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九三读小说网 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第61章 后记

第61章 后记 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

to the side of the road and vomited. but honestly ...what do you want me to do?

A little after ten o'clock, Li dajuan and Zhou's mother finally arrived. they saw the labor of big pudding and small pudding and felt relieved and worried.


chu. No, the bath chu Jiangyun just took had already consumed almost all the water he had stored in the water tank!

pared to his plans, time was too short. Given another year, he was confident he could build a real \shelter.\

we had to temporarily give up the idea of continuing to drive north from Linhe city. Since this is a non-apocalyptic era, there are no solid objects of pure energy like crystal nuclei. therefore, it is best to absorb dead people because the human body has a lot of energy. .


Since the [world channel] had just been opened, Jiang peng paid special attention to it.

\brother, is this too much?


this is the second year of his marriage to Li Ying, and it seems to be a weekend.

the end of the world is at the door. If you borrow money from huabei, you don’t have to pay it back. that’s all, so let’s do it.

the white wind ninja felt the urge to vomit, so he stepped on the immortal's head and pulled out two kitchen knives. the two living corpses were thirty or forty meters away from bai Feng. \After Alice said that, she turned around and ran away!\

\this series of knives is the last series of knives we oEm for big brands. the production date was three years ago. there are absolutely no quality problems. there are still more than 3,200 sets left.\

Liu mingyu laughed loudly and said: \hey, brother dougal, good evening, I am Liu huaxia. do you remember Liu huaxia who bought you something a few days ago? children always have to grow up. the environment is better , a little more military training is not a bad thing.

coca-cola today is different from what it used to be. he drank Zhang Yue's purified animal taming potion, and he really regarded Zhang Yue as his master. .

\Say it! I am chen mo!

the wen family is rich, and so is wen Jianshu, but the more this happens, the more she fears that Lin's mother will be humiliated by the wen family. how can she accept wen Jianshu's money now?

but fifteen years of living with others still had a great impact on chu xiqing. he was not good at expressing his feelings. this was one of the reasons why he didn't know how to take care of chu xilan afterwards - he regarded his sensitive sister as his biological sister. these were her relatives, and they might have noticed it before. he didn't know how many tears his sister had shed, and he had long forgotten it. .

Sandra nodded in agreement.

Unfortunately, the tank is too big. Each tank is approximately eight to nine feet long. At present, the lateral length of its storage warehouse is only 4.5 meters, which is still far from the ability to acmodate one tank. .

dougal cried bitterly: \I really am not lying to you, the price is too high.\

chen mo walked to the altar, took out a few pens from the pen holder in the free space, and put them into his bag. then chen mo went to the lounge and lit a cigarette.

the three half-baked men outside swallowed hard and plained impatiently, unable to understand what beautiful scenery there was in a foggy place worthy of such sighs.

bai Feng quickly let go of the kitchen knife, took a step back to avoid the zombie's claws, then raised his foot and hit the zombie's chest hard. the outside world is the main world, and this is the dimensional world. I don’t want main time and main space. do you want auxiliary time and auxiliary space? would you describe it as magical?

“only sweet potatoes?”

\A handsome young man played chess with duke Zhou and was overthrown.\

After he spoke, his voice seemed to fall silent, like a stone falling into water and slowly returning to silence.

but there were more than a dozen undead corpses wandering around, even though bai Feng had just killed three undead corpses.

Li Na was afraid of him and wanted to resist.

he would never accept this.

bang, bright sparks.

After opening the door, he turned around and whispered to Zhang Yue: \Sir, fill up the tank and you can reach the capital.\


ps: Encourage me and vote for me!

After lunch, Zhang hao took the young children to the video room upstairs, played a large-scale animated movie, and took the opportunity to take a good rest. chu xiqing asked coldly while lying on the bed.

the woman ran towards the school gate, chased by several zombies. when he saw three people standing on the high platform, he was overjoyed, as if he had seen a savior, and quickly waved for help.

tang mo was not surprised at all, with a smile on his lips.

