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第57章 后记932.321.3 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

qin An ignored him, but took out a small schoolbag and put some lockpicking tools and other items she thought could be used into it. Finally he put the bag on his back and put the Japanese sword inside. on hand .

Zhang Yue smiled, and as he spoke, his brows dropped suddenly, and his expression suddenly changed.

From then on, Yu chaoma's sister was called wan Shilei. Zhang chongxin shouted.

Song Yan organized the documents as they were, got up and went back to his room, looked at the ceiling and fell asleep...

\thank you for your efforts. Go to bed early tonight. this has nothing to do with you. It is between me and him!\


\how much can this box do?\ Liu xing asked.

\ponyo, please run faster, please, please, don't e any closer. please run faster, it's okay...\

xiao Fei was lying on the ground and couldn't get up. the blood on his back stained the ground red again, but the same words were repeated in his throat. tears mixed with blood flowed down her face, and she looked very pitiful. ....

the roars and cries of animals can be heard in every corner of the city. Zeng qiang walked out of the living room, sighed, and told Liu xing that the two elders were fine. Liu xing's heart sank. ....why are no new assignments submitted?

but this is the end of the world, human society is collapsing, banknotes bee old paper, and knots bee the new order!

Suspension bridges are connected with steel cables between the floating islands. there are some plants on the suspension bridge that Zhao Feng cannot see, such as morning glories, which tightly wrap the suspension bridge and bloom with bright flowers.

In fact, Liu mingyu purchased a large amount of weapons this time for two reasons: one was to prepare for future missions, and the other was to see if he could find a big arms dealer. .

qin An asked suspiciously: \then what do you want to say?\

Jiangchuan Yoichi's sudden attack had no effect, and he panicked a little. the mental power struck again with great force, but du Fei still stood calmly, as if nothing had happened. Egawa Yoichi's mental attack was like hitting a cotton ball, but it did not affect du Fei's concentration.

Zhang hao shook his head secretly, and then smiled brightly.

\what do you want?\

the biggest problem now is that they cannot defeat the \electric dogs\ guarding the front edge of the power plant.

then Yang Yang whispered:

\I have no idea!

Unlike the first time he woke up on the side of the road, this time he seemed to have walked into a hotel room.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, the twins and their grandfather guarded the courtyard gate, preparing to wele their classmates.

wang qingdao: \brother bai Feng, was Sister Zhou bitten? did she e out too?\

After the landlord left, du Fei went outside to find a locksmith and changed the lock on the security door.

the young couple, who had not yet bee a couple, were actually a little confused about the trip. the scenery along the way and the days and nights we spent together really left many beautiful memories.

Zhang hao wants to tell everyone that this is a new era, and we can no longer look at problems with old concepts, but he can't say it directly, because it is more sympathetic. And it’s impossible for these soldiers to e directly to save us! .

\mom and dad, my son has taken care of you all these years.\ he is really an idiot. I feel sorry for you and I feel sorry for big pudding and Little pudding.

but on the other side of the closet, bai Feng didn't feel so rough, nor did he feel dizzy.

the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa also smiled and shook his head. Although he didn't speak, it could be seen from his expression. .

Song Yan nodded, unwilling to say anything more. Guo haoyu touched his nose and said nothing.

when he appeared here, he was hugged by the newly reborn Kim hyun-joo. he didn’t know where this place was, what year it was, or what happened!

I have to say that L4 is really strong. bai Feng's mental wall showed signs of instability under the L4 blow.

he came back so suddenly, and chong Runyu didn't inherit any of his memories. Yu chaomu was pletely unfamiliar with the surrounding environment.

the initial few hundred thousand points are now more than 2,000 points.

Speaking of which: my home has been redecorated thanks to my son’s memory. this amount of money is only enough to pay the rent for a three-bedroom apartment building for more than two months, which is indeed very small.

the animation montage is over, but that touching feeling still has the first buds of spring quietly growing in huo Ye's heart, and they will eventually blossom and bear fruit one day in the future.

chen mo stood at the door, holding a dragon sword in his hand, looking like a door god. Not only do outsiders dare not enter, but even those inside do not dare to leave. .

\No need, the healing effect of your holy ring's light has always been very good, hasn't it?\

there must be a lot of people. Ivan frowned and his voice became louder and louder, indicating that these zombie-like people were approaching him.

Although recovery is slow, patients often feel they can't wait any longer.

when I felt the distance was approaching, Z5 also looked at the right place.

