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九三读小说网 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第70章 后记034.42.42

第70章 后记034.42.42 (第2/2页)

my face is always red.

For example, because Liu tianwang performed well at the opening ceremony? terrible? therefore, the following programs also failed to resonate with the audience.

the next day. Ge han was naturally pleasantly surprised, \have you arrived at the magic city?\

\I decided not to play.\

I just heard him say this to Uncle cheng.

but at this moment, qijiujiu, who had stopped resisting, suddenly saw several bright lights flying into his face. Suddenly he jumped up, twisted his arm, and took out a sharp bone knife. one blow pierced xiang changyue's heart. .

the mayor smiled.

the centipede is dead but not frozen. Even ordinary people can do amazing feats after suffering a fatal blow because of their strong obsession.

hehe, that damn fat man won't let her live in peace until he dies. .

\the xingchen mobile phone was a gift to me. oh my God, I shouldn't have sold my rights in the first place. Ah, I missed the opportunity to experience the xingchen mobile phone first.\

without waiting for Liu Rong to answer, chen Fan took out his right foot that was inserted into Liu Rong's stomach and kicked it hard at the same position.

Last time I went to Shanghai to look for advanced zombies because I felt like I had evolved.

At twelve o'clock, xingchen Group officially released a promotional video

this is the promotional video for Star chaos 1.0.

only the xingchen Group is so dominant. If some businesses dare to do this, they may lose their pants. .

Liu mingyu is still resting at home. when someone from the pany called and said that mr. Ren was ing to see her early in the morning, she ran over. .

the woman raised her sweaty head and looked at Yu chaomu with longing in her eyes. She picked up the crystal core that Yu chaomu gave her and asked:

\can I stay?

without her, I would not have been able to give birth to four children and support them in this apocalyptic world.

weng Lan's face turned redder.

Finally he gritted his teeth and said:

\that's it. After all, money affects people's hearts. It's too dangerous to go alone.\

You can't control it, it's so exciting. Ivan hadn't reached this level yet, so he deduced the structure of the gene chain in his dream.

they have the cheapest labor in the world and can produce the most advanced metals. Everyone at the scene held their breath, for fear that their breathing would interfere with the operation of the lithography machine.

King Kong thought for a moment and asked, \tell me, how many teeth does a whale have?\

weng Lan prayed secretly. I'm not kidding!

Yin xuan'er and Yin mu'er looked at each other again with strange expressions.

but it was this kind of pain that made du Fei's mind so clear. Loyal cells rush to every sore spot.

Since he has Ge han and xu xiaodong for rent. place.

wu Yan shouted in surprise: \call Sanmao!\

don't miss today's fight against local oppressors. huang Yu told all the good ingredients he had heard about.

dong Sihai had already packed him up and released him without Gu changqing's permission. .

Jiang peng smiled and shook his head, answering Zhou xinyan's question: \Actually, they don't care about their next meal, but they still have the desire to do bad things.\ this is really funny!

he roughly counted about twenty flowers, picked one and put it in the box.

obviously, 129 is at the forefront of evolution. Although others don't even know what evolution is, he can control the power of fire.

Liu xia couldn't even cry anymore! Look, I don't want to get into trouble, but I'm hungry and thirsty right now!

Guo Sihai laughed and said to qin An:

\xiao qinqin, you have regained your rights. beautiful me, my masculinity has emerged. I feel sorry for you. I am so touched!\

\master, stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly, why did our lady turn into a red Luan?\

Zhang Jianning was surprised by the boot speed, and could confirm that his phone was turned off when he just changed the phone card.

this is a private vocational and technical school. After the news of the zombie crisis was confirmed, all the students went home for the holidays. Good boy, don't cry. As a clone, I have no ability other than to change my appearance. Surviving in this apocalyptic world is not easy.

After beichen and tang Yu's armies joined forces, tang Yu not only survived but was recovered, and within a few years the tang dynasty was officially established.

For him, home is not a house, a car, or material life, but a person who can be understood without too many words.

\Let me go, the full version of Star Assistant is pretty good, right?

After the simulated reinforcement process was over, du Fei couldn't wait to connect the crystal battery and test this stimulation technique.

this was the most profound lesson he learned from the attack. Is it too much to hire a board of directors? Live freely and happily* Apocalypse!

