lee Norway.

“In the sky, the stars have returned to their correct positions.

the past is gone, the end is ing

the seal is broken and the ancient ruler awakens.

humanity will awaken to the ultimate fear of everything

they will spread their real name

they will bring hope to the abyss and despair to the world.

blindness and ignorance rule everything

they are the garden and those are the rules

the stars are shining and everything is boiling

the end is near

they will e back…”

Li Nuwei was surprised and listened to all the lyrics of the nursery rhyme, and then asked absentmindedly, ``I want to ask you, what kind of education did you receive as a child? this cult nursery rhyme is...pletely unnatural.''

Some of the lyrics in this nursery rhyme correspond to the disaster that Ruka port was about to face at the time. It was clearly full of anomalies and he had no idea that this was a nursery rhyme piled by drake. I doubt drake's ability, but based on drake's current knowledge, he cannot make these lyrics.

\I know that's not normal,\ derek said solemnly. he scratched his scalp, and sharp nails grew on his left hand. Every time I scratched my head, wet black hair fell out. ``Ever since I was born, the voice of that song has sometimes appeared in my dreams. over the past few decades, I have gradually bee able to hear the words that I couldn't hear before clearly, and the melody. You can now record.

Similar to the recent nightmares of fishmen, this nursery rhyme is often played on a loop as background music for dream scenes. I don't know why, but this song has the contradictory power of scaring and reassuring. ”

\which of your parents do you think has the singing voice?\ Li Nuowei guessed.

drake looked at the mist ahead. the mist was a reflection of his mind at that moment and whispered, \I don't know, but I hope so. this way, at least I know they brought me life and curse.\ You can see that.And it brought me too.'' It's a ``hot'' reminder.


If this nursery rhyme reminds me, I really shouldn't enter this country...

center of 13 statues (2 in 1)

\huh? I feel like there's definitely an island near Ruka port. It can be seen across the sea from the cape. It's estimated that it's not that far away. why doesn't it e to shore even after driving around once? Is it time? \Lee Nuowei Lee was very surprised. As a national who grew up in Lihua harbor, he had an impression of the island mentioned by drake. Although he had no chance to land on this island, his estimation based on the distance, with the power of this speedboat, it would take less than 30 minutes to reach the island's shore, even if the speed was too slow to navigate safely.

``can you see the radar or other reconnaissance equipment?'' drake also noticed the strangeness of the fog.

Li Nuwei frowned and said, \I see. the radar is calm now, and there is no reaction from other reconnaissance equipment. this level of fog will interfere with the equipment to some extent, but it will not be pletely unresponsive. ” he said. ...It was as if I were out in the ocean, with nothing around me for a mile, not even a fish in the water. ”

As soon as the conversation ended, the two heard a sound on their reconnaissance instruments, and a signal source appeared within the ship's reconnaissance range.

\It seems to be a signal from another ship,\ Li Nuowei said.

\e closer and take a closer look,\ drake said, turning to prepare his weapon. there was some fishing and fishing gear on the boat, as well as other prohibited equipment such as machetes and fishing guns.

the owner of this high-speed boat is probably a fishing veteran.

Li Nuowei and drake were already fully armed. when they saw the speedboat approaching the source of the signal, they could only feel the temperature of the sea air drop several degrees and the soles of their feet feel cold.

however, as the speedboat approached the source of the signal, neither Lee Norway nor drake sighted the plete ship. All they saw was the remains of a yacht and two bodies torn apart by a terrifying force. A corpse, chewed beyond recognition, was floating in the sea along with the wreckage of the ship.

drake bravely came over to the side of the ship to take a look, and recognized the two floating corpses. they were all dressed in black, with a unique pattern of a mysterious silver tissue on their clothes. they were the first mysterious agents to land on the island to investigate, but the poor guy died here.

At that time, there were no waves in the sea, but drake still felt the coldness of the cold wind, which spread deep into his heart and spread throughout his entire body, freezing his cursed body and transformation.

