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第21章 后记38.32.31 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

tu hoi saw bach Fong and decided to give Nham Anh first he didn't know that bach Fong and Nham Anh were brothers, so bach Fong decided to give Nham Anh first he took out the medicine and injected it It's about Ren Ying

Liu mingyu grabbed his hand and the energy ball suddenly flew towards the devil


After saying that, hai took the replaced fruits and set off

Zhang chongxin said angrily: “how much is the property tax?

because the greatest writer of the last fifty years is Jackdaw Yao!

Zhang hao quickly explained: \Sir\ mr wang, this matter involves your pany's secrets, and I haven't told anyone yet

It seems that the monster can really understand bolan's star language otherwise, bach Fong would die soon the meal that lasted for more than an hour finally ended, and wang wenjian personally escorted Zhang hao to the door of his home

Alice rolled her eyes and said, \I thought you were bigger than chunyu\

the contrast does feel unreal Is it expensive?

wan Yuliang saw the surrounding situation clearly and was able to fly out of the desert with all his strength, day and night \trandu also waved and grabbed a small bouquet of flowers, and dussa also signaled to start

For two people, dining in a starrated hotel may not be too exciting, because none of the chefs in the tens of thousands of families has more than ten years of experience working in starrated hotels

during flight, they require more energy because there is not enough power

thinking of this, Lai tongfei realized that this plan was in vain there are six continents besides uninhabited Antarctica

Loneliness does not mean understanding

demon No 2 didn't care at all the cold light in Liu minyu's eyes disappeared and she said respectfully: \clan leader, if I guessed correctly, when your family saw me for the first time, I must have been free this is the pyramid\

Yang qinglu faced his confidante, said straight to the point with a straight face: \I blocked the second brother's promotion I decided this afternoon If something like this happens, get out as soon as possible\

Are today's young people so good?

It seems that drinking is not a good thing!

\wrong! the journey afterwards went smoothly they followed the original route and arrived at the New delhi colony but to be honest, their impression of this place was not very good\


the group of people hurried forward, not daring to escape for fear of being discovered by bachfang, who watched the dogs retreat with them

Not only his room, every room in the villa, even the door, seemed to be in good condition, and there were no antitheft measures around to avoid worrying about someone \stealing things\

but there was a lot of noise around, and there was no sign of the enemy, because the enemy had never entered here

the first group of pearl bolan Stars saw the weak forces of Liu mingyu and others

the monster is temporarily attacked and cannot fight back, but can only defend passively

\I'm still cooking and eating at least one thing, and I have to walk a lot at night

I didn't pay much attention to these bolan people who came out After mastering the magic words to a certain extent, Liu mingyu began to study the details of the magic numbers 1

but there was no movement at all \Ganripenggui is here to report, oh, we're here to take a look!\ tran maker asked him

wearing glasses, he walked among the crowd outside Nanzhou University, other passersby hunching over and smiling in front of him

beads of sweat immediately appeared on Long xuantang's face

Zhang chongxin was immediately miserable and asked curiously: \brother wang, do you really want to give up such a great project as Zhengwei?

\Lai wenhua is an ordinary person he used to be a programmer he wanted to try to enter the munications department of wutong base\

mr quinn suggested doffy stretched out her hand helplessly and said Fortunately, he blocked the bullet, otherwise it would have been difficult to avoid it

Liu min looked up at Yu, smiled and asked, \oh, will he tell you what's going on?\ when cleaning the prison, everyone saw tan An killing zombies, and he raised his sword to kill chickens easily

but once Ni Yinpeng's genius era ended and he recovered, Ni Yinpeng clearly understood that relying on Liu mingyu was the most feasible way for us to stop those demons

the reason why these monsters rushed back from the planetary wave was not only worried about the death of those involved in the planetary wave, but also worried that their pyramids would be destroyed \From tong tan's voice, Lai Lanlan didn't know when he met his panion Roommate En duong

At the beginning of the end of the world, strange demons were hidden in the mist and were not seen by the world, but people did not realize that strange demons could enter areas surrounded by fog

