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第20章 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

Lu minyu was not confused at all. he had stayed in a place full of red desert for two days and two nights. the gravity was seven times that of the earth. It was very unusual to suddenly

wang Yongjian suddenly became serious. Lu Jing suddenly asked.

this is just one hour and should be counted to seventy hours. If you give up, it means that all your efforts in the future will not be in vain.

who knows what Lu xing will say next, it just poured cold water on him.

hoac diep Yen duong Lanh Nguyet bit the corner of his mouth. the hot and cold feeling on his upper teeth made him particularly excited. he did a stretch as a final warmup, but no bug escaped. otherwise black will attack. You work with hoc diep! \.\

After saying that, tan An showed a smile on his face and took a sip of wine!

Liu mingyu first used zombies to reach the designated area, and then used zombies to directly search and teleport there.

I have to dig that pyramid for you.

It seems so low, after all, success is only half the battle.

he will then know the sign and avoid the magic.

there are some unique skills that can be obtained as well as some unique skills.

If that's the case, it's very difficult. chen Yingxi, who was caressing xiaogang, was a little confused. It was obvious that this was an obstacle, but she didn't know whether it was caused by the supernatural person or an accident.

the meat of rare animals ranges from delicious to unpalatable. \.\

Governor Li's face turned slightly red.

Even the most advanced monsters and ancient monsters in the New world can reach level seven.

It only takes half an hour to plete.

It must be said that if Li dongpi can regard han hao as our seventh Liu mingyu, he is very confident that han hao's own attack will not be effective.

the fire within them can be strong enough to drink alcohol.

pang Kongyue also paid special attention to the condition of the inner walls of the pyramid during the attack.

but Aoyang followed him and circled around the city center. the city center at night can be really dangerous. As a mutant species, you can eat mutant fish and turn into a zombie! however, it can be seen from his breathing that this person is definitely a fourthlevel shapeshifter, and there is no way to say what abilities he has.

wang Yongjian smiled bitterly and shook his head. \chen Yingxi turned to look at Liu xing and exclaimed. I'll give them some broth. they'll be fine.\

After Zhang hao finished speaking, he nodded to the waiter. \.\

Zhong hanyu stretched out his warm hand and placed it on the back of Yu chaomu's neck, brought her beautiful face in front of him, and sighed softly:

\bad girl, do you want to give you a heart? what is this? I will take you forward together in these two days, so! this ship will dock under Yuzhe's sole supervision. Specifically, private issue escort mission It will end, and new people will take over new special missions.\ It will begin, and that ship will sail to a new dock.

the surrounding steel platform has not yet been pletely removed.

\Seven men all take the plunge to see if they can find a way to break the spell.\

“Also, the battle group and battalion mander in the front seem to be able to engage in a twoonone battle!

Since there is no limit to the number of lowlevel zombies, it will take a long time to upgrade simply by relying on highlevel zombies to trigger highlevel tasks.

\there are currently four powerful organizations in the world, ranked by strength: one is the United States coalition Forces, the second is the European coalition Forces, and the fourth is the United States coalition Forces.\ the third is the chinese military mission; the fourth is Australia and its allies. strength.

\director wang, have you heard the internal report?

Lu minyu smiled slightly: \mr. ma, you are not in good health.\


wang Yongjian smiled and nodded: \I'm just free these two days, always free.\

I always thought I was confused but couldn't find any evidence so I couldn't be sure.

\the total number of zombies in Asia is estimated at 2.2 billion. In Indochina, they can't be that honest. moving from west to east gives them inertia, causing them to move east and north.

I have to say that it is very wise to choose to establish a base here.

Finally, huang Yi transformed the first sevenlayer energy crystal into an energy crystal without attributes, and then put the energy crystal without attributes into the body of the tuna

Startled by the muffled sound, bach quickly opened his eyes, only to see the tip of the sword piercing his eyes, standing on... the black corpse!

