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第41章 尤哥特的回声 (第1/2页)

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Eldritch Nexus:

在笼罩飞地的中心是Eldritch Nexus,这是一个神秘的焦点,Eldritch能量从中涌动和脉冲。这个纽带是xy'lothar和外域之间的管道,吸引精灵实体并将其绑定到该区域。Eldritch Nexus发出令人毛骨悚然的光芒,投下怪诞的阴影,在景观中跳舞。
















1. Eldrii:一个空灵的种族,拥有发光的无定形物体,不断变化和改变形式。他们与埃尔德里奇避风港的奥术能量有着深刻的联系,并且能够在有限的程度上操纵现实。

2. Shoggoths:由凝胶状物质组成的无定形变形生物。他们能够吸收他们遇到的其他生物的特征和能力,使他们具有令人难以置信的适应性和危险性。

3. mi-go:具有真菌生长和先进技术实力的昆虫实体。他们穿越宇宙,收获知识并对各种生命形式进行实验。他们在埃尔德里奇避风港的存在以奇怪的、嗡嗡作响的机器和令人毛骨悚然、超凡脱俗的声音为标志。



Eldritch haven在一套偏离传统现实的独特法律下运作:

1. 现实转移:Eldritch haven 的结构具有延展性,允许操纵空间、时间和物质。熟练的人可以按照自己的意志弯曲现实,创造扭曲的空间或扭曲对时间的感知。


3.维度不稳定性:Eldritch haven作为维度之间的桥梁存在,导致波动和不稳定。传送门可以自发打开,将埃尔德里奇避风港与其他已知和未知的领域连接起来,导致与来自多元宇宙的生物发生不可预测的相遇。


Eldritch haven证明了超越我们现实面纱的无限可能性和深不可测的奥秘。这是一个充满奇迹和恐怖的地方,那些敢于冒险的人可能会发现古老的秘密,或者屈服于居住在其中的疯狂力量。第1章:阴影的面纱(记录在当地编年史中)



一个决定命运的一天,当太阳落入地平线以下,暮色笼罩着大地时,摩根博士冒险向废弃的豪宅走去。陪同她的是侦探塞缪尔·布莱克伍德(Samuel blackwood),他是一位经验丰富的调查员,以理性和怀疑而闻名。侦探布莱克伍德虽然最初对天体物理学家的说法持怀疑态度,但无法否认这些莫名其妙事件的证据越来越多。












通过与埃尔德里人的互动,我们的主角们了解到一个古老的预言,预言了S'krontha的觉醒,S'krontha是具有难以想象的力量的宇宙实体。预言谈到了如果S'krontha从沉睡中醒来,将降临到Eldritch haven和我们自己的世界的灾难性后果。




when I first came to this world, I already felt that the entire campus was filled with a cold aura similar to a ``blessing'', so even though the red envelope from New Year's day is now protecting me from anything mean. You can't see or touch it. It's not there, but you can still feel it.

the two of them pushed open the door of the room and walked forward, exploring. they felt that the space inside the room was open enough and did not seem dangerous, so they entered the room and explored it, trying to find anything useful or clues.

however, the classrooms I attended were all \clean\ inside. I looked for drawers, podiums, and other places in the classroom where I could store or hide things, but I couldn't find anything. It was just empty. .

without knowing anything, the two of them arrived at the toilet in the First class Academic Affairs building at the bottom of the hallway.

``Let's go into the women's bathroom,'' Li Ka'an said, but her words immediately made Naomi misaki's favorability drop.

``why are you looking for the women's bathroom in the first place?'' Nao misaki couldn't help but twitch the muscles between her eyebrows.

Li Jia'an said, \I've never been in a women's bathroom before. this is a rare opportunity, so I can go in and take a look.\

\what's so good about it? It's just bigger than the men's room and has a lot of sheds.\ Naomi miizaki said a little silently, but still followed he Jia'an. the main reason was that he did not have the courage to be alone, so he could only acpany this bald man to satisfy his curiosity.

before they could even enter the bathroom, a distant smell hit them in the face. the two of them simultaneously covered their mouths and noses and pushed the toilet bowl open. Some stalls looked dirty and had not been cleaned. that night, Naomi Saki almost threw up her food.

Naomi mitsusaki looked away, but he Jian actually tried to use the toilet brush in a shed to explore further.