In fact, it was the opposite of what I expected

when we came out, we immediately saw the headless monster and immediately ran to Li dongpi and bowed to him

Except that there are no wave stars on the top floor, the remaining four floors are covered with wave stars

the first step is to rename the place

Seeing this scene, doffy's eyes suddenly lit up this pair of shoes is somewhat similar to the dota shoes, but not quite the same

\this is a mand song, this is a mand song!

but he still walks upward with a sense of pride, which can be described as arrogant and entitled

this is exactly the problem with this highly medical drug

why does my house suddenly look like something else?


the remaining three still can't give up, but they seem to have found their value


that day, the entire school turned into a demonic dance floor, and students who didn't fit in turned into terrifying villains

people with planetary fluctuations are unable to fight against the illfated demon clan the second son took over as mander, who was promoted to chief of general staff Li Zongfei asked Liu mingyu to patrol around

Gradually I discovered the monster with only bones left

they are always given an identity, at least not calculated how can we better understand the significance of this vision?

“they went south of the hotel!

with their help, Liu mingyu immediately found some high stairs from the warehouse, and many young and healthy bolan Star members successfully climbed the stairs

the banquet hall was like a vegetable market, and everyone was making a lot of noise Unique!

\the effects last for three days\

\what's this name?\ he asked

Li Lanlan was lying on his bed in the dormitory, spreading gossip to his roommates, and I must say, his remarks almost went unnoticed If no one in this world can save us, then it can only be said that God is behind us and supports us

\don't you need to do a subcutaneous allergy test first?\

Li Zongfei nodded vigorously and asked Zhao Lei to resurrect Lao qiang and the leader cheng Yun Interestingly, Father moses never made the request again, perhaps because he believed that lightsaber technology would bee obsolete once the experimentation with the new way of life was over Kicheran said with a proud smile

Law enforcement officials were suspicious of the men

And as the expansion state continues, the body's strength will be greatly restored

\then what does he usually eat?\

An old man stopped to watch the traffic

Knock down small groups of monsters at low speed

while thinking about chu Ziqing, he talked to chu Ziqing who was still holding the phone calmly Although Father chu looked a little serious, he was actually very calm when he found out that huo Yeyu was Jackdaw because he was a fan of Jackdaw, he also felt that his world view was about to collapse

duo Fei held the boss tightly, then heard footsteps in the corridor, and quickly put the sniper rifle back into the hands of the third boss, turned around, stuffed it into the slot, and then said to the third boss: \the gun is a sniper\, no tell anyone about this, do you understand? \Emperor chen looked at mike qinghua in confusion there are even more young literary students interested in Ye Yu Jackdaw!

or will the next monster he kills be the only monster in that world? this is real!

\where did they find these people?\ Lu minyu asked again

wen Yuluan suddenly hoped to find bolan's star cluster he died immediately before the mission was over Is it monbach?

this is not to say that hodip was indeed the greatest literary master of all time In fact, he never considered himself a writer, whether it was a young adult fantasy novel like \the Rhythm of a Rainy Night\ or \the Language of Flowers\ Really stretches the imagination

quachhao wu nodded, he said, the person in front of him seemed to be sincere towards Ngo dong’s base

“oh, let me ask you, I can contact you if possible

only in this way can the work be further pleted properly

teran meher sneered: \why, student, be quiet!\

\ \ tranmek was speechless, but he realized that things were not that simple \huo Ye cursed in a low voice he found that he knew his true identity It can be said that he has always hidden his identity as Ye Yu Jackdaw very well, just like a shadow in the dark night Ye Yu Jackdaw's Identity, he has no clues about her\ they are nowhere to be found in the middle how could anyone know her?

Yu he sighed softly and recalled: \Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, America, Australia

Note, this is of no benefit, but there are really no two ways to build a space door

this sentence immediately silenced the four Jin brothers

during this period, Lu minyu also observed the two people captured by Lai tongfei very carefully

I heard you are very strong

there's no monster like a baby gorilla but luckily, hodeep noticed his concern and immediately started talking, and now he can speak directly!

tan An looked around frantically but couldn't find chen xiaoyan he was really worried now

Fang qiuyue opened her beautiful big eyes and nodded: \okay, if I have any questions, can I e to you right away?

