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第78章 后记924.41.4 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

Seeing that the new world can see this, Liu mingyu is also worried that Zhao xiliang will choose to go directly to the empty door.

Each bear had bloody wounds and most were dead.

however, they stayed here for a long time and no enemy appeared.

Sun Zhengkang thought that instead of waiting here, it would be better to take measures to get out.

weng die continued to look at qin An and suddenly said: \qin An, were you like this nine years ago?

In less than half an hour, Sun Zhengkang received a detailed inspection report. \

\then check their relationship?\

however, Kasama Ruri smiled, made a strange and excited expression, and then turned around and went down.

the male vulture seemed to be the only one staring at Liu Yu. Knowing Liu Yu's extraordinary abilities, he immediately wanted to retreat and wait for a chance to escape.

hearing ma Yong's words, the people behind also knew that climbing was not enough. “before the late tang dynasty, I had heard of conflicts between bears and humans.

Let's say you can control your spaceship.

As for the measurement of damaged items, from the current point of view, it can only be measured slowly.

Even if it's only 1\/10 the strength, it's still scary.

these energy waves are usually an attempt to attack the opponent. I look forward to meeting the sword god and defeating him in front of me!

Um? \

tang mo looked at the little bear below. his eyes were round and wet. he had not been hurt by humans.

during this sleep, captain Ji Yi fell into a deep sleep until he woke up in severe pain.

here the red moon and silver moon rise like a small dot.

because when the two of them were talking, Liu mingyu asked for other people's opinions, but he didn't know the result.

It took Yu chaomu three hours to pletely purify this essence.

\General Song, I yearn for him very much. when I saw him today, he was still a young warrior!

After a brief investigation, Zhao Ziliang suppressed the fear in his heart and looked carefully at the black hole in front of him.

\master Yan, master Yan, you are my dear uncle!

he often connects the deformed plants in front of him to create a barrier, and then passes through the plant barrier. As he chased the monsters behind him, the mutated plants seemed to surround them alive, attracting pandora's monsters to green. mountains, gods, and various poisonous plants went out of their way to kill the local animals.

For the past seven days, captain Ji Yi had not slept well at night. A group of young men and women who care more about their lives than investing. but the signal amplifier is not theirs, and the investment density is high. \

Liu mingyu said: \Zhengkang, Ziliang, I will leave the matter of dou Zong to you, there is no need to ask for my opinion.

because the cage is so crowded, they can only bend their bodies as much as possible in the hope of sitting more fortably.

this time it's different.

this time, qin An successfully split the eighth blood spirit Anya's body in half, and then injured the seventh blood spirit huo wu!

but he didn't expect that tang mo would push him away, take out a big knife, and kill all the people with two or three swords.

\do you understand? Now that tao Shuhai has died in front of him, he is helpless. the pain is indescribable. Even on the mainland, the three places where the zombie virus first originated have been successfully destroyed by rings and deserts. Averted.\ there are few guards and arenas in the desert mountains.

moreover, the size of the mother nest has also shrunk to the point where it is visible to the naked eye.

After receiving the order, Zhao Ziliang found Sun Zhengkang and told him the current situation.

on the other hand, Zhao Ziliang also received heartfelt praise.

thousands of people die from cancer every year.

In addition to being helpless at the beginning, it should be said that Liu mingyu also left quickly.

In order to maintain normal shelling operations, Sun Zhengkang still uses shield technology. \

huo Ye shook his head and said: \Yeah, this is a big hate! I'm tired now too!

maybe this is Zhao Ziliang's illusion. You said, \Zhao hongyi still knows huo Ye very well. when he heard huo Ye ask about the beast tide, he guessed what huo Ye would do.

there is no special school for superpowers in Sola dungeon, only an official school with superpower classes and ordinary classes. the courses taught are pletely different, so the second class must have been stolen. According to the students in the regular class, this is what happened that day.

the two brothers asked Zhao hongyi to go to school to play together. the three left the dormitory and then the school. when they left the school, a thug stopped them and questioned Zhao hongyi. hongyi asked first: \who are you? president Zhao Li is also very cruel. After learning that Eddie sent huo Ye and Alice to study and live in the underground city, he made up his mind to send Zhao Li there. hongyi .”

Sorry to interrupt your test. he grabbed Jiang bin's collar and shouted, \It's you, it's you.\

our gamma ray code is very powerful, but it lacks focus. Now we are in the land of death and no one knows what the oute will be, so cherish the days you live! \


\boss, there was strange movement in the lair. the movement suddenly increased several times. It was originally expected to take four months to reach the earth, but now the speed is only one month.

again and again. \world health organization?

prevent the brood from desperately attacking and avoid unnecessary damage.

Leave options open.

Liu mingyu was very confused, would he allow the other party to summon the tianmen of the New world?

the seven-colored light struck towards Ziyue Yinyue and the others. \

\Now that the strong wave has almost passed, let's see if we can contact Sun Shenkang there.

Not only is the situation bad, it's getting worse. \Liu Yuyi took another step, and the soles of her leather shoes made a slight bowing sound.

After hearing the words of the powerful captain, Yu chamu retreated and went straight to the RV where the bald man was, and said to the bald man in the RV who was watching the child crawling on the blanket and eating soft noodles.