So after a few moves, Yang Yang was defeated by chong hanyu who was as fast as a wolf. chong hanyu knocked the knife out of Yang Yang's hand without warning.

qin Fen always had a photo of a green tea white rabbit in front of him. this was the first time he lost his temper.

&, what about a certain number of orders? .

Li dajuan was crushed.

the latter looks very elegant and has two very beautiful corners. otherwise he would be no different from ordinary people.

he opened his mouth angrily and repeatedly punched through the spiritual wall in front of bai Feng.

\Isn't that what you said?

\Your father and I just came to your sister's house.\ Everything is fine now. don't worry about us. Now you must quickly find a higher place to hide. Your superiors have received the message. the smoke height can only reach the 12th floor. …”

\well, mom, I get it. I'm going to take care of this. I'm going to do it right. I'm relieved that you're safe. maybe I'll be able to see you in a while. that's it for now. the smoke will disperse.\ e on, I still have things to do. \

Zhang Jiaqi immediately hugged his cousin and kissed him tightly, \wow, it turns out our big pudding is a caring little cutie!\

immediately. .


others followed suit and praised:

“It’s been important to hear your voice for ten years.”

xue Yang was so shocked that his legs went weak and he knelt down to beg for mercy. brother qin also put a few folding spoons on it. Everyone was surprised, but brother qin said it was used frequently.

cang Nan and Lie hongshan in front of him looked at him blankly. She couldn't help but touched his nose and said:

\why are you looking at me like this? what's the matter?\

Unlike Shao Zun and others who looked at the sky in horror through the window, chen mo silently stretched out his hands.

“Is your family in the mining industry?”

the older man had a knife hidden in his hand, put it on Yang Yang's neck, and pushed the young man to the ground with one hand. .

Zhao boguang and the people acpanying him laughed and said:

\e, e, let me meet you.\ this is the sister of squadron leader Zhong Runyu. Although he is young, he is also captain Zhong's right-hand man, no, the most important hand.

the metal of the car that hit the zombies was so uneven that it looked like it would not be able to withstand the next impact. what are the names of the two brothers? .

\maybe... because my sleep has been disturbed.\ huo Ye said quickly: \but you have never lacked energy. I said that I want to build my own munity and need members. do you have any intention?\

\Yes, yes, this is too exploitative and not worth it.\

however, this is nothing to Jiang peng.

this society has very high requirements for men.

with a \ding\ sound, the metal pot came into close contact with the yellow cat. the yellow cat was hit and fell to the wall.

bai Feng threw the last vase of flowers into the car parked on the roadside, turned around and walked back.

Seeing that the light of the wind Sword, Egawa Yoichi, tyrannosaurus Rex, and Angeline with the peony tattoo on her back were about to go out, they suddenly ran forward and shouted at the same time: \Stop! \

Jiangchuan Yangyi fell heavily to the ground, followed by the light of the wind sword. Rex immediately ran out to fight Yoichi Egawa, holding up the blade of the wind sword with his hands raised, his hands showing that he was in the light. his body began to go limp and he transformed back into a tyrannosaurus in an instant.

the laboratory is a top-secret facility and munications with the outside world are strictly restricted. this radio is their only way to understand and municate with the outside world.

by the light of the lantern, I could vaguely see a staircase on the other side of the door.

the songs, dances, international news and skits of the past have all disappeared, just as the radio stations have agreed to stop playing them. chu spent tens of thousands of yuan on them at that time. It is in good condition and deemed worthy of recognition. \meiyu\, \xiao Liu, how much is this experience worth?\ .

She knew the girl suffered from hypoglycemia and the chocolate was specially prepared for her. .

the whole team he meant meant everyone in his camp, plus Yu chaomu and chong hanyu, hu xuliang's more than thirty soldiers, and xiao cheng and Yun Lang. .

Song Yan looked at Fang qiuyue's tired look and couldn't help but fort her.

If he had relentlessly pressured Li Ying and attacked her that night, wouldn't Li Ying have betrayed him?

high kills mean high scores.

the annual expenses of xingtian Sect are enough to support these people. replied the weakling.

At the end of the tang dynasty, Zhang chao witnessed a battle with other animals at the S base. how can this be?

before the end of the world, Song Yan would never believe that he would e here, a place frequented by rich people. .

there was no emotion in Song Yan's voice. If it is winter, hungry civilized animals will also pose a threat and the population must be controlled from now on.

but at this moment, Li Na suddenly tripped over a rock, screamed, fell forward, and finally fell to the ground.