\mander Liu, what's wrong?

\mr. Ren, this tea is a bit bad. If you drink good tea, you will feel better.\

thanks to the lens, everyone can clearly see what's inside through the main screen, a known chip. .

murakami laughed and said: \According to your patriots, your sister Zhen has a very hard life!\ Feiyun said with a smile: \please contact xingchen Group about this matter. It will be announced on the official website after it is officially launched. Next, we continue to enjoy the list of other visitors.”

the two men were at home in the crowd. her attacks are ferocious and precise. they will never do anything except kill them with one hit. once they do something, they'll definitely move on to the more problematic character on the opposite side.

maybe you will find out after trying the following methods: A simple electrical stimulation can temporarily increase your strength and flexibility by 30%.

he is not a child. he would believe everything Yu chaomu said. he said he understood. Zhong hanyu has not seen Yu chaomu thinking in the past few days.

Under the beige silk pajamas, my legs were carefully stretched slightly...

Jiang peng didn't know if his memory could still be used. we can only wait for the Shadow dragonhide bat to be cleaned up and check again before night!

that's what she must have thought. After all, the photolithography machine is the most advanced equipment, and the production environment must be produced under the strictest conditions.

obviously, it is difficult for most people to concentrate, but at this moment he tianyu's attention is only focused on qin An.

but during this assassination attempt, I stood up and became a victim at the hands of the murderer.

this kind of work is not like the AI rebellion in the movies, but people’s lives are handled by AI, which makes it faster and easier. Now this woman wants to take this opportunity to escape?

but this time, master Ren seemed to be afraid that Liu mingyu would change his mind. After making the decision, he quickly asked the people who had been waiting for a long time to e over. ding chengkong muttered, \According to our predictions for this game, it is normal for this game to last at least tens of thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, thousands of years and hundreds of years.\ however, the people who joined the game are Losing the ability to reproduce means that after the end of their lives, they can only watch their patriots all die, and finally survive in the ruins of the world before we humans appeared, and finally survive until now. ?

After practicing for a while, weng Lan adjusted his strength and sat down again. After all, it’s the best way to maintain your strength.

\how much does it hurt?\ Give me a bottle to try. \

Now that I have decided that I must die, no one can stop me!

Yi 29 took a step back, dodging left and right, constantly dodging Zhang Yue's attacks.

what does it feel like? when Zhou xinyan said this, her expression must be...

\It's up to you!

For such panies, Liu mingyu directly blacklisted a pany.

In fact, except for Liu mingyu, the junior supervisor, the top managers of xingchen Group are very busy. Even huang Yu is busier than Liu mingyu.

Zhang Jianning ignored the small gift in the box and immediately took out xingchen's mobile phone.

huo Ye casually threw him a stolen civet mask.

of course Liu xia couldn't answer, and waited for qin An's next test with a red face.

Feiyun announced on the spot that all spectators present could receive xingchen’s mobile phone. behind huang Yu were two young-looking girls. one of the girls said jealously: \Are you lucky?\ I found the first xingchen Group mobile phone. I really want to have it.

As soon as he finished speaking, strange phenomena appeared in the bodies of chen Fan and Liu Rong at the same time. .

\About a thousand people in total.\

Listen to this. It was about buying a billion-dollar contract, but he couldn't make up his mind.

You simply can't hide the loot. once discovered, if you get sick in the future, the clan leader will not care about you, and the drug bugs will have nothing to do with you. what I mean is that we need to plan ahead, strike first, and gain an advantage.

he's back in human form so he doesn't have to stick to his wolfish appearance anymore, which he feels a little sad about. ! .

Li Longming waved his hand to hit Li Yifeng, but put it down and said, \It's not me, it's this lady.\

hehe, now that I think about it, I might like you more. only those who love deeply will care, and only those who care will have reservations ...\

qin An's words were triggered by the appearance of Shangguan Feiyan, who looked exactly like weng Lan.

Fortunately, at the next level, consumers no longer demand quality, so in an apocalyptic scenario, old, frail women and children who have never touched a bridal pole in their lives can waste flowers on handkerchiefs, but they get through access. Aren’t all the things of this year in the past?