``hey, uncle pervert, it's almost over.'' Naomi misaki couldn't bear it anymore and turned away, but she didn't forget to grab he Jia'an's wrist with one hand.

\don't worry, I'm just researching.\

“what are you going to study with this!?”

“You don’t understand…” Li Jian shook her head. he used a toilet brush to clean the dirt. what he saw next made him frown.

he Jian's sudden silence made misaki Naomi a little nervous and asked immediately. “did you discover anything?”

\Yes, but it's better not to look.\ Li Jia'an desperately suppressed her instinct to waste money in this environment, \this is not a human toilet.\

he just saw a partially digested eye in it.

he Jia'an's simple words reminded misaki Naomi of everything in this bathroom. he urged he Jia'an to panic and leave immediately.

\there's no need to hurry.\ Li Jian hurriedly threw down the toilet brush in his hand and took Naomi misaki to the men's room.

men's restrooms not only smell worse than women's restrooms, but also have a more bizarre and frightening atmosphere. the light sensor in the bathroom seems to be broken and is flickering.

but here, there is only one cabin that is abrupt and obvious. It's the cabin at the end of this bathroom. because only this facade is painted with some black and red paint.




“Go to hell!”


All kinds of vile words surrounded the room like seals.

Li Jian'an slowly opened the partment door with his foot. the scene inside was so scary that Naomi Sakin hid behind he Jia'an and didn't even have the courage to look.

A large amount of blood spread throughout the room, blood that had not yet dried almost covering the most violent and vicious words in the room. It was as if a very brutal murder had taken place here, otherwise it would not have been so horrifying. bleeding amount.

tick tick tick tick

blood gushes from the top of his head. Li Jiang looked up at the ceiling that corresponded to the room. Suddenly, a large amount of mold appeared on the white ceiling, and at the same time, I saw the words \I'm just afraid of retribution. what's going on!\ written in blood appear?

this sentence is different from the malicious words scattered on the plane. It is like the cry of a person filled with sadness and anger.

“did something happen here?” he Jian suddenly remembered another legend of Kisaragi high School, and quickly turned around and asked Naomi misaki. “by the way, I think we talked about ``toilet hanako-san'' before, but what kind of legend is this??''

Naomi misaki may have thought of this rumor, saying, ``there was once an elementary school student named hanako, who was the child of a teacher at Kisaragi high School.while waiting for her mother, who was a teacher, she went to school to finish her work.'' I picked You Up. In the story, a perverted school janitor was dragged into the bathroom and brutally killed. Afterwards, there were rumors at Kisaragi high School that hanako's ghost was always there and that he was very violent. has spread. he is waiting for his opportunity in the school toilet. If he does not move, he will hear the noise and drag the unfortunate boy into the toilet, calling for his mother and killing him.\

``did this really kill someone?'' Li Jian'an raised his eyebrows.

``I don't know, but it is said that something similar has happened before.'' Naomi miizaki said with a wry smile.

220 keys

In other words, the truth or falsity of this rumor cannot be determined yet. Li Jian'an said thoughtfully, but felt that the possibility of it existing was high. As expected, the toilets at Kisaragi high School in this dimension were strange.


the blood letters that appeared on the ceiling flowed for a while and then slowly disappeared. when the last drop of blood fell to the ground, he Jian noticed with his sharp eyes that along with the blood drop, a metal object also fell to the ground.

Naomi miizaki was also aware of this, but did not dare to e forward and check. he just asked, \what just happened?\

Li Jiaan took out a bundle of tissues from his pocket. I used it at the hotel when I arrived at Sakurajima a few days ago. he hasn't used them yet. he gently pulls out the three tissues and inserts them into the tissues to collect the blood-soaked material. get up

“that’s the key.” Li Jian’an rubbed it with a tissue and wiped it. the more I touched it, the closer I felt. After wiping it clean, I discovered that it was indeed the key.

``It doesn't look like a door key, it looks like a cabinet key or something.'' Naomi mitsusaki quickly stepped forward and gave him a curious look. After looking at it for a while, I guessed, ``when I think of cabinet keys, I would only find them in the teacher's room at school. maybe the office desk cabinet and the student's shoe cabinet?''

“Is the key in the locker inside the locker?” Li Jiaan asked further.

that's also possible. Naomi miizaki nodded, a little confused, \why did the key suddenly fall? Is it because you want me to find a clue?\

Li Jiang: “I don’t know, but I’m sure it will happen.”

