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九三读小说网 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第164章

第164章 (第1/2页)

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the distance from the helicopter to cuixi district is just the time to pee.

wang qiang sat on the plane, looking at cuixi district.

At this moment, cuixi district is a sea of corpses and blood!

millions of zombies are pounding the human defense line in cuixi district like waves, and in the pitch black endless distance of the block, endless zombies are gathering and moving their figures.



the corpses howled in disorder, and the sky and earth were colorless.

on the defense line of cuixi district, there was a roar of artillery fire, with colorful flames and raging machine guns. the human counterattack was hysterical, almost insane.

In order to build a defense line sufficient to withstand zombies, the military has blown up multiple high-rise buildings and used the collapsed ruins of skyscrapers as a defensive shelter.

A large number of elite soldiers and light to medium firepower were also deployed on all the high-rise buildings in cuixi district, building a dense and eerie firepower defense network.

with such a firepower network, military soldiers are working hard to reduce the number of zombies.

the helicopter circled for a while and finally received the landing signal on the rooftop of a skyscraper.

the helicopter had just landed, and several soldiers on the rooftop were staring at the propeller as the hurricane charged towards them.

who are you? hold your hands up and don't move... Ah, mander in chief! \the soldier screamed in surprise.

Under the guidance of the soldiers, wang qiang and Suinian Kuang arrived at a huge tent on the rooftop.

In the tent, more than ten generals and officers were tirelessly arranging the battle deployment. when they saw Nian Kuang, all the generals stood at attention and saluted, and Nian Shuai also nodded one by one.

At this moment, in the camp, a chubby old man stood up from his seat and walked to Nian Kuang's side.

the chubby old man extended his hands and hugged Nian Kuang, \old age, you're here

Lao Sun, you've all e, can I not e? \Nian Kuang said.

the two of them looked at each other with a smile and joined hands to reach the tactical table, discussing the issue of bat.

the other generals also followed in, but everyone felt a little strange about wang qiang who came with Nian Kuang.

this chubby old man is Sun Zaichen. didn't Guan xiaoyun say that Nian Kuang and Sun Zaichen have a grudge? how does it look like it's good enough to wear a pair of pants? wang qiang was puzzled and just followed him to the tactical table, silent.

the camp was bustling with activity, but there was very little noise ing out.

A row of mand aides sitting in front of the intelligent brain responsible for coordinating and manding are using the intelligent brain to contact the frontline troops and distribute the analyzed bat situation.

there is a huge tactical table in the center of the camp, on which is a city map of watergate city, surrounded by officers and generals.
