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九三读小说网 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第40章

第40章 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

but when did learning bee so difficult that we can even talk about what we need to learn? After all, when Shangguan Yudie left, huo Ye was also there!

At the same time, when other countries have established xingshan haile branch one after another, the Forest Kingdom haile branch will always be the name that others remember

bai Feng jumped down, stepped over the corpse, and ran towards the mutated tree

Liu Zhuoli used one immediately

managers are very slow to learn about people Finally, he couldn't hold on any longer contracting cells consumes a certain amount of energy Since there was no movement for more than ten minutes, huo huo could only release energy

\Actually, it is classified as a small coal mine It is a relatively new coal mine and has not been widely developed If it is distributed according to production capacity, it will definitely be classified as a small coal mine at the beginning\ It will be closed \(in Germany)

Liu mingyu looked at him calmly

Live tV personalities e from all walks of life

In addition, other countries may also participate in ground surveillance and obtain additional technical intelligence

After the system upgrade, Liu mingyu continued to supervise the upgrade of other systems

then he nodded to huang Yu and said, \thank you, sister, I have money here\

hearing xiaorou's words, Keenan frowned and nodded he saw that Shiaros’ wounds after being shot were different from those of mutants!

Investing in coal mining is definitely a good business right now No wonder so many people came here today

the simulation system is a life simulation system

Zhang hao has not yet decided whether to go there

It’s also one of the best relationships

because there is a big tree in the middle of the city Although there are only a few years left, there may be solutions or ways to end the consequences in the next few years, so xu Yamei does not want to betray the Freemasons yet

they are also considering looking for other partners and information about Fithian


Zeng danping was distraught, so he and Gan Lipeng checked into a fivestar hotel outside the airport

No matter how low our skill level is, we still need to learn and there are things we can improve on if we have no experience

If you rush into an unfamiliar field and start learning from scratch, you will find that you feel no resistance at all why is Neon country so popular? how can you listen to me first and then make a decision?

It seems to work either way

In the python's field of vision, Lu bu disappeared in an instant

therefore, crystals will bee a valuable resource for all mankind and the world, now and in the future

there are filters available for Fithian cake

\can I do it?\

Zhang hao rubbed his forehead and said: \he is really working hard now If it doesn't work, we can raise the price a little No matter what, we should give it a try\ there is plenty of firewood

Even if we have the unity of world government, we should at least have the unity of the arts that exist at the time his father, du qihuang, now runs more than a dozen biological laboratories and cooperates with the military It can be said that if the base city has it, then du qihuang can also have it

\miss xiang, is your brother more powerful?\ After huo huo finished speaking, he shouted: \Is he still there?

In addition to the zombie climbing part, other buildings also gave Liu mingyu great support

the four of them chatted until late at night before going back to their rooms to sleep

So the two of them are at sea and on a boat, realizing the beauty of snow and the strange sea creatures that sometimes appear Fortunately, these mon fish creatures appear to have evolved and are not dangerous fish , they will not take the initiative to attack qin An

chapters 7 to 8 are about the middle class

Although Liu mingyu himself did not reach level 8, the creatures he summoned did

\At the same time, even the strongest superpower in our time is only that big, right?\

\of course, didn't I ask you where there are many people and where there are weak people?\

he shook his head: I don't know, but I will protect you!

but if they put him in a new world, the problem would be much bigger

Finally, when the stock bees available, he can take it to the bank for a loan based on current real estate market conditions, loans of $670 billion are still achievable, which is another step forward

behind him, Liu mingyu is definitely the better choice

the tree is about twenty inches in diameter and five or six inches wide

they didn't think about it while he was there Not sure yet?

And can only be used for backup work but for Liu mingyu, he can do it, far from it

I don't understand that Lu bu can leave without explaining

that night, Zhang hao was lying on the bed muttering

After a long time, when he realized that she was not looking, he must have woken up

the number of people is also between 100,000 and 200,000 \what happened?

Kangnan was in the giant tree, controlling the vines and trying to separate the zombies

——the devil is born

the tunnel is surrounded by spar, but the spar only extends to a depth of one meter, and everything above one meter is smooth stone

we initially assumed that Feitian transformed data was not early regression data or unique data

Kerenish animals that are on fire, dotty’s ugly face, even cow’s feet and more overall, the new skill tree will be very useful for Liu mingyu

this tunnel was very long, but tang mo didn't want to put crystals into it

Liu mingyu also answered one by one

they are pletely two people!

when we joined the Earth defenders, Shanmu country had not yet received the technical information package from Fitian

Fortunately, Fithian employs 20 million scientists Regardless of whether the tech tree is short or not, there is no chance

how do Rangers think and how do they choose?