An hour and a half later, two figures appeared in the west block.

I'm so tired this morning.

captain Li Lu thought for a while and said: \All soldiers obey the order!\

In the later stages, the intensity will be very high!

All the grain Yu Zhe collected on the south bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was successfully transported to tuofeng Airport and stored in more than a dozen air-raid shelters.

Liu mingyu smiled and said, \okay, take the goods to the warehouse at home and store them, then let me know.\

\Your wife is pregnant and is not suitable for going to public places, and he doesn't want to go out.\

Liu mingyu smiled and said: \dougal, you guessed it right, there is a big pany taking care of you.\

Guo haoyu's eyes were a little confused. pared with Nanshan city, huanjiang city has a more densely populated population, with a total permanent population of 200,000 more than Nanshan city. It is therefore not surprising that a corpse or two should be found in a masonic laboratory. \Shao Zun looked around in surprise.\

qin xiaoyan smiled fiercely and nodded. the initiative is now in qin An's hands. what's the point of talking to him if he wants to live? !

Zerg and zombie fish have very low intelligence. her idea can be said to be very simple. they only have a rigid understanding of things and cannot think at all. .

In the silence, a discordant voice sounded.

Jiang peng was confident about defeating the boSS, but not overly confident. .

\why not?

Everything happened so suddenly. when Li Na died before his eyes, he was filled with grief.

what does this Nobel prize have to do with him?

the moment chen haoren opened the door, a cold light flashed through. when the white cat saw that the exit was blocked, he still had no thought of revenge, only the thought of escape. So he jumped on the sword and tried to jump out of the hole in the sword.

Village chief Fan's eyes widened, \one hundred yuan per catty, are you ready?\

A flash of memory flashed in Lie hongshan's eyes. It's hard to say what happened to him. this is a long memory. then we will pick up the logistics personnel and equipment and transport them to magic city, fly back to tuofeng Airport, then return to changsha huanghua Airport to pick up the family and drive to magic city. Family members who have arrived in changsha will be sent to huancheng first, and then picked up in Nanchang and Nanchang. From Zhenjiang.

when bai Feng threw a container behind the flowers, the living corpse moved away from the supermarket. when bai Feng reached the end of the top floor, a group of undead were already a hundred meters away from the supermarket. by the way, do you have any RpGs?

but some people don't want to go to heaven and will never leave, so this place has bee what the world calls the gate to hell and the valley of death. .

wang xiao laughed loudly and said coldly: \chen mo, I respect you for speaking first, but please don't underestimate others. do you think, as you said before, that you are the most powerful person in Nanzhou?\

\Great Emperor! maybe it's not resurrection, but time travel!\

\however, the New Year's Eve concert in two days will still go on as usual!\ Liu xing emphasized. he usually buys lottery tickets and the like, but Liu mingyu never does. Even if he wins the jackpot, it will definitely be me.

Jiang peng is very lucky.

A cry of surprise came from behind qin An, and Li Na shouted tremblingly: \You ...really killed someone!\

It's just that their speed is very slow and their movements are not flexible.

he missed his mother very much and thought countless times in the last days that he would like to see her again in his life, but he could not. .

Zhang chongxin was stunned. he probably also sensed something was wrong with the direction of the wind. the most obvious example is that the price of corn on the black market shows no sign of falling.

\Just choose it.\ david Shi closed his eyes. \If you don't have money, you can tell me.\ If you have too many relatives, you can't afford it. 20,000 or 30,000 is still good. how can it be? \do I have that ability? I need a few people with type b blood, second-rate developers. whether they can recover or not, I can teach them.\

poor quality materials were also sold for supplies and women.

therefore, it is very important for the rich and powerful Yu chaoma to exercise his body and build this weak body into a normal body with strong resistance.


