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第32章 尼克斯泰拉 (第1/2页)

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区域名称: 尼克斯泰拉



2. 时间的解体:在 Nyx'terra 中,时间是一种可塑性和诡异的力量。它起伏不定,扭曲和扭曲了现实的结构。时刻延伸到永恒,而时间在心跳中一闪而过。时间循环往复,自我折返,创造了矛盾的事件,模糊了过去、现在和未来之间的界限。Nyx'terra的居民永远被困在一个支离破碎的时间线中,被自己存在的回声所困扰。

3. 埃尔德里奇关系:Nyx'terra 的核心是埃尔德里奇纽带,这是一个不可理解的能量和禁忌知识的汇聚点。这个神秘的焦点是通往伟大古老者思想的门户,在那里他们噩梦般的梦想和难以理解的想法显现出来。Nexus是一个充满巨大力量和危险的地方,吸引了好奇的寻求者,他们冒着理智的风险追求被禁止的真理。

4. 伟大的古老存在的各个方面:Nyx'terra 是伟大古老存在的碎片和表现的家园,这些古老而难以理解的生物拥有巨大的力量。这些实体呈现出不同的形式,每个形式都代表了它们真实宇宙本质的一个方面。例如,低语者针鼹,一个高耸的怪物,有无数扭动的触手,体现了秘密和禁忌知识的本质。这些化身既令人敬畏又恐怖,只要一眼就能让凡人发疯。

5. 深渊邪教:Nyx'terra 是一个被称为深渊教团的邪教的避风港,这是一个致力于解开伟大古老势力的奥秘并利用他们的精灵力量的秘密组织。邪教徒的肉体上刻着神秘的符号,心甘情愿地拥抱他们追求禁忌知识所带来的疯狂。他们进行黑暗的仪式和祭祀,寻求与伟大的古老者交流并带来他们邪恶的统治。


7. 疯狂之舞:Nyx'terra 是一个理智是一个脆弱概念的领域。该地区及其居民的性质不断考验着凡人心灵的界限。疯狂之舞是一种周期性发生的现象,当精灵能量激增,凡人的意识被推入幻觉、噩梦和破碎现实的万花筒中时。在疯狂之舞中幸存下来证明了一个人的意志力,但留下的伤疤提醒人们付出的永恒代价。

亲爱的读者,请记住,这些概念完全是虚构的,诞生于想象的深处,并受到克苏鲁神话的宇宙恐怖的启发。愿你在Nyx'terra的阴影领域内小心翼翼地行走,因为未知和难以想象等待着那些敢于探索其扭曲走廊的人。第一章 揭开面纱


在一小队值得信赖的助手的陪同下,布莱克伍德博士乘坐SS providence号从港口城市阿卡姆起航,这艘船以其穿越危险水域的可靠性而闻名。目的地是Nyx'terra,一个笼罩在神秘和低声讲述宇宙混沌故事中的地区。它的确切位置仍然是一个严密保守的秘密,只有少数学者和寻求禁忌知识的人才能分享。










正是在一次这样的遭遇中,团队遇到了以西结·霍桑(Ezekiel hawthorne),他是一名前神秘主义者,他找到了自己摆脱疯狂魔掌的道路。他对Nyx'terra及其精灵居民的了解被证明是无价的,因为他引导布莱克伍德博士和她的团队穿越了危险的地形,并提供了对这个禁地隐藏真相的见解。



its yellow eyes actually showed a humanized expression of fear, and some of its arms trembled in panic. I saw him trying to run away. , but it didn't match Linlin's casual grip. the captured octopus had a look of despair in its eyes and showed no signs of resisting. It was soft and I was able to catch it out of the water.