After exiting the bathroom, the two of them headed straight for the door of the teaching building. there was a large entrance hall where students changed their shoes before entering the school.

I randomly selected a cabinet and placed it there, but found that the type of shoe cabinet and the lock did not match.

``hey, there was malicious graffiti on this shoe closet as well.'' they weren't looking for a random place, but they made an unexpected discovery. Naomi mitsuki pointed to one of the shoe racks on the right side of the second row.

when the two took a closer look, they discovered that the shoe rack had been violently vandalized beforehand. the moment I opened the shoe closet, a giant cockroach and an unidentified insect crawled out of it. they were so frightened that he Jian and Naomi misaki quickly retreated. As I took a step forward, I saw this disgusting insect crawl into the gaps between the surrounding objects and disappear in an instant. they felt numb as they saw thousands of insects crawling.

``It's too much.'' when Naomi miizaki saw the words ``please curse my entire family to death (lol)'' written on the inside of the shoe cabinet door, she felt a great deal of malice.

Li Jian'an pushed back the cabinet door and looked at the name tag on the front of the cabinet door, which read \Zhu xiuyi.\

``If your guess is correct, the owner of this shoe rack is the same student who was treated inhumanely in the men's room earlier.'' Li Jian'an said, ``If your guess is correct, the owner of this shoe rack is the same student who was treated inhumanely in the men's restroom.'' he tapped his fingers and nodded slightly. \I just saw these texts in the bathroom stall. No wonder they were written by the same bastard.\

``then Kikushuichi died in the toilet, right? hanako...what?'' misaki Naomi's voice trembled a little.

``I don't know if it's because of hanako, but I think this Kikushuichi is no longer here.'' Li Jian'an nodded slowly, looked at Naomi miyazaki, and said seriously. with anyone. . I once had a co-worker who was very empathetic, but after...

he didn't say anything more, just sighed.

\Are you and this colleague...a lover?\

``they are very important partners.'' Li Jian'an looked at the girl. It was easy for a girl that age to miss him. he then took her by the wrist and went to the first floor faculty room and said, \Let's go, stay here.\ the more time passes, the more anxious you bee, so hurry up and look for clues. ”

I found a desk in a classroom on the first floor and pushed the door open. the interior was very similar to the average person's impression of an office, except that it was a little dated. there were no puters. Instead, there were lots of paper documents and lots of notebooks.

\the cabinet in this office is the same. It seems to be the same model.\ Li Jia'an looked at her and confirmed. he picked up the key and found a hole to put it in. his eyes lit up and he said, a little surprised, \Find it.\ by the way, it's a closed drawer in a classroom desk. ”

the two of us searched and quickly found a drawer that could be opened by turning the key.

this desk belongs to a person named ``Shintaro Aso,'' who is probably a mathematics teacher, as there are mathematics teaching materials and students' unrevised mathematics reports on the desk.

of course, it could also be the principal of a particular class.

when they open the closed drawer, they find a personal questionnaire for all students in their class regarding their intentions to graduate, something that is rarely seen by ordinary teachers.

In addition to questionnaires collected about students' personal graduation destinations, a black leather-wrapped notebook sits above the information collection.

Li Jian and Naomi miizaki shared the work. She looked at the notebook and Naomi miizaki went to check the questionnaire.

And Naomi miizaki had a vague sense that she knew what she was looking for, because everything that was happening now had a clear guiding meaning.

then, seeing that Naomi Saki wasn't too surprised and raised her eyebrows with an expectant expression, she looked at the people she knew from the pile of questionnaires and found one of them, Shuichi Kiku. ta. student

“Uncle, please take a look.” Naomi manzaki pulled he Jia’an’s sleeve, took the watch, and showed it to he Jia’an.