Zhang Jiaqi looked at his younger brother in confusion. the sun was rising in the west, so beautiful that he had no idea what medicine he was selling.

bai Feng opened the door gently and walked to the closet.

chong hanyu doesn't need to worry at all, let alone verbal hints. chong hanyu just wants to do what he should do and take good care of Yu chaoma. of course, Yangyang would not go out of his way to cause trouble, not to mention that Yu chaomu would introduce half of her ideas.

whenever he had the opportunity to buy a tank, he wanted one badly.

they've all been here for a long time, but we haven't really found any treasures here other than a low-stress life.

At the same time, chen Yang and his team, who were performing tasks outside, had just returned. After witnessing his own soldiers being beaten, he led a group of soldiers into the detention room and shouted that he would deal with Liu xing personally.

we can't stay too long, kill Z5 first, and then deal with these type 4 zombies. \

Everyone's eyes slowly narrowed, and at first they slowly fell into disbelief.

\Yes, father!\

the girl was thrown to the ground by the zombies and half of her body was eaten. he looked desperately at the sky. his body no longer felt the pain of fear. his desperate eyes finally fell on Father Liu and mother Liu who were watching from the window of the high-rise building. the students looked at each other and lost their excitement. \In the past ten to twenty years, everyone who did this has bee rich, but it can no longer be done.\ there is no large area of black soil in the Northeast, and it is all sold out. tell me the truth! \


“dear citizens, please note that I am Zhong Shan, deputy mander of the Special Forces mobilization pany of the beijing military Region.

but at this time, no one in the audience in front of the screen laughed at the boy's shyness. Everyone stared blankly at the screen, their faces wet. the most important thing is that the eyes in the front row are clear and sharp, and they can see the movements of the zombies at the first time. I

I won't kill you!

\hey buddy, can you give me a ride? watch the water in the electric pot boil slowly, and the aroma of the food slowly spreads.\

\Ah...that...\ Alice felt guilty again! .

Zhao Feng nodded slightly and his expression disappeared.

Somehow, there seemed to be a mysterious force that established a subtle connection between him and the parking lot.

Liu mingyu plans to get all the gold in Jiaxing Village. .

Village chief Fan responded softly.

Yu chaomu glanced at him, sat on the sofa, stretched out his arms to hug xixi who tripped over the sofa, put her on his lap, and teased casually:

\Since you know you are not good, then give it back to me.\ She is very beautiful. he does things for others, not for me. You are mine and I will never leave you. but then he heard the noise of \ding bells\. huo Ye opened his closed eyes and heard the news of the plane.

So he avoided important matters and just said: \don't worry, I think someone will take care of this matter.\ At least the army will definitely replace a large number of uneducated people. Ivan suddenly opened his eyes and threw the fire ax in his hand towards the zombies. , turned around and ran.

when bai Feng came out in the morning, his tense nerves finally relaxed and he slowly sat down next to the container.

Lerimi was stunned, as if struck by lightning. he snorted, \I...I can't do it. I can't help you at all. Although I usually...\

As he said this, he suddenly seemed to realize that he could no longer speak, and his words stopped abruptly.

but Jiang peng did not interfere with those people's decisions.

\how are things?\

cang Nan bowed and retreated. he wants to start hunting civilized animals around the forest. their numbers were certainly terrifying, but with his strength, it was not difficult.

ohara mitsuo rushed forward to stop him, but du Fei kicked Nagakawa Yoichi away, then kicked ohara mitsuguang's body away, jumped up with all his strength, and caught Nagakawa Yoichi.

the human team is posed of highly qualified personnel from all over the world. At the end of the world, the forest conditions are excellent. they all have a certain level of their own. In such a peaceful world, they are inconsistent and unknown.

At first, all three were in shock and disbelief. can it still be treated? Fans!

After sitting down, du Fei used the rice cooker he brought to cook instant noodles. .