Fortunately, he was well prepared and jumped out of the conflict zone from the conference table in time.

\xiao Nizi, don't be so arrogant, be careful, don't l

et the zombies bite you!\

Ivan next to him didn't speak, he just stood there in a daze. A black dragon named onyxia rushed up and captured Ivan. \\ came to Ivan's mind. huge damage, no mercy, quick kill!

behind cheng Gang was qin An, and one meter behind qin An were Shangguan Feiyan and he tianyu.

\xingchen's mobile phone is really amazing, especially the holographic display technology, which is even more amazing. I was shocked when I saw the holographic projection in that area before. I didn't expect to transfer it to the mobile phone? the effect is like this \Isn't it weak at all?\ Absolutely unimaginable.

After all, this is a 60 pieter-level lithography machine, which is far superior to the world's best 3-nanometer level lithography machine. !

qin An looked at his expression, pletely confused. who is he? .

Yan heqing glanced at qi Ninghao to the left, and said meaningfully: \Yunjiang may have hidden a lot of things before.\

the information was conveyed orally to Yang Yang and Zhong Runlu. they belong to Yu chaomu, and the old, weak, women and children in the district have seen enough of Yu chaomu's terror these days.

Liu dongfeng just asked wu Yan to sing a song. .

\don't worry, mr. Zhang, we have assembled three submarine fishing boats with a total tonnage of nearly 20,000 tons.\

chen hu narrowed his eyes and looked at the latter, then ran towards the nearest town. when xiao huihui saw chen hu leaving, she had no choice but to follow him. At this time, Yu Zhe put his mouth to cen Luyi's ear and asked in a low voice: \Is it appropriate to give a bottle of anti-mourning medicine as an engagement gift?\

the three of them drove the wind chaser Unicorn into the city. \Are you sure?\ the girl explained carefully.

that wasn't the case, and he knew better than most.

when mr. beichen realized that he was being used by the parasite, it was already too late.

As many netizens speculated, perhaps xingchen Group pre-installed the chips and pretended that they were produced locally.

why is this extension so popular?

he looked at chu Jiangyun strangely and asked, \then you felt pity and took that person home to save him?\

Everyone acts crazy and corrupt. .

\Isn't this true?

You can bite off more than you can chew . this is real.

the ground shook , and a burst of fire exploded in the bohai building. then the entire building suddenly sank several meters and tilted at an angle.

So he could only apologize to those brothers who had experienced life and death.

In other words, tang Yu had actually planned some strategies against the surrounding armies, and it was not just a plan, but a specific plan.

Z4 believes the group has killed one of his men, so he surrounds them. this is so embarrassing and sad, isn't it?

but it is urgent to learn the truth about the cult leader. At this time, the advantages of crystal nuclei bee apparent. .

Ge weiguo was also very excited and reached out to shake hands with Fang qiuyue. Ice city, the gate to hell, the way to steal souls.

\Uncle Fan and I have high blood lipids and can no longer enjoy delicious food. there was no movement at Sword peak, but she sent more troops, a total of 50,000 people. I did not let them enter the territory of the tang dynasty, so I let them they left. there were several small villages on the outskirts of the city.

what is even more surprising is that when tang Yu hired a private detective to follow and investigate qin An again, he found that qin An had no idea that his wife had given birth to a child!

\manders, that's it...\ Liu deyin quickly explained the current crisis. And it seems like they have a really good relationship?

Anyone who has been seriously injured should know that many injuries do not really hurt at the time of injury, but after a period of time, especially during recovery, the pain really hurts!

I saw a flash of light in the sky, and finally the other party's figure appeared in the sky. Not only the number of opponents is simulated, but also the objects behind the opponents are simulated. obscene stuff!

\okay, let's stop plimenting each other and start eating quickly. we made so much food, don't throw it away.\

to be honest, if you didn't know in advance that it was a holographic projection, it would be difficult to tell the truth from the false.

At the same time, Zhang Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, and the explosive bomb in his hand fell to the ground.

huawei Group is not as good as xingchen Group. It requires a lot of metal. the pressure on flying power supply will have a significant impact on huawei Group.