Seeing this scene, chen xiaolin became even more convinced that Ling Ling was an abnormal being wearing human skin.

the scene that frightened chen xiaolin continued. Ling Ling took the octopus out of her hand and played with it for a while, and then her beautiful white hands actually grabbed the octopus' head.

chen xiaolin vowed that he would never forget this scene. he met the frightened eyes of the octopus, and the other party's fear was clearly conveyed to chen xiaolin's heart. A slender finger squeezed the octopus's eyes, squeezed it out of its body, and landed on a metal plate that was probably prepared on the table, causing chen xiaolin to feel countless electrical currents surge through his body, causing waves of sanity and \ I felt the sound flowing through me. \big pearls and small pearls fell on a jade plate,\ and his whole body was filled with emotion from the inside out. trembling

Linlin ignored the blind octopus running around in the tank like crazy and gently put the blind octopus back into the tank. quick, dirty bubbles overflow from his body, each bubble seeming to carry his endless cries of despair.

After such a crazy scene, chen xiaolin found that everyone around her was staring blankly, ignoring the cruel scene just now. In this space, it seemed like the most normal space.

\If we both eat these eyeballs, we will be able to live underwater,\ Linlin said with a smile. he took the handkerchief next to him and wiped the sinful slime off his hands.

“thank you for the gift.” Li duojin smiled and was about to accept it, and also asked about the price of a pair of items.

Seeing this, chen xiaolin, who was stunned, quickly stood up and immediately stopped Li duojin's actions. he gave Ling Ling a dry smile and said, “Ah, boss, I don’t really understand about those two eyeballs. could you introduce them in more detail?”


A black cat with incredibly large claws flew out of nowhere and landed on the counter. then he came to Ling Ling with elegant and noble steps, meekly curled up under Ling Ling's generous hands, and felt fortable. two golden catboys appeared in a lazy posture, staring at chen xiaolin as if trying to peer into his heart.

\of course.\ Ling Ling said kindly as she stroked the cat, \After eating your eyes, you will shed your human body and transform into a body that can move freely in the water and help you out of your current difficult situation.\ I said with a smile. sufficient. \

chen xiaolin felt the coldness in her heart freezing her teeth. he asked with a dull smile. \well, I'm very happy with my current body. Is there anyone who can help us maintain our original body and at the same time?\ what is the way out of this situation? ”

“don’t be too greedy, mr. chen,” Li duaren patted chen xiaolin on the shoulder and reminded him.

chen xiaolin looked at the other person, hoping that the other person would remain silent. he was thinking about them too.

Ling Ling blinked and nodded, \of course.\

As he said this, he came out from the counter, pushed the ladder into one of the shelves, climbed the rungs of the ladder to the top of the shelf, took two dry straws from the shelf, and handed them to me. . of chen xiaolin and Li duojing.

“Straw, what’s wrong?” chen xiaolin asked curiously. It felt like ordinary straw on his arm, but he naively didn't think that it was ordinary straw.

Linlin explained with a smile, ``have you ever heard of the 'life-saving straw'?the role of this straw is to save lives in times of crisis.''

``Are there any side effects?'' chen xiaolin was a little moved after hearing Lingling's explanation, but still remained cautious.

Ling Ling: \there are no side effects, but there is a lot of uncertainty about its 'lifesaving' effect. At its best, it can save you from a crisis, but at its worst, it's you.\ we can only save lives. Like health, life cannot be pletely guaranteed.\

\Is this the only side effect?\

\Yes.\ Linlin nodded.

\okay, then I'll take it,\ chen xiaolin said cheerfully, and asked in a languid tone, \well, how much do I have to pay to buy this?\

In such a strange place, the bargaining chips must also be very strange. Like the plot of a movie or tV show, it may be necessary to remove the heart and lungs, shorten lifespan, and remove consciousness.

“chenghui, two hundred yuan.” Ling Ling’s face suddenly turned red, and she couldn’t close her mouth from ear to ear.

chen xiaolin was really surprised and said, “2…200 yuan? cash?”

\Yes.\ Linlin nodded. \of course, I work here so I can't do a good deed and give it away for free.\

chen xiaolin was speechless, silently took out two hundred yuan in cash from her pocket, pushed it in front of Linlin, and asked carefully, \two hundred yuan then?\

Ling Ling picked up the bill and looked at it carefully in the light, as if checking it. then he smiled and said to chen xiaolin: \well, it's just right.\

\thank you again for the gift. I will not disturb you then, Your majesty.\ Li duanen bowed with a grateful expression and dragged chen xiaolin, who had a confused look on his face, out of the store.

hearing Li duojing’s Linlin’s name, chen xiaolin’s expression suddenly changed. he suddenly remembered the story about the ``King of mercy'' that Li duanen had told him in the car.