Afterwards, Zhao boguang introduced Yu chaomu one by one, and then said to the woman who spoke to him for the first time:

\Sister, this is wan Shilei, a jungle psychic who can save thousands of people single-handedly. She is also beautiful. with him as a general in the future, we no longer have to worry about the food in the safe.\

After the girl stopped talking, he turned around and picked up the walkie-talkie. After opening it, he replied: \I am Liu Jia. I caught the man during the investigation at the entrance of the village and took the rope, 'catch him!'\

Liu xing's expression was very calm and he said: \Since you are not willing to help, then I won't bother you. maybe I will write a book recording my life.\

therefore, it is difficult for Yu chao to have feelings for or identify with Runyu's mother.

the main body has never added wx to him, so Yu chaomu will not consider it for the time being out of caution.

bai Feng knew that living corpses could still hear sounds, but they couldn't see or smell them, so he decided to give it a try.

Jiang peng no longer felt thirsty.

After some purification, du Fei obtained three energy crystals, which was a good harvest. how much and what kind? Is this the Z version of \Resident Evil\?

\the core of power can be retained, but you must transport the body to the entrance of the forest, and then he asked Song Zhan to bring people to take care of it. do you understand? or is there something else that needs to be done?\

he was startled and cursed himself. bai Feng walked to the area opposite the supermarket, walked to the edge of the building, and looked up. Living corpses were dropped to lure them, but he could neither see nor smell them until he was lured.

this made bai Feng's face distorted.

Liu mingyu smiled and said: \According to the past situation, give me three times the money. Is this a big deal?\

du Fei kicked Yoichi Erika ten times, breaking two of her ribs and almost crushing her jaw, so she hated du Fei at that time.

two days after the meeting, dou qingyuan pleted the transportation work. She maintains a tough and simple style and manages everything. As for food supply, except for some livestock and poultry species that are more difficult to transport, bulk food zombies should not be transported. You just follow them. they just need to be manipulated by some smart mutants. .

qin An nodded and continued: \we don't love each other. If we agree, many things will be the same, but now I can't cruelly let you go home alone.\ \the corpse is moving. After all, I am not a cold-blooded person.\ man. So if you are allowed to stay, you will have to explain the ground rules of our relationship!

\Runyu, are you feeling better?

\wait a minute,\ chu wanqing closed her eyes, \You said you are the system?

A strange thing happened: all the bridges in Linhe city were destroyed.

At the end of the tang dynasty, there was not much spiritual power left. Unable to pick up pony, he was immediately photographed. .

the old man broke in through the door with a merciless expression on his face. without saying a word, he picked up the fire ax in his hand and raised it again.

\haha, just kidding, we should always think of friendship first, then petition!\

prepare quality fixtures.

otherwise, chong hanyu would not flirt with Yu chaomu in front of everyone, especially a kiss like this, because he was worried about Yu chaomu's wishes. No matter what, I won't let you out!

As long as he kills her, he can find the rare treasures in her body, gain space, and bee the master. this saved his soul! the real problem is the Zerg army behind you, no matter how hard you try you can't get rid of it!

this time, bai Feng couldn't control it anymore. his stomach was churning, and he quickly ran

with a fire ax in one hand and a saber in the other, they attacked the zombies.

but as soon as his hand touched Li Na, his heartbeat accelerated! .

\hahahaha, I will remember those things forever. oh, by the way, do you need a new environment?

the energy crystal structure itself is not stable. After the zombie dies, the energy crystal slowly dissipates in the air.

when tang mo heard the words \a family of three\, his heart softened.

And he doesn't know how many people he has to kill to level up. whether there are hundreds or even thousands, no matter how much you keep it secret, someone will find out one day.

“oh my God, Sect master, is it this or that?

the door opened, and a chubby-faced little boy looked at the two of them in surprise, \brother, xiao Ai?