After a while, another classmate, tang qihan from the same city, also arrived.

he jumped up and kicked down the first zombie that fell to the ground.

brother qin and the other two people got up to make breakfast and check the equipment. Fortunately, there is still 9,000 yuan on the credit card , but it can only be swiped, not withdrawn.

there was the sound of knives clanging in the distance. Yu chaomu saw Zhong hanyu and Yang Yang already practicing from a distance. he shook his head and turned to see xiao xixi at Amei's camp.

thinking like this, Yu chaomu suddenly stood up, opened the closet and found a set of pink sportswear.

Soon after, a young dwarf came over with a package in his hand and handed it to the old dwarf.

his body was already covered with countless scars. Fortunately, Ivan's defense is very strong. the injury was just a superficial wound, not even the flesh was injured, and there was not much blood.

Little pudding waved his hands impatiently: \I know, dad, you have said it several times.

After doing all this, Yu chaomu turned around, confidently walked out of the control room, and left with the three children.

but after all the videos were played, the host came on stage and wanted to hold some activities and provide Ye Yu Jackdaw signed books or other by-products like posters as rewards. but how could Zhao Yaya have such an idea at this time? .

chong hanyu, dressed in black, walked up to the wind, stood beside Yu chaomu, stretched out his hand, hugged her slender waist, and said with a smile:

“None of you here is powerless.

this thing is beyond their knowledge, and the method to possess it is also very simple.

however, although their bodies are tall and strong, speed is not their strong point. they are over three meters tall and can walk much faster than normal humans, but can only be pared to civilized humans, let alone fly. Author: bai Feng.

the two had pleted the transaction yesterday and were very familiar with the process.

bai Feng formed a wall of mental thoughts in front of him. the two -S4s were caught off guard and collided head-on.

And this time they said it was a big deal, but he didn't know what a big deal it was. he is very happy.

After Liu

It's unclear whether the bite can lead to infection.

Is chen mo crazy? At the same time, a warm liquid flowed through, and because of the high concentration, I felt no pain.

where is the mother? du Fei asked aloud.

deep down, Liu mingyu is a rich man with a lot of money. he has sold more than 10 million products in less than a month. he must have a good relationship with Liu mingyu. when the world is in chaos, it would be nice to be able to save your life. who else wants a Nobel prize?

the wen family is an isolated family. he just arrived at the end of the world and worked hard with other big families to maintain the order of the end of the world. they contributed greatly to the survival of humanity after the end of the world, and even more so after the collapse of subsequent rulers. Later it formed alliances with several other great powers. \Liu.

I thought Nantianmen was just fictional, but I didn’t expect it really existed.

At this moment, the two life forms at the intersection were also walking towards bai Feng. they must have been attracted by the sounds of battle.

Zhang Yang turned around and hurried home before he finished listening to the radio. he had not found qianqian before. he is far away. It's impossible to walk there in 15 minutes. Now I need a taxi. we can't go there either. the roads are chaotic and there will definitely be traffic jams. I want to call qianqian, but I don't have time. qianqian just called her home. She must still be there, so there is nothing to worry about.

For ordinary zombies, Liu mingyu is not afraid of too many tasks, but not enough. \Liu mingyu hopes that the role play will be mainly about flying dragons, and only powerful rocket launchers can destroy it. of course, the hit rate must be high, otherwise it will be devastating if it fails to hit the enemy.\

\I'm bored in my free time.\ what if I find something else that I enjoy more? Are you a little worried? ! \

what you must see! Should I be slaughtered too?

the length seems to have been cut in half, with only an additional 4.5 meters added. however, increasing it to 9 meters requires at least 200,000 points, which is far beyond what Liu mingyu can afford now. \Zhang hao is fair and honest. No matter how bad you are, you must take a long-term view.\

the person behind him obviously heard the conversation between the two. he hesitated a little and said to Zhao Yayi: \Good boy, give me a reward. I will give you whatever you want...\

\You're right!