After reading it, Li Jian showed no surprise and showed the result to the other party. he picked up his notebook and opened it to the page where he made a special discovery. ``As expected, this Zhu xiuyi met with an accident. Someone killed him.'' this time, when he was surrounded in the bathroom, he suddenly let out a loud scream and disappeared. the people surrounding him just saw Zhu xiuyi scream, and the toilet stall suddenly poured out a large amount of blood like a fountain, straight to the ceiling... After the subsequent legal identification , a large amount of blood dNA was detected in accordance with Ju xiuyi who left the scene.

however, what is strange is that a blood test revealed that in addition to Shuichi Kiku, there was also blood from another person. Further tests revealed that she was the daughter of a teacher named \Keika takayama,\ but it was actually the blood of a second person. that is impossible because Keisho takayama's daughter has already passed away. ”

Naomi misaki's whole body trembled and she opened her eyes, \maybe this girl is hanako?\

hanako is a nickname, but her actual name is hanako. Li Jian'an nodded, frowned, and said, \If Zhu xiuyi's mysterious disappearance has something to do with hanako, don't say it. but the reason why she was treated like this has something to do with hanako. She is we have a great relationship.'' this student was actually the only witness to the entire process of murdering hanako, a corrupt school guardian. however, parents at the school threatened him. he said nothing and remained tight-lipped as the entire school was investigated. I didn't follow you. ” After persistent and thorough pursuit, the school janitor was finally put on trial, and the school janitor who confessed to the crime honestly confessed to the fact that Zhu xiuyi was a witness. there was pressure and the follow-up was to admit the truth. ”

221 takayama Keisho

``why don't you tell me? Isn't that encouraging the emperor's evil deeds?'' Naomi miizaki was a little upset.

\well, of course he received a 'friendly wele' from his classmates.\ Li Jian'an put the notebook in Naomi misaki's hand and asked her to look at it carefully. then, I changed the questionnaire to Shuichi Kiku's graduation destination and answered it again. look

Shuichi Shu, a fourth-year student in class A, placed 8th in his class last time. my goal after graduation is to enter the University of tokyo...

It turns out that Kiku Shuichi is a student with good grades. the reasons he later wrote about why he chose to attend the University of tokyo are full of reason, passion, and great ambition.

but in these rich words, he Jian felt a kind of sad despair, like a hopeless gambler, as if Zhu xiuyi was thinking of nothing else than getting into the University of tokyo. ta.

If he doesn't get into dongdal University, maybe Juxiu will feel lonely and give up on himself without thinking about fighting anymore.If he doesn't get into dongdal University, he might be satisfied with something else. thought he Jian'an. You can go to university or simply embark on a career path.

As he continued to read, mr. he Jian saw the opinions and ments of Shintaro Aso, the principal, written for Shuichi Kiku. Shuichi is a hard-working, high-achieving kid, but the University of tokyo is a world-famous university. If you really want to enroll, dongda University may be far away, but the teachers want to trust you and believe that you can make miracles happen. however, another thing they say is that there is much more to learn in life than just knowledge. pay attention to your relationships with people around you and actively municate with them.

``the principal's evaluation of him is very good,'' Li Jian'an said, looking back at the empty questionnaire. ``but from what the teacher wrote, I can imagine that Ju xiuyi is probably a good person in the class.'' he is usually an introvert and doesn't have many friends. ”

``this type of character is pretty classic. there's probably someone like it in every class.'' Naomi miizaki seems to understand. he pursed his lips and shook his head slightly, \then it's not hard to understand why Kikushuichi is like that.\ She decided to keep that secret from the bad guys. After all, he's going to start high school soon, and he doesn't want to lose his reputation over something like that at this critical time. hehe, I think he has lost his basic sense of morality and emotions.”

he Jian agrees with some of Naomi miisaki's opinions, but is actually more understanding, ``I think there must be a reason other than fear that affects studying. You may be afraid, as the only witness to this incident, and...'' his life may have been in danger as he was later discovered by a perverted school janitor. ”

\he's scared to death and has no character. that person is really...\ Naomi miizaki shook her head.

when he Jian heard this, he calmly looked at the other person.

Sensing his gaze, Naomi miizaki instantly shrank her neck and laughed quietly. In terms of fear of death, he actually seemed to be on a par with Shuichi Kiku.

misaki Naomi lowered her head and quickly flipped the notebook back and forth, and something that looked like letters caught her eye on one of the notebook's large blank pages, and she quickly flipped it over to find this side. here is another hidden page. ”

\Look.\ he Jian and Naomi misaki approached each other unconsciously and shared the text of this page.

the hidden content says: maybe I need to pay more attention to this child, so hanako may not accept it...

``does this 'he' mean Shuichi Kiku?'' Naomi mitsusaki guessed, ``this must have been written sometime after Shuichi Kiku mysteriously disappeared,'' and was almost certain of it.

he looked up and was about to ask he Jia’an for his opinion, but if he wasn’t careful, he saw that he Jia’an was no longer around, but in the blink of an eye, he was in the office. . to another teacher.