158: the truth of Zheng Yu's madness (two in one)

before chen xiaolin could think carefully about whether he was worthy of being boss Lin just now, he was already taken out of the store by Li duojing, and his consciousness returned to reality.

the actual situation was still very bad. his body was still floating uncontrollably in the turbulence. It was difficult to open my eyes. due to lack of oxygen, his brain became dazed and thinking became more difficult. but he felt it clearly. Yes, he had a soft straw in his hand.

whatever it was, was it really as magical as boss Lin said? they have a strong desire to survive and cannot think much. he just wanted to do his best to surprise everyone.

only those in his situation can understand that someone in a truly hopeless situation would not care about right or wrong. they will do anything as long as they can survive.

If there is something in your heart, there is always an answer.

when chen xiaolin woke up again, he was lying in a hospital bed in the magic city Second hospital. the sun was shining outside the window, and its rays hit the skin of his groin and arms, dispelling the coldness that the nightmare had brought him from the outside in.

\my head hurts.\ chen xiaolin rubbed her swollen temple. Even after choking on water, my nasal passages still felt stuffy. he instinctively covered his mouth and coughed a few more times. he felt something being coughed up in his throat. when I moved my hand to examine it, I discovered that it was an unknown type of algae with tiny ice particles, and my entire body immediately stiffened.

when chen xiaolin thought about the rare and frightening truth he discovered on Jinma mountain, he once again felt a sense of fear, like a series of lava worms living in his body. It didn't hurt, but I could feel it. It penetrates every hole, goes deep into the body, and swallows reason and fleeting life.

he hugged himself in fear and could only console himself with his instinctive self-protective actions. the coldness in his heart that even the sun could not remove was an unforgettable nightmare for him in this life.

At this time, chen xiaolin felt something strange in his left hand. the only time he felt pain and pain in his left hand was when he used his left hand. his fingers were balled into tight fists, his nails were dug into his body, and his knees were all buckled. his symptoms were cracking, and he seemed to be doing everything in his power to hold on to something during his a.

when chen xiaolin looked at his left hand, he noticed a curled straw tightly held in his hand. Someone used it as something similar to a knot, knitting it into a loop for themselves and attaching it to their hands. It was something he never gave up on, even when he fell into a a.

I strained the five fingers of my left hand and opened it as if trying to pry my teeth open. Severe pain and agony assaulted his brain, and chen xiaolin almost fainted again.

he has never forgotten his experience in the cabin in the woods. chen xiaolin looked at the straw in his hand and thought it was the \life-saving straw\ that president Lin had worked on. this allowed him to survive after falling into the abyss and being washed away by an underground river. .

``by the way, where is Li duojin?'' chen xiaolin remembered the young man who was traveling with him. he had always cared for her so much that she naturally appreciated and loved him. he couldn't bear anything happening to Li duanen and hoped that the life-saving straw would help him. play a role.

So chen xiaolin called the nurse outside the ward and rang the emergency bell set on the wall.

however, what chen xiaolin did not expect was that instead of a nurse wearing a white dress and white socks, a group of people dressed in black were waiting. they opened the door to the ward, only to be led in by a short-haired woman. within the parish.

when chen xiaolin saw this short-haired woman for the first time, he was first frightened by the large and ugly scar on her face, then deeply surprised by the flawless and beautiful profile, and then felt infinite pity for this imperfect beauty. Felt.

chen xiaolin saw the symbol painted on the uniform of a group of black-clad men and guessed that the woman in front of her was from a mysterious group in china.

Since the night of the disaster in Suizhu city two years ago, this mysterious group had been spreading as an urban legend through word of mouth and limited discussion. they actually appear in public and often deal with paranormal phenomena that are scarier and rarer than people realize.

\mr. chen, we are all very happy that you woke up safely.\ Yu Lianyun walked up to chen xiaoling and sat down on the chair in front of the other's hospital bed. he held out his hand to the other person and said with a smile. \I hope my face doesn't scare you, my name is Yu\ Lian Yun of the mysterious group.