\the Jade Emperor is dead ...!\

wang Yongjian explained patiently.

Suddenly, the steel platform in the middle exploded pletely.

huang Yi has no choice at the moment. when your zombies are in danger, restore their power crystals.

\A bit dark?

Although Lu Jing slept on her back most of the night, qiu Suran still enjoyed the experience of being alone. Now he doesn't ask for friendship, as long as Lu Jing is willing to stay with him every night. You sleep peacefully and happily.

In fact, some key decisions were made by Luu min Ngoc. After the decision is made, all implementation work is done by hoang Ngoc. \.\

\okay, tell me, what is your relationship with du Fei?

maybe it’s because of those two days at sea!

hodeep actually controlled the rhythm of the game very well. After the black explosion, his body's hardness reached a level that even the Sunmoon divine Sword could not cut through, but that was not the case with hodeep. he used aggressive tactics and used two tang knives as blunt weapons to stab xiao hei with bruises all over his body!

You may die, but your death will be worth it! It is an energy plane powered by an energy source capable of tearing skin apart with just a touch. \.\

wu Shao mucheng and han Yu looked gloomy and confused, saying they like it?

but as brother ma said, he cannot sell artificial intelligence.

they swim in space like sea creatures. we know only third evolutionists can save embryos, but that's a good start, right?

but Aoyang tu tightly twisted the soft flesh on daofei's waist, looked at daofei with sharp eyes like daggers, and asked thoughtfully: \what is your relationship with this woman?\ You can definitely see it. View of the Ya phong thien Valley coal mine Reserve. \mistake.

what is unusual is that wang Yongjian is very interested in Sugon New Energy.

If you wait until the fourdimensional character has fully grown to level eight, he will no longer be able to cast illusions on his opponents. \.\

he stood up and focused on all 240 qualities he had picked up with his physical strength to make the journey through this space tunnel go smoothly

\I'd like to know more details.\

moreover, it is an independent pyramid, which is obviously different from the pyramid that Liu mingyu later discovered.

but chen Yingxi is not Liu Jing's type.

the metal added to the wand increases its strength, so that every time the wand is thrown at a zombie, it can tear through the zombie's skin and flesh.

wang Yongjian wiped his face with a napkin and realized that time was running out. he said casually: \director Zhang, since monk Energy plans to buy back the Yafenle Valley coal mine, do you have any plans behind it?

Even after the zombie virus, there are many creatures in nature that can be dissected and brought back. \.\

\don't worry, we're based right here in the bay State, so we can't do business with them. And now that we have the chance, we can't do it by making enemies of any of us!\

It took another 24 hours.

Unfortunately, this didn't work.

but duong mach was helpless after seeing a few people, but as long as he approached or talked to him, the person would run away immediately and never wanted to interact with strangers again.

however, hedie just turned around and smiled at the soldiers. he wanted to say something, but he couldn't laugh anymore.

Liu mingyu found huang Yi in the laboratory and told him his thoughts.

this length is not enough.

however, you need to dig.

After more than ten minutes of constant observation, Li Zongfei couldn't believe that the energy shield behind the steel wall was not powerful enough.

An electric current passed through the wires on blake's arm and then through his body, making him tremble!

mr. ma xiaoming read the introduction carefully, and then asked with a smile: \mr. Liu, you listed a lot, but did not give any specific data.\

or the quest cannot be started because the monster level is too low.


\I said, you are a twentysevenyearold woman, can you grow up and stop being a child? In the end, she solved the global zombie crisis.\

“we congratulate him for lowering the gravitydefying skyline.

“boss, the worst we can catch is class 8 tuna.

Li Zongfei checked his mission level and finally settled down.

\congratulations to him for continuing the SSlevel mission: New world monster Invasion. he arrived in a new world where monsters roamed freely. he had to release some smaller monsters and clear a small area to build his base.\ me. \.\

Although wu Shaowu pushed and kicked him violently, he never thought of turning his fingers into claws to suck his essence. \.\

Zhang hao quickly explained.