If this is the case, I am afraid that we will have to wait until Lu bo is released from prison before we can find a solution

there are fifteen mutated fruits in total, and bai Feng has already arrived

only when we sincerely realize the correct relationship between humans, nature and animals, and feel guilt and regret for what humans have done in the past, can we truly get rid of this illusion

two boats depart within an hour

At the end of tang dynasty, he wondered whether the crystal mine was the treasure Zhang chao and qin Fan were looking for, or whether the treasure was actually an illusion

maybe some netizens said so

Focus on updating previously used content

\You almost died!\

\I have a question, when will the operation start?\

Similarly, in the angry sea, qin An grabbed xiaorou and jumped into the sea in a boat, not knowing where he was going to be taken Shoot, shoot quickly!

As the score decreases, so does the difference between the scores, and this is only possible with sound


tang mo looked at the clock on the birth certificate About five hours had passed

the king and the children spent a lot of time preparing the cup of tea

qin An said angrily: \Are you innocent?

Liu mingyu continues to test more system updates

but pared to the smaller spacecraft patrolling Earth, the ones now hovering beneath our feet seem mesmerizing

many people in the Neon Land have also experienced this strange phenomenon After talking to several people, they found out that the questionnaire test is unique in our country

Listening to their screams, qin An knew that xiaoru was definitely over why can they fall from the water and rise into the air again?

First of all, Liu mingyu basically reviewed all the content before updating the system

Until then, it will be impossible for the entire population to suffer

based on the feedback we have received from Earth champions, this appears to be the case

Lu bu happened to see the weakness of the demons around him and said: \master, there are not many weak people around

At that time, countries interested in joining Earth defenders included almost every country and organization on the planet

they must plete their work immediately

\If he removes it in a referendum in his own country and 80 percent of the population doesn't want to participate, then it won't be allowed to participate in Earth observation,\ Fittian said

\mond, do you remember the features of this face?\

In principle, this cannot be proven, especially since the zombie senses the hero's abilities before reaching level 10, so he cannot be called a superhero but he believed what duffy said when duffy said it was okay, he handed the orange in his hand to duffy with a smile and said, \brother\

Giving up his worries, du Fei took an orange, peeled it, broke off a piece of powder, and put it to Illya's lips

but if we wait until now, I'm afraid it will be too late where did you get this boat?

Now the Jade Empire is ready to waste resources where to plan? Reported by Gan Lipeng Radio

So, Gan Lipeng entertained Zeng danping and after a brief negotiation with wang Jiale, an agreement was quickly reached In order to be flexible and accessible to danping bell, Gan Lipeng was the first work sent by wang Jiale An experimental group of original scholars who have followed Gan Lipeng for a long time

\then chop up the body, whatever it is!\

Zeng danping regards this growth rate as a new magical power after being a woman I asked Aunt Liu to make it for you

As it was being taken away, someone accidentally photographed it and posted it online

Not many people from the hao family want to go to Africa this time, so there are many ships Upon request, two more boats were added to carry all ticketed passengers this is simply the best gift the ocean has given to mankind!

After passing the elevator room, everyone felt relaxed, and the staff below greeted Liu mingyu one by one

Liu mingyu looked at the system interface and prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that his plan would e true

For example, Li Zongfei and the wolf we call Liu mingyu are also among them

Learning is a very long process

A pile of smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the ground collapsed instantly hundreds of thousands of Ji dao soldiers, hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of generals fought directly Various attacks continue, one after another full of brutality

don't look at future announcements, only what hasn't happened is real

but we were not afraid and went straight to Fithian

chong hanyu turned Yu chaomu's body, hugged her waist, lowered his head and kissed her lips

pared to Earth, Liu mingyu can conduct various experiments in the new world without worrying about other problems

mr huo understood what he meant, \don't worry!

but it didn't say that Lu bu could be taken

Are you joking

After checking everything, tang mo sat down next to Jin Jing, who was still lying there unable to move

In fact, these two newly upgraded buildings still look like zombie factories According to my research, housing prices in Zhucheng have reached their highest point cashing out at high prices is normal behavior and does not require any psychological burden

Keenan looked at xialu with some annoyance

oh my god, who are they?