Lu Lixi entered the living room. there is no life teacher here anymore, even the room where the life teacher lives has been rented out.

but ten minutes later, more serious consequences occurred.

the next few shows were huge successes. does that mean their program is not good? Even for many people, the performance on this stage today is much better than elsewhere.

wordlessly: \don't worry, old Liu, I won't embarrass you anymore, just e over and give me a kiss!\

weng Lan felt that he finally understood the end of the world. Apocalypse, where only certain people can survive. You and Sam are great examples. She was decisive, so she and the third child survived, but Sam died. ....

\what did you say?

And when the third child called him, he became energetic. Suddenly, he heard footsteps and he was already with her! .

\okay, okay, leave him alone, the new owner will tell you my mother's own story!\

Just when the three adults were laughing and joking, mu Shanshan suddenly asked seriously. .

\what lies, brother Ning has already used it? didn't you see that this is the test list of Star Assistant? the accuracy of Star Assistant is beyond doubt.

I made this for dinner and nothing else. then huang Yu grinned and said, \I'm not wele now.\

“by the way, can you cook these seafood?

I slowly fell asleep with my random thoughts...

when Jiang peng woke up in the morning, he felt a burning sensation that was worse than death.

Everyone here is an elite member of the cen family. they have all seen this kind of sniper, and they snipe every week.

bai Feng couldn't afford it if he was quickly criticized by the people above. this time the good snake is really too smart . there are also many venomous snakes in the underground laboratory. the white jade snake that ate Rebecca's head also disappeared. mei qinmeng’s strength is the same as ours. Speaking of wang Sixi's arrival, it is also disturbing. At first he claimed to join our tang dynasty, but later he rebelled and joined qin meng! hu Ze felt something was wrong and rushed out of the hall first, followed by the guests who were eating.

Even though he knew he was an impostor, he couldn't help but feel that the goddess in his dreams was so perfect for him. .

the poser looked at bai Feng with horrified eyes and said: \I am the son of mayor bao, the only son of the second leader of this foundation. I have a billion dollars. I guess he is a bank robber, right?\

tang Yu felt that it was inappropriate for him to wander because he had already established a foothold in Jiulong mountain. Although the tang dynasty army had many civil wars, it was only a civil war, so tang Yu asked the hongluan soldiers who wanted to enter Jiulong mountain to appear in a resettlement camp near the qin League.

when the elevator reached the sixth floor, bai Feng followed the man's instructions and found the conference room on the left. \xiao cui was pletely shocked. he finally stopped eating and looked at beichen with a puzzled look on his face. I haven't eaten meat for a long time!\

wu Zhen's situation is actually much better than wu tian.

this flame is definitely not a spell or magic, but a real flame. Yin muer asked.

For the cen family, which has a long history and is well-organized, it can only be called an upstart. however, everything in the Yu family is going smoothly now. he responded quickly and moved in the right direction on the zombie issue. he now dominates foreign markets and owns cousin hao. with the support of the family, the ocean lifeline is heavily protected, and the hao family is also equipped with fortresses and supply lines. She would be a good marriage candidate.

\do not talk!

In addition, there are many kinds of escape techniques, but escape techniques usually require the support of symbolic objects, and the support of symbolic objects is very limited, which du Fei does not like. .

\the largest customization on the market?\ cen Lihao's expression was very plicated. he had no idea what state he was in now. the master does not know whether he is dead or alive. I built him up so much strength that he could barely move. Even if there are problems, there won't be too many mistakes. If I don't go now, when will I e?

\oh, you said you were in a hurry to pee ...\ beichen said absurdly.

\I lied to you!\ dai huaan quickly called for help. he cannot die. If he dies, they have pletely failed!

chen Fan slowly stood up, touched part of his jaw, and looked at Liu Rong in shock. he never expected that this monster-eating beast could still retain its own power.

thus, Ruhai city came into being and existed.

of course, the observation magnification of this microscope is not so easy to control. .

\No, no, no, you have already paid allowances to everyone. If a person dares not repay his debt, that is really heartless. I will not be the first person to forgive him.\

Suddenly, a handsome man with two-dimensional facial features appeared in the center of the living room, holding a fan. .


but because of this sister's behavior, when those gentle little hands were placed on his back and caressed, Jiang peng always felt that someone was taking advantage of him...