After all, tan An is also a mutated creature, so even if he is bitten several times, he will not be pletely damaged. because tan An's wound has healed, the tc virus in her body is relatively weak. body

then, once it breaks 50%, I'm worried that success will happen. he hit his third son Liu xiaobin and fourth son Yang Yu on the chests with his fists.

Kill him to plete the mission.

I used to think that I was very lucky, but looking back now, tan An discovered that my luck was actually not that lucky! \.\

\Grandpa. mr. wang, we are eager to find a more ambitious pany.

Earn 500,000 job experiences based on job assessments and ultimately earn 4 million job experiences.

I think both scenarios are possible. According to your flight speed, we can reach Fuhai from tongding Island in just over two hours!

\No, mr. Saint.

\well, director Vuong, I'm not a pessimist. Even at a discount, this record will be in the dark for decades. Needless to say, you understand the importance, and the power is with us. there is more to e in the future , more things happen.\ Important. \...\

tan An didn't think much, he held xiaoru's small body in his arms and pushed him forward hard.


If the iron wall is not protected by an energy shield, the iron wall will be pletely destroyed.

After all, he was the honorary governor of a state and wanted to appear brave! \.\

hu Jun nodded in agreement. he preferred Li Fangfang, who was now three months pregnant, to bai Feng.

tan An trembled violently and nodded, knowing that this trick didn't work!

For huang Yi, there is no special research institute underground that specializes in the use of energy crystals, which are generally energy crystals.

Li Zongfei said: \Go west and you will find a pyramidshaped building plex. It looks like a white shadow outside the building plex.\

It obviously looks very special, but it gives people a very strange feeling.

Liu mingyu was confused and tried various techniques, but the environment did not change.

only the surgical site was changed from indoor to outdoor.

“I solved the problem because God is so powerful and he will find a suitable replacement.

Sad to see the city fall, he turned to mondstadt.

xiao ma can figure this out, how could Liu minyu not figure this out?

Liu mingyu didn't even get the eleventh level energy crystal.

however, this time, the zombies they encountered were not that simple. She thought for a while and said, \Sisters say that the berries rolled in the town can revive the atose.\ Is this okay? \

the screams continued as the Jade Emperor used his magic to paralyze thousands of people.

\can you tell me?\

tran mac's figure shone brightly and appeared at the top of the tornado.

As Li Zongfei slowly fell, there was more friction in the air.

Lai tongfei ordered again. \.\

the military has information about xu Yamei and suspects that xu Yamei has contact with the Freemasons, but it has not been confirmed yet. the military does not want to point fingers and wants to find the Freemasonry from xu Yamei, but this is not what it wants. who can guess? All Guangnei Freemasons were killed by du Fei.

And, even though this is a green desert, we can still see signs of other creatures.

\brother, does Zhang hao really have magic?\ wang Yongkang shook his head and asked curiously.

once the software is reset, the secret is no longer accessible.

Liu mingyu also paid special attention to the position of the sun in the sky, which did not change much. \.\

Zhong hanyu said with some pride, he liked her so much, how could he not see wu Zemu's change?

Although the remaining six people were a little dissatisfied with the brown man, in order to avoid embarrassing Gan Lipeng, they had no choice but to follow the brown man. they also thanked Gan Lipeng for treating Gan Lipeng as his reincarnated parent. they also thanked Gan Lipeng when they had the opportunity. \the third kid grabbed his head and said, 'what are you doing?'

[Golden behemoth Intermediate bloodline behemoth] behemoth is a powerful warrior of the orc tribe. It is powerful and huge in size. It is the king of battles on land. A pureblooded behemoth can swallow mountains in one bite.

then, the urban war officially began, with thirteen cities fighting each other for limited resources.

he reached out and touched the back of Yu chaomu's neck and told all the mourners.

