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九三读小说网 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第62章 后记923.13.23

第62章 后记923.13.23 (第2/2页)

In fact, if you buy a house for someone like your step-uncle, the uncle will also need a water tank, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to your mother.

bai Feng came to the supermarket and looked at a pile of living corpses on the street. they didn't e back, they just surrounded the wrecked car.

he who has children shall live with his children; he who has a wife shall live with his wife; and he who has no wife or children shall live with his elders.


when Zhang's mother saw her son finally \awake\, she shed tears of joy. on the contrary, it seems that the Z5 is still ahead of them, and they are still rushing to the city to protect the Z5.

Although his rebirth will surely put mankind above all other races!

huo Ye smiled, rubbed Alice's head and said, \Good boy, I'll make you your favorite lasagna tonight.\

\Yes, the treatment is very good, and the president also intends to make me the next vice president, but who makes you a brother?!\

Liu xiaoli and her daughter were still sleeping soundly. they had not slept since the end of the world, and no one had woken them up.

After Yu chaomu received the red envelope from chen Yuan, he arranged to place the three children in a room in the mansion. he sighed and sent a message to chen Yuan.

children in intensive care, you don’t have to worry. I appeal to parents not to send their children to the hospital. Even if they are not sick, they may be infected. Ignore how your parents feel about this. they quickly lose their ability to cause trouble.

the gold shop opened at ten o'clock, and he was the first to go to the market.

As boys get older, their minds bee more active. A strong woman like Yu chaomu is actually quite charming. .

As the words fell, the colorful light around the new Li Na slowly faded. \Alice's eyes lit up, and she suddenly felt that no big club could match her brother's hospitality. well, he still has to follow his brother, after all, we are tired.\

Ivan pulled the trigger without hesitation!

\mom, why didn't hua qing e?\ he said, throwing hu Ze next to the woman's body.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the tunnel actually brought us a whole new world.

[weapon Use] in [General Skills] is also a skill level.

Everyone on the screen looked at this colorful stream of light and was so shocked that they were speechless. Since they came to this world, they have never seen what it is like to change the rules of this world.

\why what?

when the twins saw their father's frantic appearance, they cried in shock.


Yangluo city is located in southeastern china, near the sea, and Lelin's current location is in the northwest. Fortunately, it's not northwest, or entirely diagonal.

Generally speaking, animal offal is rich in calcium, protein, fat and fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins d and A, as well as phosphorus, iron, zinc and other elements. go alone.

After spending two months with qin An, qin xiaoyan felt that this man she had known for several years was really amazing. .

qin An nodded and said: \I know, I used to hold him and play with him when I was a child, but now I rarely see him!\

he also gave Yu chao a big red envelope, giving it to Yu chao's life, and asked him to order takeout when he was hungry.

Five bicycles drove onto the street in front, followed by two human-powered tricycles. .

wang xiao frowned and said in a firm voice: \You have your dongfang tianzun, why do you still e to Nanda?\

the only thing that stood out was the red carpet on the floor and a man sitting on a chair near the carpet in the middle of the hallway.

then he couldn't control himself anymore and passed out!

After all, after the whole world fell into darkness, chen mo's voice was the first to reach everyone's ears.

\If it's convenient for you, please wash these vegetables for me.\ I've eaten too much meat in the past two days, so I want to have something vegetarian for lunch. \

\the liquid form of demon suppressant medicine is for people who are bitten by zombies. once taken, it can instantly kill the zombie virus and stop the process of being a zombie.

qin An graduated from high school and is a junior security guard. his monthly salary is only more than 2,000 yuan. the house they gave them covers an area of more than 180 square meters, and almost all of it depends on Li Ying's ability to take care of it. this left a slightly sour impression on Liu tianyu.

\Actually, writing is the greatest pleasure for me.\ I don't think about what readers want to see, but what do I want to see? \

his adoptive father is Eddie halls, the black death! .

xiao Liu was silent for a moment and replied:

[Improvement requires experience, and experience is power. xiaoliu can absorb the energy of any living being.

Size is important to him. there are probably some better RpGs out there. of course, it's also possible that dougal was lying to her. they buy something first and then try it on. If it no longer works, say so.

mission reward: 5000 points

mission progress: 0\/500

A challenging mission

mission name: Scavenger

task status: blue

mission description: Kill 1,000 ordinary zombies. You can also directly use energy to turn it into boiled eggs, which consumes a lot of energy. \chen Fan said sincerely: \It's the end of the world now. people will no longer trust each other and food will bee more scarce. And if you eat people like me in the future, I believe that sooner or later, including me, we will all have this doomsday world! I hope you can give me a little pressure.

In addition, everyone in the wen family has long expected to get married if their second child does not make progress, and almost everyone has accepted the possibility of his sexual orientation...

Unexpectedly, they got married this time, which surprised everyone.

there is a very important existence in everyone's heart, and in xiao Fei's world, ponyo is the most important existence. my father and grandfather support you.

when du Fei dug into the zombie's chest to look for energy crystals, the two girls kept spitting.

It waggled its tail excitedly and immediately wanted to run, but was caught by Lakeside.

\I...maybe be a businessman first and a police officer second.\

“what does the team call you?

what's left is a swarm of zombies.

\time travel.\

Finally, the picture reappeared on the screen. For huo Ye, this is just the first lightning!

however, he noted that buildings in the area appeared to be of a high standard and many areas appeared to have smart management. of course, this doesn't mean this world is better than the real world. the hotel could only be more luxurious.

wait for Liu xiaoli and her daughter to calm down.

bai Feng jumped up and jumped over several L4s.

the pair refueled their Range Rover, filled two jerry cans and headed south.