In fact, during the healing process, Jiang peng's wound was almost painful, but felt strange and itchy.

then qin An turned around!

Looking at the chilled seafood, huang Yu decided to study harder.

the oval conference table next to bai Feng also rushed towards bo qingsong under the guidance of bai Feng's spiritual thoughts. the subconscious mind is the hidden consciousness. For example, if someone suddenly hits you and you jump up or fight back, this \subconscious\ behavior is called subconscious.

\You really don't want to resist?


three days passed quickly, and Zhang hao arrived in time to hold a meeting with the pany's legal staff and twelve guards.

this hotel is chartered by xingchen Group, so everyone who stays here is one of the lucky spectators.

If divorce is just for a better union, then divorce will only increase sorrow. I don't know how many tools can be removed, it's a lot, but a tool that removes goons might not be suitable for my priestly profession.

\mander Zhang, this is a matter of life and death for the pany, and we must call a meeting immediately.

that day, Ye Yu's jackdaw skills shocked everyone. he wandered among the rebels like no man's land, killing the enemy leader in the blink of an eye and decapitating him in just thirteen seconds.

King Kong is like a child who has made a mistake, sitting with his head lowered and not daring to make a sound. You should know that I have experienced this hundreds of times, so don’t worry mom, I understand it all! .

beichen paused again when he said this, then frowned in thought.

then, the door to one of the other two bedrooms was locked and the door to the other bedroom was opened.

the virtual vault is basically the size of a palm.

however, they didn't expect the conference table to be so sturdy. pushing a four-person conference table at once doesn't stop the table from bouncing off the wall.

Even from such a long distance, Zhang Yue could feel the heat of the fireball.

\Sister wang, I'm sorry, we'll handle it right away.

but he wasn't jealous, just curious.

Finally one day, a miracle happened. tang Yu discovered that qin An's wife was suddenly pregnant. but he hid it well and couldn't see qin An every night when he went out. therefore, qin An did not know that his wife was pregnant. ....

Feeling the feeling of happiness, Lu Lixi said happily: \don't worry, I'm here.\

\Yes, xiaoyu, he is teasing you!

\mr. Zong, I really have a headache. they torture me every night and I can't sleep. please leave early, right?\

Liu Rong did not answer. the muscles in your arms slowly relaxed. he grabbed the handle of the fire ax and looked it up and down. the gaping hole in his stomach didn't bother him at all. he played with a fire ax, swinging the ax up and down with both hands. the house has many rooms and is considered a villa-style residence.

Someone nodded suddenly and praised: \the pavilion master is very strong. defeating the blue boSS is as easy as killing a mob.\

In his opinion, surrendering to this big wolf is the best answer.

It seems that the problem actually lies with the department head.

when we run out of chips, all we can think of is stopping the production of some phones. .

Yang Zhaoxiong nodded respectfully.

chen Fan held it casually, confused, and asked curiously: \Aren't you afraid that I will laugh at you again?\

Just like that, weng Lan fell asleep after more than ten seconds, b

t because her body was just lying on the edge of the bed, she only slept for a few minutes. he rolled over, fell to the ground, and stood up again.

the girl took the unlocked phone and quickly returned to her seat. he quickly checked the phone configuration according to the online system and was stunned. .

only then did Li Longming know how Li Yifeng got into trouble with Liu mingyu. In fact, he also knew that Li Yifeng had played with many girls, but no girl was as beautiful as Liu mingyu. he felt unhappy when he thought that Li Yifeng almost lost his life trying to pick up the girl. he stepped forward and cursed viciously: \You are an idiot.\ I told you to find a girl, but you didn't. If you cut a card like this, apologize immediately. \

with a pious look on his face, the servant carefully opened the lid and took out the body of the alien beast from the container.

\can you lend me this book? haha, we usually take this guy very seriously, but we didn't expect him to be so bad.

bai Feng stood up slowly, walked to bao qingsong, looked at bao qingsong condescendingly, and said, \I told you, I can kill you with just a finger, and even your soldiers can't save you.\ .

he should know that bai Feng has been troubled by the evolution of fire, so bai Feng cannot ignore it.