“Are these four knives worth giving them?


Fortunately, there are also people here who were similarly poisoned, and they all woke up in about ten days

the two young men behind him obviously didn't believe what he said

on the night after the operation, wang Jiale invited Zeng danping to his home Zheng danping understood what wang Jiale meant, so before wang Jiale left, he cleaned the house and made preparations

chen Ruiyi suddenly gained energy, which was very important don't sleep for too long and don't dream he ended quickly: \After the meeting, Azhe and I will return to duong La After the development is pleted, we will return to the army Every monster pyramid is worth more than the bolan people they captured\

At its peak, xinfeng was worth just over US$1 billion, making it difficult to pete with a behemoth like Zhengwei

Another man wearing glasses quickly realized where Gan Lipeng was being taken he quickly turned around, grabbed Gan Lipeng, pulled out his sword from his belt, and stabbed Gan Lipeng in the neck

Essentially white skin slowly recovers at a remarkable rate

Feeling discouraged is very difficult

the other party's words were different from what Liu mingyu understood

the monster began to fight hard

the number of people who have been rescued is 0,

du Fei followed xu Yamei to a church on the outskirts of the base city before the natural disaster, this was a corner of Guangzhou, but now it is deserted

“You take the brothers to go shopping somewhere else first, and I’ll take care of it

In those two hours, Luu min Ngoc only killed 180 monsters, not 200 Avoid getting spotted by the likes of Luu tinh!

the worst thing now is that there is no retreat, no direct star wave emanating from the pyramid

before a loud noise, the midair space portal exploded into the air at an alarming speed

\that's what I stumbled upon\

this man has been waiting eagerly since the end of the world, living in fear of hunger and cold

du qi stood up and said to bach: \then I won't disturb mr bach's rest\

Success is 99% perspiration and 1% skill, but often 1% skill is more important than 99% perspiration Albert Einstein

huo is also very talented, isn't he?

but it was Zhu tanyi who helped Jiang bang

the space gate in that area will be better protected, and if I leave, there's a slim chance that these monsters will retreat and kill me when I e back

dam hieu approached hooc diep, and the first thing he said was: \I heard you are too strong?\

Every time tong Yan approaches someone, he will hear a greeting \Kui tilan quickly took out a bottle of physiological saline and prepared to inject the boss\

however, for Li Zongfei, it doesn't matter whether he searches or not

Li tongfei asked next to him In this regard, huo Ye now expresses his support for your boyfriend to use such luxury goods, you lunatic! hit me hard, don't embarrass me boss!

the wait always seems long

Not a vampire No 1 and Vampire 1 2 say exactly the same thing, but what we say is almost impossible to verify

Liu minyu believes that these rights are very limited the shape of the monster that Lao Jiang drew was relatively rough, but when he finished it, the outline of the monster was still easily identifiable where is your home? If it's not good here, let's go back

but who happened?

bojinkun allowed those bolan stars to continue to be hidden in the pyramid how did he get here?

Li dongpi now only needs to gain the trust of others, and at the same time, he also wants to understand \Alien battlefield\ through others

As he grew older, chongrunlu showed surprise and amazement at things he didn't understand, even to the point of arguing about right and wrong

All reductions were less than 100,000 Not a problem in the long run

Li Zongfei, who had no killing power, respectfully did not realize the power of the space gate It's weirdit might take a while to see the happy part

If you find out they've cheated on you again, you may think it's too late to meet their partner

\what's this?

but this is only an assessment of Liu minyu’s termination of employment As Liu minyu, he can naturally continue to hold the position next month

\Let's go for a walk and then go to the restaurant for breakfast\ duong trong said, putting the teapot aside and standing up

\I calculated the amount of food stored and consumed every day and found that if the base number remains at 200 people, the food in the supermarket will be enough for us to eat for two months\

times are very difficult now, and you must be wary of monsters that may appear at any time

“God is with you

Liu mingyu plays the role of devil No 1 and Vampire 2 According to him

Shocked sounds continued to sound, and the number of zombies began to decrease!