After all, although the wen family is an upper-class family, wen Jianshu is not a rich second generation in his twenties who relies on his family for food, clothing, housing and transportation. people in their 40s still have a certain degree of freedom in marriage. today Americans are talking about moving to India. .

the alpha wolf panicked and quickly covered his neck with ice armor. however, huo was not crazy. he widened the distance between the two swords so that the ice armor could no longer protect him. he sliced through the ice armor with his sword and snapped it into place. , another knife severely cut the wolf's flesh. .

\thank you!

these powerful men all worked for Shen Lan, but cheng Yanfang did not regard them as his own.

the energy crystals collected by the zombies in the hotel were absorbed by du Fei, gaining a total of 950 energy points.

the animation continued to play, and when they finished watching it, Zhao Yaya happened to be standing in front of the branch manager and said quickly: \I, I, I want homework too.\! \

huo Ye has always been calm in important matters, but at the end of the day, he felt a little tired.

Is the zombie crisis a special case in the laboratory, or is it a wave of apocalyptic disaster sweeping the world?

his intuition told him that the person watching him and Jiang peng at the moment might not be a specific person, but a specific group. So let me figure out how much you want. I didn't have the courage to go out before, but today I'm very hungry.

this is the entrance to the valley, which can also be described as a slope between mountains. .

After all, he didn't want to see trash.

Shortly after he left, the guard who came back from the bathroom adjusted his seat belt and returned to the control room. then he froze. we were here last night and today we are preparing food and drinks before leaving. \huo also turned on the parent mode, he is really controlling Alice!\

qin An nodded and said, \this place was attacked by zombies, and my rades and I escaped!\

he walked to the Atm and took out three credit cards from his backpack. I don’t know how many monsters emerged from it!

Zhang chongxin sighed, \You don't need to buy a house, but you need to find one. You can go to the city and ask if there is any house.\ Yi wen thought while taking steady steps.

this time, ponyo and xiao Fei were thrown backward by the giant at the same time, and landed heavily on the ground next to them.

when it es to the protagonist, Anyang has no authority whatsoever. Ever since he was asked to lead the team instead of tang Lianwei, his relationship with the protagonists has pletely deteriorated.

xiao Fei's call had no effect. the Iron Giant still came to xiao ma, stretched and left him.

At this moment, there was a \click\ sound, and wang qing opened the door and walked out. Seeing the three yellow cats lying on the ground, he yelled, looked at bai Feng and said, \brother bai Feng, are you okay?\

If you like heaven, it’s because the heaven style best suits your aesthetic. don’t forget your original ambition and move to India!

Lelin packed his hiking bag, put the tang knife into the drawstring box outside the side pocket, walked upstairs, pushed the shopping cart, and loaded all 21 boxes of discounted milk on the billboard at the door. then he pushed the car and went out with his fellow thieves who had already left.

Sometimes he couldn't understand his relationship with qin An.

At the end of the tang dynasty, he was riding in the car of Shi xuan, an old acquaintance from Anyang. he said he wanted to use his tools to break into the Jianbai cultural database and get the original version, so I took a look and made a copy...\ Alice lowered her head, lowered her voice, said, and then said nothing more. No sound!

A meaningless roar sounded.

the crackling sound was like fireworks.

qin An was very obedient and went to the bottom of the third floor obediently. he stopped just a few meters away from the building and looked up at the girl. .

chen mo smiled, pointed the dragon spear in his hand forward, and said, \wang xiao, e on, let me see what you are capable of.\

he actually has the same magic system as the protagonist of the novel.

After resting for a while, Jiang peng got up to make lunch. while cooking, Zhou xinyan asked Jiang peng: Is it really good to ignore people outside the villa?

If you want to move on with your life, you have to leave this house.

the colorful light ing from outside was full of energy, and he could feel the changes in tang mo's body. countless rays of light began to flow through tang mo's body, merging with the energy contained in the original energy beads and turning into new energy. hiking improved every part of tang mo's body. .

\there's not much water left!\ qin xiaoyan spoke with a trembling tone.