\You can't say that!\

A simple difference of seven points can make this python drinking pot

\I see!

So most people have to learn it from scratch

he didn't stay in this fantasy world for long the present moment and the real world must be separated

Yes, when he left, others left him Upon visual inspection, all departing carriages were empty

but there's a heavy price to pay

Initially, prince mann had to return to receive these pilgrims because of their status

Zhang Jianghe, you are the technician entrusted by our pany to be responsible for this work

In order for Zeng danping to give wang Jiale a zombie head, wang Jiale must reconcile with Zeng danping and maintain a normal relationship with Zeng danping

Even if you go to mars, the weather won't have much of an impact

As a technician for the Star Group, in order to learn new technologies from the Earth Explorers, he needed to understand the technology involved there is less space to hide, and the trees and vines are not as restricted as bai maple

Few remember this name, and almost all previous names have been forgotten According to Siying, the plant uses its scent to stimulate its instincts bai Feng couldn't cover his mouth and nose with a towel

Later, the official website of xingchen Group finished Liu mingyu’s journey to the moon live, and the number of people online reached an astonishing level And this way of addressing you is also very rude, isn't it?

At the same time, more than ten people were already seated in the middle carriage

First, we no longer have to worry about zombie numbers

du Fei scratched his head and couldn't believe it

when many people see a lighthouse, they think it looks like something from a science fiction movie don't cry in front of me!

there are no coal mines in minde and Laoshan, and there are naturally no local coal mining panies we have no choice but to cooperate with private panies

I know there is no such thing as cake

\what happens?\

will you e back?\

qin An said angrily: \I still want to ask you!

Such a small but gradual movement has sparked interesting discussions on the internet First of all, I want to send my children to Shanghai, where you can live in a new place and live with another cousin

what exactly did phythian invite them to do?

but what's even more terrifying are the four people Liu mingyu summoned to the top of the eighth floor huo Ye and Shangguan Yudie did not step forward

Rumors spread on the Internet

brother ma sat up straight and crossed his hands in front of him he bowed slightly and said, \master Liu, before we talk about cooperation, I would like to ask a question about your pany do you have a pany?\ Is this real knowledge? consciousness, or something close to true consciousness

beside him, Zhao Yufei held a staff and looked forward without saying a word why should I save this little guy who upset me so much?

phytianus immediately assigned the contract to the other party

July 21

Almost as soon as Liu mingyu turned around, Lu bo's figure disappeared from Liu mingyu's eyes Except that the storm that appeared immediately in front of him did not show Lu bu's existence, nothing else could see his figure

before Liu mingyu could speak, Feitian nodded and said, \Yes, I hope that your entire country can join me As a promise, I will provide technical information\ (German) I understand that your excellent technical knowledge makes your the country has pleted its transformation

thanks to the extensive collaboration between Star Group and Earth Guardian, new products are launched almost every day and there is no end to them

In fact, he was tired when he wakes up, we can discuss the bigger issues If he continues like this, if something happens, he won't be able to deal with it

Although Liu mingyu's quantity is still very low, the change in the mission system means that Liu mingyu's quantity options are very limited and very light

the king is ready he pulled a note from his side pocket

Your pany has formed a good strategic partnership with champions of the Earth

\You're so funny the official website of Forest Kingdom was whitewashed by bai Ke xiaojia quickly read the latest reports It's really funny\

his majesty Sam is not asking us to make any promises, he is asking phythian to give us these first steps so that we can quickly learn the corresponding final steps

what we change is the seed position, but changing the neon country data is the seed position

Yu Jinhong thought for a while and said: \I will be back in a few days then I will talk to Aji and see if Shancheng can make arrangements\

Something happened

perhaps only industrial action gave them a chance

\Sugon's pany is great, but to be honest, it's a bit like a pR project banks may or may not have high hopes for it\

In fact, looking at the whole country, this number may be less than 100,000

Apparently we have seven skills and can only learn one more

\It's strange, very strange I was told I had to give a brief technical explanation before joining the Guardian didn't I notice a little advance in technology? Instead, I he saw the Forest Kingdom (German) is often kidnapped and hunted

however, tang mo also decided that he must act as soon as possible to flush out all the crystal tunnels

meanwhile, southwesterly winds picked up again, but not enough qin An used his hands as sails and followed the direction of the wind, trying to steer the ship northwest Unfortunately, he couldn't the ship can sail north