\okay, you can talk to me if you have anything to say. my sister is back. She is very tired. Let's rest first.\

Not too high. Since the first one is a true artificial intelligence, the cost is relatively modest.

wu Shaowu sat on cheng hanyu's lap, swung his legs, rested his head on his shoulder, and relaxed his posture slightly.

As for Lee dongpi, his eback was very fast.

Feiyun was wearing a suit and leather shoes, holding a notebook in his right hand, and introduced: \hello, I am Feiyun. I am very happy to introduce you to the Artificial Intelligence copyright Award.\


So what to do?

In other words, these fish are not piranhas, but mutated sea fish!

master hu's invitation took advantage of Yang mahe's wishes, and he hid and was not hunted by them. Am I not an adult yet?

Its powerful aura and brutal murderous intent made everyone stunned for a moment. what do people do when they are in danger of death?

It is even more difficult to say that only zombies can reach the peak of level four.

Lu minyu walked over, bent down to hug huang Yu, kissed his hair, and said softly: \Fool, how can you be vain?

of course, the tang dynasty did not object in the end. After all, tan Fan, Zhang xiu and others were not allowed to leave at that time, so there was nothing wrong with entering the country.

It's not a straight line, but a long brown worm.

Indepth research in the field of gravity games can improve the design of gravity mechanisms to a certain extent.

At first, he thought he could save Zhou Yu and others through the mutated fruit.

the gravity of this planet is much lighter than that of the earth, which pletely hinders Li Zongfei's retreat speed. of course, you need to consider your opponent's weaknesses and remain flexible in the face of challenges because they are not human.

\okay, let's go, I'll give you the knife.\

\Very good! our camp is eleven miles northeast of here. It used to be a military camp. Now there are more than 300 soldiers and more than 7,000 civilians here. there has never been such a crowd?\

Additionally, the pyramid is larger than previously discovered. don't lie, lie, or I won't be polite. but none of this was true, and he did not dare to test chu du and others.

hodip threw the sword, bach still had a smile on his face. \.\

Yanjit sighed at the screen.

\I don't think I really want to do that accidentally?\

but he was so happy in his heart. Leaving the sea, at least he can't escape danger! Less than twenty nautical miles from Kingman Island! when the battle entered the third stage, the old man picked up the teleportation knife, and his eyes suddenly went blank. It was an orange weapon.

“Sir, do you have any sign to the west?

Railways are undoubtedly the best mode of transport considering natural cycles and the current climate, but roads are impossible without adequate rainfall

huang Yi had some confidence in his heart.

Liu xing suddenly stopped lighting his cigarette and stared at chen Yingxi in disbelief. the two looked at each other for a long time. the love in chen Yingxi's eyes made Liu xing feel a little more.

Unique skills and talents can be passed down as thi hoang leaves and chen mo absorbs the cult legacy. they can be accepted and studied.

\No one is arguing with you, drink slowly.\ Zhang Ru stood up from the chair, walked to tan An, and patted his back with his small hands, with an angry look on his face.

or take the opportunity to learn more about foreign battlefields.

the fireball landed on the steel platform with huge pressure and hit the steel platform hard, triggering a chaotic explosion.

but at least it's autobiographical.

Activity level is not high, so operation is not possible. moreover, the location of this villa is very close to du Fei's house, so Aoyang tutai asked this question.

As long as we can find a flaw in the situation, we can destroy the illusion.

thinking of this, Liu minyu immediately whispered: \brothers, wait a moment.\

I wonder if there will be such surprises after some technologies are upgraded to level 10?

1000 meters

the system is still very inefficient.

Serena held Lao San's right hand respectfully with both hands, lowered her head, kissed the back of Lao San's hand gently, and lowered her head

however, Au duong was not angered and crashed into a tree on the roadside.

while in their twisted state, they can implode their state's power, causing their bodies to fly away. this is also the main reason why they think they can successfully crack it.

mr. Zheng looked cynical, then slapped the table: \don't be stupid, this old fox wang Yongjian is testing us.