Seeing Naomi Saki hurrying after her, dig said, \don't walk so fast, at least drag me along...\

``that's because you didn't hold back.'' Li Jian'an looked at the girl and pointed to the photo on the table. there was a large crack in the frame, and dark blue ink of unknown origin had seeped into the picture. As a result, the other half of the photo was pletely smeared and could no longer be seen clearly. In the other half of the photo, a relatively cute teacher was smiling kindly in front of the camera and saying, ``this person is Keika takayama.the person who is smeared with dan's ink is probably my daughter hanako.'' .

``It's so beautiful, and I'm sure hanako-san is beautiful too,'' Naomi misaki said with deep emotion.

``Yes, she's a beautiful loli girl who attacks people indiscriminately.'' Li Jian'an nodded solemnly as if in agreement, and Naomi misaki felt a little embarrassed and couldn't help but punch her in the arm.

Li Jian was indifferent and turned his attention to takayama huixiang's personal belongings, trying to find some clues from what the other party left behind.

Keika takayama is a subject teacher in charge of biology for third-year high school students. he is probably a serious and responsible teacher, but his seriousness is a bit scary.

``do you see the date of hanako's death written in Shintaro Aso's notebook?'' Li Ka'an had an idea and asked Naomi misaki.

Naomi mitsusaki immediately turned to the book and quickly found, ``September 22, 1950.''

``well, this assignment was graded on September 25th.'' Li Jian turned the page of Zhu xiuyi's biology book that matched the date. this was the mission closest to the day of Keisho takayama's daughter's death. Editing time.

worried that she might not be able to read intuitively, he Jiaan flipped through some of the other students' homework books. Naomi miizaki was shocked by the results of her homework that day.

I looked at Kiku Shuichi's notes for that day's homework. It was written as follows: Shuichi's biology basics are very solid, but the arithmetic content of the law of separation can be expanded a bit more. we remend you try these exercises...

Looking at other students' homework ments, the ments left by professor Keisho takayama are similarly serious and precise, almost directly pointing out weaknesses in students' knowledge. however, pared to Shuichi Kiku's ments, Keisho takayama clearly thinks highly of Shuichi Kiku. A little \too considerate\.

``how...how is that possible? her daughter just passed away.'' Naomi misaki was shocked. he was a little incredulous: ``he's always so enthusiastic about his work, so serious.''

\Let's see when Zhu xiuyi's scandal was exposed.\ Li Jian'an asked again.

Naomi misaki looked at Shintaro Aso's notebook again and confirmed the time, ``It's october 28th.''

After that, Li Jian'an turned over Zhu xiuyi's homework page by page. professor Keisho takayama remained resolute until the homework correction day on october 28th. he corrected Ju xiuyi's homework seriously and responsibly, and read it to the end. mr. Keisho takayama always takes special care of Shuichi Shu.

Under the fearful gaze of Naomi misaki, he Jian'an avoided the homework correction date until September 22nd. Naomi misaki trembled, covered her mouth, and said in a dry voice. \he...Keika takayama actually knew that Shuichi Kiku was a witness to the crime mitted by the school's parents...long before anyone else. he knew that.\

220 mental torture

Looking at the homework correction files from before September 22nd, Keisho takayama was serious and responsible for the ments on Shuichi Kiku's homework, but in reality he was just like any other student. however, since September 22nd, where the obligation to ment is here, Keisho takayama is clearly paying more attention to Juxiuichi. the most obvious thing is that your ments have more characters than other students.

had Naomi misaki not known in advance that Kikushuichi was involved in the death of Keika takayama's daughter, she would not have been able to easily recognize the problem.

Kikushuichi was by no means an idiot, and he must have felt guilty. he must have been happy about professor Keisho takayama's sudden special consideration, but he could also guess that professor Keisho takayama already knew the whole truth. Even though he hides the truth in front of others, he is actually no different from the mannequins in biology class, and you can tell at a glance.

the better professor Keika takayama's attitude became, and the more he showed that he cared, the more tormented and hurt Kikuchi became.

In fact, Zhu xiuichi's subsequent performance of his duties shows the change in the other party's attitude. the more her homework gets dirty, the more mistakes she shouldn't make, and the red letters written by Keika takayama's teacher bee harder to read. more and more are ing, more and more dense.