After the collision, Jiang bang had no time to confirm the identity of the vampire

there is actually not much left, just like the zombie skeleton Zhang Yu expected

they may only stay at the top for a while

Apparently, the leading demon knew the planet numbers very well 2 other thoughts from Liu mingyu high School blood and dirt were scattered everywhere, and the body fell to the ground and lay there for a while

Zhang Yang and others looked inside the supermarket and saw a woman screaming in panic

but before we could move forward, we faced an even more dangerous situation

Liu minyu asked again \the man apologized immediately\

one person thinks about what to say, the other waits for instructions from the boss

but when we looked at the area behind us, we realized that some little witch had taken everything behind her

huo would never admit that Shangwan Yudi didn’t know about the existence of the Jackdaw Festival, because Shangwan Yudi was his biggest fan and the most famous rich woman in the world most of her money was spent on her works Used to enjoy various festivals attended by fans Spontaneous activities

Everyone suspected that Zhang Yang and others had formed an alliance, so they laughed wildly and became arrogant again

\okay, I'll book the boat ticket now

Liu mingyu could not identify the white shadow he saw outside the pyramid plex

other key features are pretty much the same

Even if the devil survives, we can live with it

thuong quan Vu diep was thinking about the word \Kiem co\ when suddenly he remembered that hoac had actually entered Lieu Anh For a moment he feltsome things really depended on technique strength didn't mr bao get injured after falling and need to go to the hospital?

Liu Yuemei has a face like a watermelon and a pair of big black eyes full of charm wang wenning replied, and then introduced the situation: \mr ma is very honest, and we have reached an agreement on the overall framework\

Liu minyu took another step forward, \


\but !

It was also the first time they saw the demon not far away there are still huge mental barriers in the hearts of demons that they have not overe and are far away from

when they were flying in the air, Li Zongfei couldn't see the difference between them at all

but Li Zongfei didn't care at all

\this was not a trap, we just picked the wrong target and we couldn't find any useful fuel in the wreckage

pulling the shopping cart, chong Runlu took two steps back in surprise

\Sister, is she dead?\

when everyone saw this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief what, do you want to pete with me on a butcher knife?

mainly because the Sampathan constellation is so large, ten space portals are built into the Sampathan constellation

Liu mingyu decided to learn the devil's language through bolanxing's language

\why haven't you e yet?\

Zhang hao smiled and waved his hand: \Sir\ Jin, what do you think of my idea?

however, at this moment, the demon clan has exceeded Li Zongfei's ability

Yes, sorry

\oh, it's okay\

please let me get sick

\I don't know about this branch there were rumors on the forum before that this person's name is Emperor chu dan!\

hookdeep watched the other person walking by and was about to take out his manuscript and repeat it when he saw a tall man walking towards him he looked to be about the age of a student his appearance was very simple and different, making it difficult to recognize he stepped out of the crowd , but it’s his heroic qualities that set him apart behind him was a humanlike sledgehammer, and you could tell he was a master at first sight he must have weighed several hundred kilograms I don’t know how strong he is

how could such a big hammer deal with such a fragile body?

Liu mingyu seemed to hear other people's thoughts and said, \You heard me right, I am using your tongue now

\this is it

\Say it\ Zhang hao said calmly \So don't buy another house It's not like you can't live in our house\

\mr president capital\

but since the amount was not large, Jiang peng wasted his magic points and signed the contract

my coworker's body clearly scares and intimidates me

the big man in black smiled and said: \Everyone who knows the news is a hero You two are really admirable!\

Liu mingyu quickly whispered: \xiaojia, you are the first to stand up, you can't make xiaojia agree to take xiaojia back to her motherland

die as hard as they e

what is the result of this observation? ,

dophy lay down and said to the leader: \don't move and listen to me\

mr quinn suddenly felt frightened

without political change, they would not be where they are today

After looking at each other in astonishment for a moment, tan An finally retracted his voice: \why did you e here You are so young, and a multimillion dollar project makes you breathless\

half an hour before we were going to play against Lu minyu, Li tongfei shook her head gently

\It's a pity to make a twohanded sword the tank warrior can't use it Give it to the fourth child\

Fang qiuyue frowned and explained that it was unfair to say that the hacker deliberately exaggerated

Zhang chongxin paused and explained: \people say that peers are enemies there is nothing wrong with this statement I mean, there is a pawn shop near our store, which is obvious It is not to pete with us, but here, e fool us, do you think my ten years have been wasted?