In addition to small expenses, this requires spare cash

when he walked out of the house again, he found that everything had changed dramatically It seems that there are quite a lot of people we are looking for

what do you think?

however, when he heard that Zeng danping was his new boyfriend, wang Jiale thought that this would make Zeng danping, who had bee a woman, give up faster It would be nice to have a new boyfriend to take care of her

the new building has no other buildings there were vines hanging inside and some bones could be seen inside

there were over a million people to transport, and there was no doubt that the spacecraft behind them was a poor choice

the main reason is that the support amounts calculated are based on national regression figures

It is believed that these individuals were invited by Fitz to work with the Guardians of Earth

the weather outside the window is so nice Yu chaomu opened the quilt mercilessly and looked at her body Zhong hanyu did nothing

Zhang hao quickly got up, then called the third sister and sent her his blessings

In desperation, other passengers had to stay in the spare bedroom suite next to Ganlipang's master bedroom

Lu bu nodded and said

Liu mingyu discovered the fourth new biological center in the world with munication research equipment

\white!\ Shadow asked quickly

Even pared to the real world, a postapocalyptic world requires more skill If you don't leave now, how long will you have to wait?

when Yu Jian drove Yu Zhe away, no one paid much attention however, when Yu Jian's five friends left at the same time, Song Yiguo was not the only one who felt something was wrong try to see woocheol right away he had to meet her in five minutes

Liu mingyu turned his attention to those buildings

he was respected by a group of people in his later years

Under his feet, there is a small cloud, supporting the flow of spiritual energy for fusion

this is the land of neon lights

At that time, because his beloved was far away from the station, Liu mingyu did not hurt him for the time being thinking of this, qin An quickly took back xiaorou's hands and looked at her fingers

Liu mingyu raised her hand and pulled huang Yu behind her, nodded slightly, and shouted in a low voice: \Go away, why are you stopping us? we are going to work\ he quickly chased after Yu Zhe, trying to stop Yu Zhe, but Yu Zhe Now that he is a fourthlevel agility monk, how can he possibly catch up with him?

\don't disturb me at this important moment can you tell me something?\

If a mutant is wounded by a gunshot, even if it cannot heal quickly, new flesh and blood will sprout and grow from the wound without losing too much blood precisely because so few people hold this belief, most choose to bear this burden alone and prevent their families from following them As for items and weapons, I can say they are very rare

Is there a secret behind this illusion that I don't know about?

only a few people attended and were turned away by staff No matter what happens, he will do it!

however, as the number of layers increases, the number and weaknesses of monsters also continue to change

After a period of research, the return assessment of the two countries was finally pleted today

the strength lies in the weak

I also rely on some deep links to get some

As soon as Liu mingyu made his choice, Shao chunchi suddenly disappeared At the last second, he appeared in an area surrounded by forest

the reasons why these countries were later allowed to join the Guardians of Earth have not yet surfaced

Senior brother Liu mingyu shouted again, and the Liu bureau brothers who gathered around him immediately turned and left According to the plan, the stock rose 400%, and 40 million was eventually bought

but it will not have a zombie training tower

thinking of this, Zeng danping pretended to be asleep, turned over, grabbed the head of the fourthlevel zombie, turned her back to wang Jia, and cried secretly

Serious injury or even death is extremely rare these guys are just players on the field how can they be so strong?

Sibushan asked: did he see the weakness of the devil in that world?

God, we can't fight, we can't win, must we run?

Nearly all of the top names on King's list e from all walks of life do you want to die

he could also say that he rules the world Liu mingyu at least needs technology, he can't e back from the world president, you are awesome!

before they evacuated, many also alerted family and friends in the area multiple times about their safety

After eating the meat, it’s time for dinner, right?

will it be published?

As soon as huo huo said these words, the two women suddenly looked solemn

If you don't have such a screen around you, you basically can't ignore all security issues

but in this case, we started very quickly

today, a large white carpet appeared in the sky above chengdu central park If you look closely, you can see that the white thin wooden strips look like tree trunks!

there are one or two people

this is war!

At that moment, Lu Jiajia's training was not in vain he immediately realized that he had eliminated it and had the ultimate power!

After Liu mingyu exchanged it for a summoned beast, Li Zongfei and others could also freely enter the prison with Liu mingyu

Liu mingyu said quickly

A country with a large population is not a difficult thing

I am very worried that Liu mingyu's arrival will trigger negative events in our country

At first I felt like wang Jiale It is precisely because they do not love women that they e together regardless of worldly affairs Now I have to be a woman and I can't force others to change!

his eyes were filled with pain and he seemed to be going crazy Yu chaomu has this ability to make everyone around him crazy!