After that, they took all the iron pots from the room and went out. Afterwards, thanh An went to get some branches as firewood and started to light a fire to boil water. Last night, water was left for tan. An went fishing at sea, but was attacked by mutated piranhas many times. this is just his subconscious behavior.

the number of level 10 energy crystals is not small, but it is enough to create a level 10 zombie.

the fourthlevel zombies are lowlevel zombies created by miao tai. Now they must be captured again with the zombies they created.

\director wang, you are an expert. can you help us check if there are any errors in the details?\

mr. ma came over and asked.

\death penalty!

Is this socalled pyramid really a simple pyramid shape? Saying a word to your sister is an honor for most people, so why act like a big bad wolf?

the surgery lasted only one day.

After Yu Zhe evaded Song Yiguo, he expelled his seventh cousin Yu Jian, and tang chong summoned him.

Yes, that's what should be added.

there are no new levels that cannot be revealed until level ten is reached.

Along the way, more space bugs attacked the group, but they were all easily killed by the power of diyan and Saixia. \.\

Indeed, it can be said to be a success. \.\

Should I stop and see if there is another way to solve it?

we hit the wall many times, but nothing changed.

the beeping sound constantly reminds me that the basic location of the southeast store system is constantly being a crossroads, its intensity gradually reaching its peak with the expansion of the main square.

Yes, sorry.

what's worse is that huang Yi continues to research ways to create lowlevel zombies.

2. block: the giant beast is the king of ground battles. Any monster running underground will be blocked by the giant beast.

but now, any level five zombie can make a huge counterattack and dodge consecutive attacks.

cleansing or producing energy crystals is all about getting better.

It would be nice if there was a way to explain it. \.\

Although I don’t know how Li Longming will treat the two brothers, the two brothers showed up at the door of the pany early in the morning, working hard and having no debts

when they met, they had no idea they had anything in mon. this sun feels so fake. \.\

when Southeast saw the sun in front of her, her heart trembled slightly. If he wants to bee the master of his territory, he should use this strategy to solve the problem.

Inform Li Zongfei that no matter who that creature is, there is no such creature in that world. the city has fallen and the demons have only one chance to put it all behind them.

\oh~\ he said.

thuong quan wu diep made a sound on his neck, first surprised, then satisfied with the kiss. \.\

\what should we do?

I can only patiently search for clues.


Governor Li waved his hand and said, \well, you can't say that. coal is the lifeblood of the federation. No matter what it is, we must support this large stateowned enterprise group.\ Even if we make mistakes, we will make mistakes. \Just a few million dollars lost.

Liu mingyu is familiar with the steel platform near the center.

however, using such an analogy seems inappropriate.

Fourth level energy beings cannot be created in a short period of time.

\black pepper?

Eventually I reached a level where I could plete New world quests. this is a shameful thing. with such great power, why not send it out?

whether you want to continue artificial intelligence research and design, or use xingchen technology to develop new artificial intelligence projects, you only need to issue an approval document and apply for an artificial intelligence license as soon as possible. \.\

\I made public inquiries and accused us of being too old and interested in unknown coal mines like Yizhigu coal mine. outsiders thought we were backward and wanted to join.\

I can't even perform the surgery performed by my assistant Liu mingyu. \.\

Li Zongfei had no choice but to speak.

Neither on earth nor in heaven were those around him doing anything. \the first step is to kill zombies in Asia, and the second step is to kill zombies in America. with only a few pieces of clothes scattered on his body, he is not sure whether bai Feng will be weaker than him, or even stronger.


Although it was just a test plan, as a woman, her research on zombies and energy crystals was still very indepth.

Liu xing moved a chair and sat in front of chen Yingxi, pressed his sword on the ground, and said sincerely: \this is the law!

\Switch to punches and kicks.\

No matter who came, Liu minyu made his attitude clear directly.

this is also master Ai’s point of view. I won't go with you anymore, please stop!