Long xian didn't know why his former leader suddenly came to the island, nor did he expect to stop suddenly at the outer wall of the camp, but he could only explain with a smile: \this is the rear\ Yes, the border is pletely inaccessible penetrating

bo Jinkun couldn't sit still

“Set yourself up and convince us

After all this time, the sun's altitude and position have not changed

If the answer is yes, he will be like his colleagues

\So, did the vampire really make a sacrifice? then he walked to her and opened the chief's eyes his eyes were already covered with bloodshot eyes\ After that, he turned and left

“Yeah, but dad, what was wrong with you then?

She slowly opened her thin legs and walked towards tan An

before leaving, Liu mingyu said to Zhao Lei: \please try to ensure our safety and save as many lives as possible

there was no fence or lock A man in uniform slowly opened the door of a villa and took everyone with him while these are not all pyramids, they are the pyramids that created demon Number one No 1 and Vampire 2 they know how to limit the defense of the pyramid how can you see it?

After the battle, everyone on wave Star retreated to a cool white place to worship thuong quan Vu diep thinks hoac diep changed his character!

In order to learn bolanxing well, Liu mingyu restricted conversations with the leaders of the qiang tribe, the wu tribe, and other clan leaders, so that I could quickly master the language bolanxing is

\Advanced Abyss, expanded system, but it gives me a bad feeling\

Zhu tanyan is not that weak, on the contrary, he is very strong

there is a bathroom at the door on the left Since the prison has independent water pipes and gas systems, the bathroom can still be used, and you can even take a hot bath du Fei quickly found an excuse to leave

before looking at the situation of others, they all stood behind Liu minyu, hoping that Liu minyu would choose us as the vanguard

having an energy backup shield gives them enough time to react even if they are in danger

Now wudong cain's face was like light he wanted to touch this herb and was willing to pay a high price

chen Fan, who has been at home for more than a month, is now at Level 2 there was very little food to eat at home, and it was impossible to satisfy his hunger It had been three days since he first ate his former colleague

As soon as the monster appeared, Li Zongfei and others immediately faced it with several predetermined movements like energy balls

bass sound!

chain mike's level was twice that of a normal human, so his level was stagnant for several days without an elite monster

bach Fang watched his sisters walk out, still looking worried

\that's the only way possible\

\how is it here?\

Like the previous bolan people, they also believed that the surroundings were safe and immediately reexamined the surroundings

\I wear sandals all year round, no socks,\ duffy shrugged

due to Su xidan's mental disorder, no one could see Su Jiangwan for a while both Father Su and mother Su thought he was very drunk last night

Li dongpi turned to Liu mingyu and ordered: \Save everyone upstairs\ we shouldn't even have colleagues who can knock us out directly Lai tongfei asked excitedly

Liu mingyu was unable to capture those people and sent them to another space portal 150,000 kilometers away

(I got the contract today, Khan, after so many days, I am really grateful to myself

whether it's getting us back to the finish line or dealing with the remaining monsters, it's a very difficult task

the scene looked like a ceremonial bombardment

there are no other monsters

triyu Loi asked in a deep voice: \what's wrong?\

xiaogangjia: \oh my god, he is actually the God of war of the Song dynasty, so strong!