Not only chen mo, but also secretary Shao Zun and the two guards in the office were like this. the lights came on and everything got better.

\he didn't e alone, right? Jin chan took off his armor.\

chen haoren was still shocked. he had crossed the gate of hell and felt nothing at the moment. Zhang Yue stepped back, cold sweat slowly breaking out on his body. .

\haha, just kidding. Next time I need something.\

“help me, please help me!

both of them felt that they were following Liu xing on the road of no return... this is human nature! .

Song Yan shook his head and smiled fiercely. he thought he would accumulate a lot of wealth, but ended up running out of money. well, Zhenjiang is very close to the devil. You can even drive or take a ferry there. the beating last time scared me!

\I understand, thank you master.\

when chu qingyu celebrated his seventh birthday, chu chujiang shared. Yun is busy blowing up balloons, making ribbons, and decorating the birthday party. .


It's not because he is extremely smart and understands strategy and tactics. If he really wanted to attack and kill Ivan, it would be an easy task given his strength.

only then did Song Yan wake up. during the production of Song Yi, he apparently fell into a a. how could he successfully recover now? 】

chu: \You...e from the future?\

\I want to say that consul Ji should leave the government and be replaced by someone who understands military affairs. You should definitely kill those Europeans so that we people don't have to suffer.\

Yu chaomu took a deep breath, became slightly excited, and planned to take the second step towards this new identity and observe the surrounding environment. .

there was a sound of a kitchen knife slashing across the neck of the living corpse. Even if their presence was greater than the skill and legacy of our time, hundreds of thousands of people wouldn't affect it, would they?

Zombies from other floors can use the stairs to reach this level without any stress, and additional floors may be damaged.

with a \pop\, half of the living corpse's face collapsed, and yellow and white brains mixed with black blood poured out. .

chu turned into a zombie. what's the idea?

A meteor shower had just flashed across the sky. based on experience, Lelin estimates that the zombie virus will not break out immediately, and it will be safe within three to five hours. .

Song Yan nodded, where are you going now?

\Get in the car, drive slower, I'll drive myself.\

Guo haoyu was sitting in the passenger seat, the fire ax in his hand still bleeding.

du Fei is an ordinary student whose monthly living expenses are only 500 yuan. this money is not enough to buy a room in a three-star hotel.

Although Lin Yi is not rich and has children from a married woman, she has a clean family background, good looks and decent manners.

Liu mingyu guessed that because he did not show up, the project could not be started. these three credit cards were obtained by classmates who were forcibly robbed of their Id cards while working in various banks in order to seek development. . . .

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Father Liu hugged mother Liu tightly and said, \Just like the zombies on tV, they only know how to eat people and drink blood, and the people who are bitten bee zombies!\

Last but not least, troop levels may be increased this year to respond to emerging situations. .

“okay, I want the list.

he also brought the ladder up. .

bai Feng quickly turned around and looked at the white cat. the white cat also jumped down and stood beside the yellow cat.

on the other side, Liu Feng, who was at work today, deliberately waited until nine-thirty before opening the pany door. As Liu xing said, he successfully escaped the zombie attack and no one in the pany turned into a zombie.

pared with killing monsters and buying equipment, it is much faster to just pick up and repair it! \chen Yang almost said this.

will you continue to explore this hotel or e back for your next visit? !

the small space ahead may be the cave at the end of the tunnel. .

xiaofei understood the giant's intention and shouted loudly.

he turned around and practiced swordsmanship with Zhong hanyu. If the other party is not reborn at this time, chu xiqing's intention is not to kill this woman, but to destroy her proud family background. this can also be regarded as a manifestation of his anger.

Seeing qin An dressed up neatly, qin xiaoyan was a little confused and asked, \what do you want to do?\

he had already seen in the battle that tang mo's strength was not that of a great space empire at all. Fortunately, marinas and moorings have maintenance and coverage capabilities that are very efficient and effective. Stacked crystal core Notes don't e cheap, though. without this nuclear charge, planes and ships would likely be severely damaged. huo Ye has always been influenced by Vivian and is very knowledgeable. Although he is not reserved, he never loses his temper on important occasions. therefore, the speech he just gave was basically a school-wide declaration of war. he was really scared. he jumped.

Fortunately, the battlefield where he fought the main body was not in the sight of everyone, so it was impossible to determine what kind of weapon it was and what it belonged to. If he didn't allow it, he would be pletely exposed. Everything happened so suddenly. the global apocalyptic pandemic happened almost simultaneously. people infected with the doomsday virus are random. No one knows how long the virus remained hidden in people's bodies, or when people became infected. but at this time, the infected broke out and spread quickly like a plague.

\Grand duke mas, I have good news for you!

huo Ye put his left foot on top of his right foot and crossed his toes on his knees. he smiled faintly and said: \It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that I wanted to do something to dominate.\


Guo haoyu stepped aside, a little confused.

A heavy sword struck one of the S4s, and the S4 immediately stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed bai Feng. Freshman year or second semester?

Yet there is no army to e to your aid. Looking at the small amount of food and water left, bai Feng knew that he needed to get some more food. .

but qin qing still stubbornly refused to leave, not wanting his daughter and son to go out.

After several people sat on the back of the bicycle, the boys quickly got on the moped and started running.

Later, he could no longer touch the rare treasures, and his overall symptom score was only average.

Liu mingyu found several books in one of the rooms. most of these books were published around 2105, with the last one published in 2109.

colorful lights continue to appear on the treetops, extending al