It was not known what the dead mysterious detectives had experienced before they died, but the expressions of fear still appeared on their rotten faces as they were bitten by unknown creatures.

drake remembered the group of murlocs that had appeared in his nightmares. only those who are lazy and blinded by fear can create such destructive forces. two unfortunate men who fell into the sea were surrounded by these murlocs. they were entangled and bitten with sharp saws, their skin and flesh torn, their internal organs pierced, and their blood dyed the sea red...

he gritted his teeth and spat blood between them.

\drake! Look ahead!\ derek was wandering through his blood-curdling thoughts when Li Nuowei's voice woke him up and broke into a cold sweat. he was angry at his thoughts, but his eyes were unconscious. he followed Li Nuowei's instructions and looked.

In the thick fog over the sea, I saw a large black shadow hidden behind the white mist. It looked like a terrifying beast waiting on the sea, but its majestic size made it impossible to hide in the sea. the cover is the part of his body that is exposed to the sea.

drake couldn't help but think about the giant fish-man who appeared in his nightmares, an alien creature that his fans thought was the \God of Ankai.\

he held a fishing gun in his hand and stared straight ahead with yellow eyes, feeling whether the black figure was moving or not.

the speedboat moved forward and the fog cleared. drake breathed a slow sigh of relief as he looked out at the beach. It turns out that the black figure he saw in front of him was an island, and it was the island he and Li Nuowe were about to land on.

the boat picks up speed and drake and Lee Noway step out of the boat, guns in hand. they stood on the island's dock and looked at the dead island. Anxiety rose and fell in their hearts as if they were listening to the last 10 seconds of hide-and-seek. countdown, my heart is pounding.

As drake passed over the island, he saw some human footprints and some unknown reptile footprints along the way. Judging by the footprints left on the shore, it is not difficult to guess that the \animal\ had a webbed structure. , that's a group of fishmen.

Li Nuowei and derek looked at each other in silence. they were already feeling like mystery detectives who came to the island to investigate dirty feet and dancing on the beach. they definitely have something to do when faced with a dense group of alien monsters surrounding and attacking them. Even a seasoned detective who has experienced major storms will be distracted by this.

there is another reason why they don't dare to talk. they are worried that the schools of fish that land on the island will stay there forever. A group of fishmen who seem dull and stupid can be very cunning and cunning, always able to hide in the dark corners of the island. they are looking for alien footprints. If unfortunately discovered, it will suffer the same fate as the two floating bodies seen at sea.

however, after walking around the island for more than 10 minutes, they did not encounter any fishmen, and their nervous minds relaxed.

It seems that the island was struck by an earthquake for no reason. many of the island's buildings have collapsed, broken tiles and bricks are everywhere, and dilapidated walls stand over the ruins like scarecrows in the wilderness.

``did there be an earthquake here?'' Li Nuowei picked up a wet brick from the wall. It was heavy and difficult.

drake had a different opinion, saying: \It may not have been an earthquake. It looked like something stepped on it.\

“Step on it?” Li Nuowei scratched his scalp, which suddenly felt itchy. “Is An hai God awake?”

\I don't think so,\ drake said with a heavy expression. \this is great, but I feel like it's not enough. And I still remember what the taxi driver said, what the nursery rhyme said...the stars are back.\ then he would wake up from his sleep and break the seal, but obviously not this time. ”

hearing this, Li Nuwei was silent for a while and said, \what you said makes sense. If everything here is really trampled, then according to my past experience, the fog the shadow I saw inside him must really be the greatest, because he is a man who can stir up seawater and create tsunamis just by moving on the surface of the sea.

It's a huge animal that can destroy a house, but it might pale in parison to this one. ”

derek laughed dryly and said weakly. \this is a really confusing fact. I remember you saying, 'I want to kill God.' Is this really something we can handle manually?\

\we have to find a way to try it out.\ Li Nuowei didn't make too much fuss about this. he looked at the other person strangely and said, ``As someone who has died thousands of times, I have never thought of giving up, but you think I can't do it anymore. Still?'' told.

\I can't think of a way,\ derek shook his head.