“hello, mr. Yu.” chen xiaolin had no doubt that he was there. After seeing Yu Lianyun and the others appear, he was excited to live in a luxurious ward, and saw a large number of undisguised surveillance cameras inside the ward. No more questions or surprises during installation.

After that, chen xiaolin didn't hesitate and honestly explained everything he encountered while exploring Jinma mountain with Li duanen.

Yu Lianyun patiently listened to chen xiaolin, then smiled and took out a small sealed plastic bag from her pocket, which contained a data memory card to make chen xiaolin's child's hole smaller. ta. but actually, you don't need to report this to me. we recorded your entire experience with Agent Lee at mount Jinmasan through a hidden camera in your backpack.

mr. chen is truly a rising star reporter in Shanghai, with great potential and ability. ”

chen xiaolin was speechless and casually said, \thank you.\ however, he felt bitter in his heart. his appearance and clothing were actually very deceptive pared to other reporters.

As a reporter, he rarely carries a shoulder bag, instead carrying a backpack. As we all know, shoulder bags are easy to store cameras in, but his backpack is almost parable to the dark technology spy gear in the movies. the button on the shoulder strap of the backpack is hidden. camera by using a camera, you can reduce the fear of interviewees by wearing simple clothing, making it easier to find and collect information that is difficult to gather.

the reason his news corner includes so many topics is largely due to his intelligence.

this high-tech backpack was specially customized by him. It cost a lot of money, but it was clear that he had succeeded in getting a lot of money back.

however, chen xiaolin did not expect that the props, which had always been so attractive, would still be flooded in front of professionals.

chen xiaolin, disappointed, had no choice but to give up and said with a dry smile: “Yu-san, you know everything, so why do you e to see me?”

“we have sent personnel to investigate the matter of Jinmasan and deal with it separately, but I also want to know other things from you, the secrets you have not told Li duojin.” Yu Lianyun points the evidence back into his inner coat pocket and says as he is put away.

After hearing Yu Lianyun's words, chen xiaolin realized that the people in the mysterious team had \interrogated\ Li duoren. Fortunately, Li tajin was unharmed, but for a moment he felt an unpleasant sensation as if Li tajin had stabbed him in the back.

chen xiaolin raised her lips, smiled a little self-deprecatingly, and said, “what other secrets do you have?”

“then I’ll be honest with you, I think you should know the real cause of Zheng Yu’s wife’s death, right?” Yu Lianyun asked seriously.

\...Is there any point in knowing that?\

\Yes, at least it will be an opportunity to understand Zheng Yu's madness. Rather, it is you. At this time, there is no point in hiding it any more.\ Yu Lianyun's attitude was very resolute, and chen xiaolin's Seeing the serious expression, chen xiaolin Li could not help but flinch, not daring to look directly at the other party, as if feeling the power of invisible judgment.

chen xiaolin pursed her lips and talked about the memories in her heart...

\my father must feel very guilty about what happened to my mother.\

that day, when Zheng xiaopeng and Zheng Yu were talking about their lives, just when Yu Lianyun thought the topic would end here, Zheng xiaopeng suddenly said sadly.

\Guilty?\ chen xiaolin is a reporter and is always very sensitive to some information. he is also the first person to think about what could happen between Zheng Yu and his wife, as he has seen too much of the dark side of society, such as \fathers are good and sons are filial.\ Something that gave birth to a subtle imagination.

mr. Zheng xiaopeng did not disappoint mr. chen xiaolin's guess. he only heard Zheng xiaopeng say in a low voice. \mom, she was seriously ill before she died. the doctor told her to keep her out of the sun as much as possible. So her father moved her room to the attic of the house.\ It's pitch black and no light shines through even during the day.