So tang Yu is a terrible woman. .

“oh, you’ve worked hard.

the second is more mysterious and intriguing, involving the mystery of kingship and the mystery of personal rebirth. he told it all. .

Jing wentong frowned, feeling something was wrong, but nothing seemed wrong. After thinking for a long time, he muttered: \You always say a few words that you can barely understand, and you also pretend to be artistic. In fact, you are also very good.\ 2.

New guests appear. Under xingchen Group's holographic estimation technology, the entire process was perfect. however, they are all in xingchen’s mobile phone, and it seems that he has not recovered yet. .

Even chen Fan was killed directly. who else has the power to harm this monster?

\mom, can you please stop cloning next time? Every time a cloned mother mits suicide, I feel very sad!\

xingchen Group finally developed real artificial intelligence. Regarding the application of artificial intelligence, it is impossible for xingchen Group to integrate fake artificial intelligence into its products, right? .

Village chief Fan explained casually.

damn, Els feels like a pig. he actually lost the opportunity to rush forward with weng Lan, but who would have thought that in this situation, weng Lan would actually put down his weapon?

han Shuang is gone! do you understand this new word...? Now that the other party no longer makes things difficult for us, this is an excellent opportunity. I thought we could buy a few more and ask each other for a discount.

behind the red group, the blue group is slowly reducing their habitat by fighting against them. Soon they discovered that those on the edge of the battlefield were slowly lining up with their rades in front. they realized I was scared and were forced to close the door and beat the dog.

war situation has been threatened.

Zhang Yue was unable to dodge and was stabbed 7191 times in the back.

he originally thought that the chinese lithography opportunity would appear in his pany, but he didn't expect that xingchen Group would appear out of thin air and take away the glory that he had and himself. .

Liu mingyu called huang Yu, who looked confused. how are things?

At this time, tang mo could only stretch out one hand to grab the insect's body.

this is obviously an exaggeration, but it also illustrates the effectiveness of xingchen Group's holographic technology. At the same time, liquid iron is injected to help the body absorb the energy crystal tide. After understanding this subtle position, the resource potential increased by four levels.

Under the roar of the browser, a man's voice rang out: \call, Liu San, are you sure wu Zhen is in this building?\

At that time, the price of the 60 pieter lithography machine developed by xingchen Group will be officially announced. .

the woman knew that the man had fled the xingchen Group's party, and also knew that the xingchen Group had given away xingchen's mobile phone.

this made Liu mingyu smile. Recently, these two panies have also issued notices of production suspension. Everyone looked at King Kong with pity!

therefore, although artificial intelligence research is still in its infancy, most panies choose artificial intelligence to replace human customer service, leaving only a small number of human customer service. Six generations of our family have nothing to do with your world. we are all ordinary people, but we have no ability to play with you!

hundreds of planes battled over hell's Gate, and gunfire erupted. the aircraft could be hit at any time and explode in the air or crash and be destroyed.

he could only take out a piece of steak from the refrigerator. he didn't know what kind of meat it was, sprinkled it with black pepper, fried it, and drank it with a glass of warm milk for breakfast. .

Everyone was speechless. the question is simple. Is your name xiao ming? As a result, she resolutely left the Internet, and reporters did not even see her shadow. but you must know that the he family not only has a new third master.

\Let me go, is this really the end of the world?\

on the second day after arriving in wuxi Village, when I walked on the street again, I saw that this munity was no longer as scary, mysterious, and depressing as the first time I saw it yesterday. \tang mo pointed to the book in xiao tao's hand.

this contract is the standard contract of xingchen Group. the huawei team took a quick look and found that both bosses agreed. chen mo didn't believe they were dead. .

\take it easy.\ check the weather. the download takes about half an hour. time to watch some shows. \

the gluttons immediately retreated and prepared to escape quietly. No one dared to step forward to face the monster.

Let the assistant who earns more than 7,000 yuan a month buy a xingchen mobile phone. It seems affordable, but if he can only spend 2,000 yuan on his 7,000 yuan salary, then a mobile phone worth more than 10,000 yuan is out of your reach. how far.

\hahahaha, your wolf is very obedient.\ weren't you very proud just now?

\It's onyxia!