It has a tall, squirrellike body and a mouth full of teeth, making it look very thin.

Each time the search level increases, the number of search activations per day also increases by 1.

Although mond and Jahia were surprised that something like this happened and no serious injuries were caused, it could hardly be considered a crime.

huang Yi doesn't love others and doesn't want to let him go. I have lived for millions of years, but I only have two pieces of golden equipment. In this day and age, how could someone be so smart and possess a piece of golden equipment? \.\

Yuzhe smelled the smell of conspiracy again. well, the conspiracy hidden in the conspiracy is actually the fusion of yin and yang, which is easy to calculate. he had been searching for a long time, just to find someone who could create this situation.

Li dongfei's whole body was numb.

task pletion also slows down.

the light above his head lit up, and Liu mingyu finally saw the strong man above han Lake.

but there is nothing inside the pyramid, only a small space and an iron platform in the middle.

there are many underground rumors about the construction of the pyramid, and every college student probably knows about the various secrets of the pyramid.

his image suddenly appeared in my mind.

In addition to the five powerful kings of Lu tian, there is another character called mother Earth, also known as hou dao. \.\

All the staff members nodded in agreement. their main job was to help huang Yi conduct experiments. \.\

After all, everything is a mess abroad. It's normal to lose some information, and there's no need to worry about being punished.

Liu mingyu does not rule out cooperation in artificial intelligence. the next life must be the era of artificial intelligence.

however, hao Yunlun found that about four or four of his ideas were wrong.

he had to continue attacking, and Li Songfei also knew that he had to expend more energy.

the table was moved out of the room and placed on a stone plant, and the dishes were placed on it, just like a real New Year celebration. \.\

Although he used a fatal move, pared with chong hanyu, he had no fighting power at all. chong hanyu could not dodge or block at all. what did he do?

It is a level 4 zombie that meets the requirements before being destroyed.

but it is not the truth. It has very few human genes, so not much research has been done on it. \.\

he didn't realize that he was talking to someone else, it was Song Yan and others.

Liu mingyu can wait until 12 noon before trying a new task.

this is a metal table.

A fierce attack was aimed at the steel wall. \.\

“You think I don’t want this?

If it was really a level 11 zombie, there was really nothing miao tairuan could do. \.\

mr. he was invited to speak and behaved appropriately. \.\

the desert beneath my feet seemed to be crusted with frozen fire. I apologize for the inconvenience.

however, the cost of the new system is much lower than the mulgala Rahugala tera farming method.

qiu Ningya originally thought that the house was still too far away, but after two hours of flying, they finally arrived behind a house. \.\

du Guishao sighed silently when he heard the news.

It should not be tied to the ground.

huang Yi nodded. Although the leader did not give me a specific time, two months is still possible. he is the laboratory director and director of genetic botanical flavor research.

Lai tongfei also ran away immediately. \.\

Later I discovered that there was no way to explore the new world, but since my exploration level was high enough, there was no way to explore it.

huang Yi shook his head and said: \Unfortunately, you have to try everything.

but before Li Zongfei stopped, he had already accelerated at a terrifying speed. \.\

Gan Lipeng remembered his words: \Let me tell you a secret. the new hidden base I established in the city will develop a new army in bashu just like the army zombie resistance I told you. Now I want you two to be my \Assistant, will you bee my veteran warrior?\ \

to be sure, just because you can't get in and out of prison doesn't mean that where you are today is wrong.

Especially after Liu mingyu killed all the zombies on the earth. Visually, they resemble the piranhas from preapocalyptic movies and tV shows!

\It's very sad and all I can say is it's been an experience.\

mr. wang said angrily.

this time, Liu mingyu has raised his fourdimensional character to its peak.

First, they agreed to establish United Energy to give money to the country; second, they came for Zhang hao's brand; finally, they wanted to test the waters, and if it proved profitable, they would naturally do so. increase their investment.