It is very difficult for my mother to fight the disease every day. my father has to take care of my mother and xiaopeng at the same time, and it is hard for him to work. xiao peng studies hard every day and works hard to be happy so as not to worry his parents.

but that day, my mother was still dead, and I knew it. that day, my mother suddenly became unwell, and the medicine she had kept in the attic was gone, so she fell to the ground and tried to get it, but my father was standing outside. is. door and mother's medicine. he did not do so, but waited a long time until the mother in the room lost her voice, then opened the door and entered.

my father thought I didn't know, but it was actually his birthday that day, so I left school very early. I bought a birthday present for my father, so I wanted to congratulate him and my mother early...Since my mother passed away, my father has been very happy every day. he blames himself and bees sad. he unconsciously draws on his experiences with his mother in the articles he writes. he has nightmares every day and sometimes dreams about his mother.

Father is very merciful. he doesn't know that his mother was always in the attic, watching over him from this space, both when he was alive and after he went to heaven...

while saying this, Zheng xiaopeng looked at chen xiaolin with sad eyes and looked straight into the girl's eyes. only then did he realize the deep darkness and distortion that lay behind the girl's sadness.

\hey, Sister xiaolin, isn't it a big deal to let your loved ones die when they are suffering?\ when Zheng xiaopeng opened his tearful eyes, the black boy looked like black mud, and his soul moved. only one part was exposed above the mud.

hearing the heavy truth, chen xiaolin's heart was confused. he didn't know how to answer for a moment. In the end, all he could say was, \I don't think it's good...\

\I see, it's a very sad story. In this way, we can almost pletely understand the truth behind Zheng Yu's madness.\ Yu Lianyun sighed quietly and quickly regained his senses. \well then. , let's summarize Zheng Yu's research results.

to prevent his wife, who was suffering from cancer, from suffering any more pain, Zheng Yu ended her life in an extreme way, but ever since then, she has been haunted by shadows and pain. So he began his unrealistic research. he studied the darkness behind historical documents and sought a \way of resurrection\ from dark and blasphemous knowledge.

however, this is not an easy task. one day, you suddenly receive a mysterious email. there was no text in the email, but a photo was attached. what he displayed on the wall of the stairs was a broken poem by Gong Ye. this is the rest of the content.

After pleting the content of the poem and picture, Zheng Yu was surprised to find that the information in the poem and picture was actually what he was looking for. ”

\I saw the entire text of this poem in the tiankeng of Jinma mountain, but I have no idea what the story behind it is.\ chen xiaolin asked curiously.

\our mysterious group owns many taboo books in china, and naturally there are many books written by Gong Ye. Judging from the writings left behind by Gong Ye, it seems that Gong Ye is in possession of many taboo books in china. It turns out that after reading fell during his period, he once visited the area of an ancient magical city, but at that time it was just a small village. It was winter.

one night, when it was snowing and the sun was shining during the day, several children from the village went to play in the nearby mountains. however, none of the children left the village to play, so the villagers organized an emergency organization and took Ye Gong with them as well. once there, go to the mountains and look for people.

As a result, it was discovered that some of the adults who went out to search climbed the mountain and never returned. the villagers knew this mountain very well. they were so familiar that they could walk out of the mountain with their eyes closed. It was very strange that something like this happened now. So, after several days of searching, they finally discovered a cave in the mountain. After descending the mountain, a search was conducted and the missing person was discovered.

It is a pity that all the missing people die and their bodies fall in front of an empty corpse with magical powers. Afterwards, those who descended into the cave to search for the missing persons began scrambling with the corpses. what happened along the way many terrible things happened and the final situation was dire. only a few people, including Ye Gon, returned to the village.

to warn future generations not to easily enter this place, Gong Ye also erected a stone monument on his way back. After returning to Japan, I also planned to write poems and pictures. however, just as he finished writing his poems and paintings, Ye Gong realized that he seemed to be provoked and fascinated in some way. In reality, something like this should never be allowed to spread, so we sealed up a cave in the mountain, peeled off the paint, and threw it away.

It's a shame that mr. Ye never expected his painting to actually be burned, but now we know that our descendants will have to fight for it. what was even more unexpected was that the entrance to the cave where Ye Gong was sealed at the time opened due to the Liuhua port Incident that caused tectonic shifts in china's East china Sea two months ago. Found it again. by future generations. ”

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chen xiaolin realized that Zheng Yu's end was not simply to seek his own death. much of his madness was due to the encouragement of others. the person who sent the email to Zheng Yu must have had a reason.