And everyone who has entered the fantasy world now doesn't know how they would feel if they found out that the treasure that ignited this incident was stolen by tang mo with an iron tool

Finally, Yu chaomu opened his bright red lips and said coldly

\I have to do something that is a matter of life and death today may be the last time I see you in my life You listen to what I say and remember to speak\

Liu mingyu smiled at Lao Lu and said: \master Lu, I have heard about the strong skills of our xiao team for a long time when I saw it today, it is true\

Liu mingyu cleared his throat and whispered: \dear friends, wele to the short press conference held by xingchen Group today's topic is the joint cooperation between xingchen Group and Earth defenders\ Sausage)

\what are the neon villagers thinking?\

Level 4 zombies take a long time to build

After Yu Jian saw the list of all debts and arrears on his mobile phone, he just smiled sadly and said to Zhi shamelessly: \Yes, I not only have to go here in person, but also leave a place for myself to retreat \ family

Just as Nokia's Symbian system ushered in the era of smartphones, the era of fake smartphones also ushered in the era of real smartphones

No matter where the enemy es from, Liu mingyu can be protected immediately After listening to Fitian's words, cEo Sam countryside took a deep breath

In fact, he wanted to get deeper and deeper and not let anyone find him, but chong hanyu found him

Liu mingyu believes that international solidarity is not needed on the other side of the world

huo Ye concentrated all the holy light energy stored in his body on this sword It's like a bomb exploding in the body with a white background! \I hope so\ Emperor Li Jingta stood up

Everyone suddenly felt tianling's hood tremble

Now there is no zombie school or zombie training tower, and the zombies are slightly strengthened

Fang qiu'e saw an opportunity in her eyes, but she was confused about today's situation

the branches of the plant tree have returned and changed, and future branches will be better differentiated

the young master of the xingchen Group has returned, and the xingchen Group has distanced itself from the live media

Zhang Jianghe nodded lightly, \Yes, mars, do you want him to go to the Earth Guardian to see if he agrees?

Is there any downside to joining the Earth defenders as everyone is waiting to see?

Until one day, the fourth zombie in bajiao Village recognized danping bell who was also on the fourth floor, rushed to the hotel, and started a big battle with danping bell

In Yuzhou plain, more than 20 kilometers away from Starry Sky headquarters, this area is already a suburb Looking around, there are highrise buildings near the city gate a few kilometers away

If you want to be invincible, you have to kill gods when you encounter them, and you kill demons when you encounter them this is his sword, and his body is the palace of his sword he fought with him and drank of his blood In this world, kill whoever you want


Feeling hungry, qin An jumped out of the boat to catch fish there was no way to cook the fish, so he had to eat raw fish!

the only being on this planet is the fourth intermediate being because he was too powerful, he was killed by Lu bu however, being a permanent member is very difficult and usually only Jews can bee permanent members

bai Feng took it in his hand and jumped down immediately

maybe if you choose other countries, other countries will cooperate with you

the selected country may be too small or too large

bai Feng continued to jump on the ledge, avoiding the periodic attacks of the spiders

Liu mingyu’s brother card is onetime use In addition to using it, you can also summon brother Liu mingyu (starting at level 4) to fight for you for sixty minutes

It does hurt at this point If this continues, by the time the entire team reaches wutong Station, there may only be a few dozen zombies left?

pared to the Star cluster, the countries that want to join the Earth defenders are bad enough, even the Jungle Kingdom doesn't dare to cooperate

I saw dozens of chariots among hundreds of thousands of soldiers standing up and starting to beat drums as a warning

“You think you should have your country talk to the champions of the Earth

he immediately came up with an emergency plan: \manager Zhang, if it is inconvenient for you, we can also change the business model

And this Earth Island was also one of the islands destroyed by Liu mingyu

what does it mean to believe or not to believe?

I can still kill prey with the human sea technique, but now those seven powerful creatures suddenly disappeared what should I do

Zhang danping was created accidentally by wang Jiale but wang Jiale didn't want to bee vulgar like Zeng danping, so he continued to look for a way to transform the weak without side effects

thinking of this, qin An paddled his hands even harder, just wanting to leave this beautiful but dangerous sea as soon as possible!

when Liu mingyu appeared at the Forest palace, the Forest palace didn't seem to be interested