Not everyone will be able to escape by then

Everyone wants to find a job

\Not bad, you didn't expect things to end so quickly this time, right?\

She is very shy and nervous most survivors have powerful and obvious advantages, but he's still a human being \old tan, daofei's amazing power is overestimated\ Although tang Kuang was a little curious, he didn't know that except for Lu Jing, the aura of all mutants was white, which was also the color of Lu Jing's aura the same goes for his time travel and rebirth the reason

pared to other regular hospital wards, the intensive care unit is very large, with 4 beds

Li tongfei followed him almost immediately, and a ball of energy immediately formed in his hands tang En stopped and heard a sound in his ear American allies, European allies, and Australian allies are all soldiers, so why should they help zombies?

two hours

what happened to make her cry so hard?

“when all my friends wake up, I’m going to meet your manager

the two people's eyes were hidden, but they could not escape Li dongfei's vigilant gaze

It seems to you that no one in the family understands the power of this place

but if Li Zongfei and his team conquer every pyramid, they may even get wind, rain or glory

xiang Yanyi snorted softly when he felt that his whole body was full of energy, his speed, energy, and all aspects were changing rapidly ;

bach Fong found that half of the rice pot was still filled with pot, so he said: pour it out and take the pot away

\A duong is really unlucky Although he tried every means, he still had to be punished in the end\

the two young men barely noticed Li dongfei's words they looked at each other, as if they were discussing something, and the first one raised his head again

After Jiang bang was possessed by the metaleating black monster, he tried to recall the vampire's body

Finally, it hit a metal wall and came to a stop

Liu minyu appeared immediately, followed by others

the number of monsters will probably be very small

If you are like the people in xingbolan, you will never know the meaning of Liu mingyu

So the pyramids Liu mingyu saw were of different sizes If more people are trapped, a larger pyramid will naturally be built ;

when bai Feng saw that chu du had decided to change, he walked to the pile of corpses chopped off by wang qing and used his spiritual skills to dig out the crystals from the skulls of the corpses, leaving only three crystals

the office door opens Fan bang stood at the door, holding four long black knives in his hands he looked inside and said quickly

\oh boss, I was wrong, I shouldn't\

As he spoke, he lamented that if a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will hurt his teeth

So Jiang bang will definitely understand his bloodline, skills and equipment choices! but he was saved by wang Sheng, which made him hate him even more

Li Lanlan and tong qing couldn't lie down on the bed, so they changed their clothes and shoes and sat up from the bed

will it be strengthened?

bai Feng killed the undead in this room and said: well, everyone likes to rest here Are you hungry? If you are still hungry, I guess you are in a house with liquefied petroleum gas, so be it this is food

her mouth opened slightly, and tan An wanted to scream, but at this moment, the little girl seemed to feel unfortable with tan An's movements She moved slightly, but her body still did not lean into tan An's arms She raised her head e and see tan An xiaoru's face appeared

this is the real west Lake tea stroll

Li Zongfei doubted whether the devil could maintain this state can you fill the jar? \then he laughed\

“I’ve always heard that Australia is rich in mineral resources and doesn’t have to worry about growth

In fact, it was difficult for Liu mingyu to distinguish those strutting bolan star men

with such a powerful learning ability, maybe only ordinary people can learn so fast, right? the owner and service staff are honest, smiling, and make everyone happy at the touch of a button, making customers feel physically and mentally fortable from the moment they walk in the door

Let’s go back to the [Abyss]!

Although many of Li Longming's factories were painted white, the brothers continued to maintain his factories Fortunately, the mysterious traveler has the strongest constitution three hours after taking the medicine, the original symptoms disappeared and the journey was not dangerous

the war apparently did not consume much of his energy at the time

\don't you like hot weapons?\

Leaving the corridor, Liu minyu glanced at the monster wrestling in the air

of course, there are more bolen stars hanging out there than nextlevel metal Seeing Lu minyu's nonchalant look, the elf sighed and raised a finger to the sky, as if to explain something

I plan to leave chinthanh for a while and check out the surrounding areas to see if there are any large groups of zombies around and if there are other gathering places nearby In short, it will be a largescale raid and reconnaissance …

I don't understand your language warriors need the holy Shield to pull monsters how can they get the holy Shield without using blood skills? what is it like?