Li Nuowei smiled and said, \I'll think of a way. please continue to live with hope.\

drake felt an inexplicable sense of understanding and relief when he saw Li Nuowei, who always had a naturally confident expression on his face, but he didn't say anything and just continued walking through the ruins with Li Nuowei. I did.

Shortly thereafter, Li Nuowei and drake discovered a ruined ancestral shrine.

the dragon king statue that was enshrined in the ancestral shrine fell due to an accident. however, strangely, the broken statue was not empty, but contained another bronze statue of a fish. In form, he resembles the god Anhai in drake's memory.

If it were just a statue of Ankai, neither drake nor Li Nuowe would be too surprised. but what makes your pores tremble is that the statue seems to be alive, with various things crawling on its body. tightly packed black eggs stared at them like crab eyes.

part of the fleshy egg ruptured, and an unknown soft-bodied flesh worm emerged from the thick slurry flowing from the inside and pupated on the outside.

\I don't like that,\ derek said, his entire face wrinkled in disgust, his whole body feeling unfortable.

Li Nuwei was also disgusted, but instead she gave an expression of calm observation and said, ``these things are probably crab leeches, parasites that live on fish, crabs, and other marine creatures.''

``we know it's a parasite, but why is it infesting a bronze statue? parasites infect dead things, and they don't infect people themselves, but if they're still alive and hatching.'' ” drake was intrigued. listen

Li Nuwei: \I don't know, but maybe this statue has some special power.\

``could the statue be alive?'' drake surmised that he had encountered so many strange occurrences that he was willing to put aside his three natural opinions in order to think and reason. .

Li Nuwei: \that's possible. do you want to burn it?\

derek rolled his eyes and agreed, \well, give it a try.\

Immediately after that, the two found a dry cloth in another part of the ancestral shrine, and found oil lamps, matches, and candles under the altar. It was used to make simple torches. drake pours kerosene on the statue. he then made a bundle of dry wood around the statue and set it on fire.


Fire soon engulfed the statue, engulfing it in flames. the crabs and leeches that covered his body silently shrunk and curled up in the fire, until they turned into coal.

the strong smell of kerosene smoke entered Li Nuowei and drake's noses. Suddenly, a strong wind blew from the west. the surrounding trees swayed in the wind, the leaves rustled, and the cracks in the ruins made noise. the strange sound sounded like the cry of an animal that had died a tragic death, and the flames on the statue were quickly extinguished by the wind.

the wind spread and the fire spread, but Li Nuowei and drake saw a tingling sight on their scalps.

At that moment, I saw that the statue of the fishman, which I had always felt disgusted with, took on a pletely different attitude. Its face and fangs were ferocious, its body was burnt black, and its posture was strangely bent. he pulled it out of the dragon King statue. half body.

Although they saw the fish-man statue burnt down in the fire, they have never seen it move, and are sure that their memories are correct. the bronze fish-man statue is true. there are various changes after being burned in a fire, which proves the fact that the \bronze statue\ is alive, because if it is a real bronze statue, then its because something like that is impossible. the flames burned the statue, disfiguring it.

based on his instinctive reaction to scary things, to see if the animal he pretended to be a statue was really dead, drake picked up a piece of brick and hit the statue with great precision.

A \click\ sound was heard and the statue shattered into pieces. Every part smells of burnt colloid and toxic plastic.

they both covered their mouths and noses due to the unpleasant smell. they looked at the internal structure of the statue and finally confirmed that it was a living thing.

they couldn't help but feel lucky. perhaps the statues had been asleep for a long time, so they didn't notice that they had damaged them, so even if they set each other on fire, no harm was done.

\that's very strange and dangerous,\ derek wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Afterwards, the two carefully investigated the ancestral shrine and discovered the entrance to the tunnel in the forest behind the ancestral shrine. however, when they opened the entrance, they found that the tunnel was blocked by falling rocks. they quickly assumed that someone had detonated it on purpose. the tunnel was destroyed, probably by mysterious detectives who landed on the island.