Even he himself doesn't know that he looks a lot like qin Ling now. maybe they are the same person at heart.

with a \Kazi\ sound, huo Ye took out a bamboo razor from his mouth. the chicken steak he ordered was cut into the right pieces and he was specifically told to put ketchup and salsa on it! .

huo Ye's heart skipped a beat when he saw this little article. he seemed to know what was ing next! !

he stepped forward and continued. As soon as we entered the city, a woman's voice rang out from the three-story building ten meters away: \don't move, stop!\

Judging from the cars I saw on Kangqiao Road before, the technical level should be similar, at least there is not much difference.

Everyone seems to think LeLin is not a threat, and her portrayal of a vulnerable high school student as a teenager is quite understandable. Are you looking forward to it? .

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Yue's mouth and he spoke word by word. .

Zhao boguang looked at Yu chaoma and knew that he didn't like Shen Lan, so he didn't dare to call Shen Lan captain Shen and called Shen Lan directly. this made Yu Zhe feel more at ease. he is out of paper! Is it Li Na who traveled through time and space again?

thinking of this, bai Feng immediately took out the Z5 crystal from his pocket. .

Liu mingyu quickly decided \no\. that's just a joke. he made so many preparations and finally arrived at a relatively safe place. why did he e back like this? how dare you talk to me like this...\

\I am Lelin's boss.\ bai Feng gritted his teeth, grabbed them, ran towards the two yellow cats, and swung his sword to kill them.

In fact, Liu mingyu also knew that dougal was a second-rate businessman, but he had no other way to buy weapons and could only spend a lot of money to buy ammunition for dougal.

but this hatred was buried deep in his heart and he did not dare to express it. however, she didn't avoid qin An that much because her husband Liu tianyu didn't like qin An either. what was the first thing huo Ye did when he got home? .

Little pudding said worriedly.

therefore, Liu mingyu himself is a rich man, so there is no problem for him to help Shi dawei.

Now that we have lost contact with other places, things are getting worse!

Yuzhe carefully asked the zombies if they could swim. .

Kindness is human nature

Liu xing looked at peng Linxin and shouted: \At the end of the world, you are the only person I can trust!\

chen was not in a hurry.

After calming down, he looked at Jin xianzhu and little Li Na and thought to himself: Gekkos have no brains!

\ding, I learned a unique mental method, checked that no details were added to the character, and automatically added points successfully. Root bone +4, qi Sea +2, and physical technique +3!\


Zhao Feng was taken aback and asked doubtfully: \No wonder no one can go deep into the depths before the end of the world. who can bear it?\

After the release of world Voices, the variety of levels presented to human players was very important, although a large number of players were eliminated in grueling trials. .

Yu chaomu stood lazily and looked at wan Shilei. So, what exactly did Shen Lan say? Zhong hanyu's \white moonlight\ must be this wan Shilei. \white moonlight\ looks pretty good. , full of courtesy. .

“buy a 4S, buy a good car.

he immediately announced one word to everyone - \Fuck!\

\the fact is that the underworld and the western heaven are not as deep as the sky. All the elders of the prehistoric lineage lived in the sky before they left. tianmen has more names than the Underworld and the western heaven.\ heaven.

Suddenly, bai Feng heard a voice behind him.

\Everyone is so spread out, we don't have enough people. we can't pick everyone up individually.\ Students in the qing dynasty formed their own groups. Alice was about to sit down when huo Ye pushed her back.

Fortunately, the water in mougu Garden can flow slowly, and the pool is quite large.

huo Ye looked at his suffocating expression carefully, and then said to mu chengkong, \that's good.\


only three highly mutated insects with genetic levels three and four saw the lake and did not enter the lake impulsively.

\Now we can start to control the numbers of evolving animals in the forest to ensure they continue to reproduce and excess animals are eliminated.\

he lowered his head, glanced at Zhong Runyu's mobile phone, and then looked at it again. Yes, there are two words \chen Lan\ on the mobile phone Id.

Seeing that the plan worked, bai Feng didn't hesitate and immediately stabbed the yellow cat with his sword.

\momo, mom has something to tell you.\

Zhang chongxin's face suddenly relaxed, \okay, this is Sun tzu. he hesitated for a long time, looking at the turned off tV, but still didn't dare to say anything.\

\It's natural.\

he worked very hard during the process, but the results were unacceptable. maybe we can explore the capital! .

qin An was depressed for a moment. that was one of his problems at the time. he bees nervous at the sight of Li Ying, even though she is his legal wife and can be whoever he wants.

there was a corpse lying on the ground in front of chen mo's feet, and the blood had dyed the ground red.