“who sent the email?” chen xiaolin asked in a deep voice, “You may know that it is Jinmashan, as the organization keeps a large number of books related to taboo knowledge. why did Zheng Yu judge based only on the poem? Jinma mountain is mentioned in the poem. And what about the painting?”

``Yes, Zheng Yu and the owner of the mysterious box municated through the mailbox and municated frequently. It was from the other party that Zheng Yu learned of the location of Jinma mountain.'' Yu Lianyun said that cheng Yu he looked at xiaolin with satisfaction, but the other person said that his attention was focused on finding the truth and was not distracted by the interesting parts of the story he was telling.

Urien frowned and looked out the window at the clear blue sky, but he felt a sign that a storm was ing. Every time I sent a message, it wasn't easy.''I sent an email and found out my Ip address. All Ip addresses change, and they change frequently in the New York area, which should lead us to suspect that foreign forces may be involved in this incident. ”

“Is that the Upside down Sanctuary?” chen xiaolin remembers Li duojing’s guess.

\It's possible.\ Yu Lianyun nodded. \but I think they're probably just one of the participants.\

\one of them?\ chen xiaolin was surprised.

``don't you think it's strange?'' Yu Lianyun stood up and walked to the window, looking down at the people moving in the backyard. ``In recent years, abnormal situations have frequently occurred in china, and I wonder what happened here. the probability of the event is the norm at the prefecture level, and the above is worse than in other regions.”

chen xiaolin was deep in thought. As a media worker, he was exposed to news-related information more frequently than others. In fact, he was very doubtful about what Yu Lianyun said until Yu Lianyun almost confirmed his guess. , he was finally convinced of his intuition.

“these are all planned. Since two years ago, our mysterious team has noticed the existence of a gang that secretly controls the development of the Shenzhou area and is constantly plundering various resources such as nature from the Shenzhou area. they also had human resources, etc.'' they consciously spread the gospel of foreign gods through various means and expanded the number of believers in foreign gods.

\Are these people still human? If they are, what good are they?\ chen xiaolin was so scared that she couldn't help but cry out.

“Yes, we also wonder how they use gods to gain profit, and what their purpose is.” Yu Lianyun nodded. “house of cards, huangsha truth School, Upside down Sanctuary, and the Eye of Kusuun, another hidden and very deep card organization, appear to be independent of each other, but our the mysterious team discovers that there is a subtle connection between them.

Although they belong to different organizations and believe in different gods, there are almost no restrictions. You should also know that belief in alien gods can cause irreversible changes in the human brain. people will bee very fanatical and begin to worship foreign gods that they believe in. Eventually, you'll bee loyal and protective, like a huge fan of a particular celebrity. .

thus, believers who believe in their God should have an easy fight, but it is not. what is interesting is that they are actually secretly municating and there are conflicts between believers. close contacts are unknown. this sounds unbelievable to anyone, but they just do it. ”

chen xiaolin silently remembered the existence of the four organizations. After thinking for a moment, he asked Yu Lianyun, \why are you telling me this? Actually, you don't need to explain to me.\

Yu Lianyun replied with a smile, \I don't like to hide. Even if I don't tell you, I'm sure miss chen will make some moves later. these investigations are very dangerous. . than making you do it.'' ” Your information is at risk, so it's better to explain it directly. ”

\but aren't you afraid of me reporting? You know I'm a reporter, right?\ chen xiaolin asked.

Yu Lianyun: “despite these concerns, I read the news you reported, and I see that you are a media person who knows how to measure.It is not appropriate to include it in the report. It should be made clear that there are also things like ``stage.'' \

chen xiaolin was silent for a while, then sighed and said, \Actually, I don't intend to report this kind of thing, but no matter what big network is behind Zheng Yu's madness, I will find out the truth.\ Said.

“then why don’t you join my team for a while?” Yu Lianyun invited with a smile and held out a white, slender hand to chen xiaoling.

chen xiaolin was surprised and said, \I'm an ordinary person.\

\It's no longer normal to be able to survive such an incident.\ A strange look could be seen in Yu Lianyun's eyes.