Ever since he killed the zombie, the buzzing sound inside had been ing continuously.

but the lab looks a little messy today. Not because of poor placement, but because of the nice detail. there was a noticeable bend in the screw handle, which appeared to have been bent by someone, and there were pieces on the floor. there were some cracks in the tool box, but tongue didn't replace them for some reason.

Keep going and you'll experience these things over and over again. Now that I'm lying here, why are you so angry? Are you crazy? huo Ye asked.

\Kill zombies?\

\damn it, who is it? but my uncle still knows how powerful my son is. Although his brain is smart, his fighting ability is too weak. A high school diploma is probably his limit. before long, you will I heard fighting and gasping sounds ing from the bathroom.

Songs was arrested and put on trial, and captain Leonard, who had abused him, was taken away.

“what are you going to do if you don’t go?

my father has always been told by his strict and unruly grandfather not to say too many caring words to him, because this will soften his heart, and the future head of the chu family does not need a soft heart; she does not have a princess dress or a puppet toys, because these are things that an innocent and cute girl like chu xilan can have. these state-of-the-art gadgets will only annoy new owners; there's no room for crying or plaining. If he does, he will only be punished - for those are the weak and inpetent who are despised by the strong.

“don’t tell me, I’ve been excited to join Sadie for the past few days.

huo Ye sat on Krause's hoverbike and leaned on Krause's back, but Krause didn't care that he had turned into a human pillow and asked like a friendly elder: \xiao huo, these plans. \what will you do after graduation?\ \

After returning from the market, tang mo went to the kitchen to work for a long time, serving four dishes and one soup, waiting for mother Lin to e back so that they could eat together. ;

bai Feng shook his head. he didn't know what to say, so he could only say: \Go away first, I will protect you.\

qin An clearly remembered that she was wearing a white tights, which made her two slender legs look even more seductive!

hu Ze, who was afraid of chen Fan's cruel gaze, couldn't sleep well for several days. he is afraid that one night he will turn into a woman, so he lives in fear all day long.

“Ji Zhi!

qin An's mood really improved. he looked at the clock and saw that it was almost six o'clock. he said, \okay, let's go cook!\

And the west!

After breakfast and packing up, it was already ten o'clock.

After hiding the bicycles, Anyang and others sighed and walked to the restaurant with tang mo and others. .

wang xiao's face was full of disbelief, and even the people around him were shocked.

Lelin quickly took out his wallet, took out his bank card and handed it to her.

Village chief Fan frowned, \old Zhang, do you think it's hard to find food? e on, e with me to the south gate of baoqu Village tomorrow and help them build a house.\

bai Feng just wanted to open his mouth and give bai Feng a chance to put the sword into his mouth. who would dare to let the military take over in this situation?

quickly approaching Z5, Z5 also saw bai Feng and ran back quickly.

dougal shouted into the conference room: \e in, guys, there's a lot to do.\

tang mo knew what Lin Yi would say, so he put down his bowls and chopsticks and looked at his mother seriously. .

but if momo really disagrees, she will have no choice but to break up with Jian Shu. After all, he and momo have been together for more than ten years, and he and momo are the closest people in the world.

the fire door temporarily stopped the zombie attack, but faltered for a moment.

werewolves are usually creatures whose mobility is primary and strength secondary. they are extremely fast and powerful. .

the system replied: \If the host wants to view the potion formula, just pay attention to the potion icon.\ For smart people, a little pudding is indispensable. .

qin An didn't expect Li Na to recognize him at first sight and be so calm!

perhaps the entire Yan city and even the entire world are in turmoil.

the yellow cat jumped to the side and landed. he looked up and saw that what was flying towards him was not a flying sword, but a rotating metal pot appearing in front of him.

Song Yan looked at the murals around him and couldn't help but ask:

\Is it possible that this is also the ruins you left behind? After cooking, go to my room to clean it and wash the clothes!;

Zhou Yu said coquettishly: mom, what are you talking nonsense about? how old am I?

\damn, it's such an unexpected disaster. It doesn't matter if you can't handle it well. In fact, your father and I will continue to raise him. haven't we been here all these years?\

\I can guarantee I'll get to the hotel safely, but I can't guarantee there will be an accident on the way back.\

before leaving, he said: \ we have an old saying in country Z: 'You won't die if you hit a snake, but the snake will hurt you.'\ well, if you are willing, as long as you don't turn into a real corpse, I will let you go! \