“e on, tell yourself something.

where did it e from?

bai Feng said to Li Fangfang: \You should sleep too, I'll go out and see what's going on outside.

they don't know who to listen to.

or have you met anyone else?

Now that the new world space portal has been created, the monsters will soon be transferred out of the space portal.

with this conclusion, Liu mingyu had already made the corresponding decision before.

At this critical moment, black smoke appeared in front of ouyang xiu, and a person appeared in front of ouyang xiu.

All attention is focused on tiny black holes.

he didn't look directly into his own eyes. that kind of observation method couldn't give definite data.

Not everything is perfect.

First-class beauty Liu Yuyi walked to a nearby store. Seeing Liu Yuyi happily trying to tuck her head under her shirt, the first-class beauty was so happy that she handed the dagger in her hand to Liu Yuyi. Yi rushed into Liu Yu's electromagnetic field. \

Jiang bin, who had been caught, was shocked at this moment. he was caught by tao Shuhai and continued to tremble.

Alice was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the sky and said: \well... maybe... because I teased him at the time, he had to take advantage of his father's situation to rely on.\ Enjoying the shade of the big tree, but if it weren't for his skill , how could you get up so quickly?

chen Yang and other soldiers were stunned and speechless for a long time. chen Yang wanted to go up and touch Liu Yue to see if he was a human or a ghost. Add me too!

At this moment, chen Yang clearly saw where the body was thrown. then he adjusted the muzzle position and pulled the trigger twice. the submachine gun made a muffled sound, and all the bullets in the magazine exploded at once. \

Li Jun, who was standing behind him, turned pale, reached out and patted his forehead, cursing in a low voice.

\you idiot!

Zhao Ziliang finally discovered the reason why the other party created tianmen. \

duoyang's words are indeed true. Normally, no one would go to xiong Zaizi's tent except him.

he Zhizhou put down the anger in his heart and began to carefully check the information provided by Liu mingyu. he ran away immediately.

A bolt of lightning exploded, and when the two touched the top of the wooden mountain, the top of the mountain cracked.

I don’t know if it’s because there are too many examples, or for some other reason.

If we start by saying that it takes ten minutes for a black hole to absorb matter and double its volume. Zhao Ziliang was not angry after hearing wang huiru's words, because what the other party said was true.


three days passed in the blink of an eye. If you want to prevent lightning strikes, a vacuum is the best way to do it. Absolute void is difficult to achieve, but du Fei can do it with the power of his origin.

then it proves that Sun Zhengkang is not lying. what happened\

huo Ye didn't do much to persuade him to stay and seemed very arrogant. he just said: \okay, I'll find you when I get back!\

Seeing the two people following closely towards the door of space, Liu mingyu decided to take action.

If a black hole absorbs material, it can eject another white hole.

the situation on both sides was calm, but there was a strange atmosphere mixed in the ceremony.

this guy's warranty is a retroactive warranty.

Less than ten minutes. \

\Is this substance related to the zombie virus on Earth? Are they willing to pete with us for distribution rights?\

Sometimes, because the demand for Leymus chinensis is too great, the reproduction of mutated sheep is reduced, and supply exceeds demand. If they saved tao Shuhai, they would never leave there. \

Song Yan said with a playful expression.

\So when you did this, did you consider the heroes who died in our wutong and the three hundred mutants who died in the core of tianlong?

Radiation can reduce the risk of death in a small area.

when we were in the bering Strait, both the Zerg Space portal and the Zombie Space portal were very huge.

because he receives too much energy radiation every day, Liu mingyu is worried that no matter how good his health is, he will still have problems.

the skin was not removed, just a slap on the cheek.

however, the abnormal data does not mean that Sun Zhengkang's body has been negatively affected, but the abnormal data proves that Sun Zhengkang's body is indeed getting stronger. \

obviously, the powerful matter produced in the black hole is not necessarily a bad thing, but a good thing, and it is also a good thing that can improve the growth of the human body.

Sun Zhengkang said: \Elder Zhao, I don't know what will happen on the other side of the portal. Should we follow the original plan and release the two Silver moon unmanned ships and see what happens?

that's very good.

or the boss doesn’t know where the information es from, false information, but the boss doesn’t know either.

Various instruments then fly in from the drone to examine the wall material in front of them.

without courtesy, you have no right to speak.

thanks to this, everyone's physical health has been greatly improved.

Zombie viruses help people change, but they also have terrible consequences, allowing people to transfer various creatures into human and inhuman states.

that is, during this time, the black hole emitted different materials at the same frequency. “my body is very good, much better than before, and I feel like I can pass the seventh weight and reach the eighth weight.

of course, this is not the most important thing. the most important thing is to be a great person to the person who proposed this strategic plan.

ma Yong was swept away by bai Feng. Raising his head and hearing bai Feng's words, ma Yong gritted his teeth and said: \Shuhai is my eldest brother's only son. If you want to kill him, just pass through my body. According to evidence statistics, since you want to know, At that time, the meteor shower only fell on large and medium-sized cities. It was obviously not random, at least not pletely random. It was very targeted.


he uses space energy, specifically, to move once and stay in another place for a long time.

\director Zhang, will you do this yourself?

Is it really right to ignore Star technology? the power of this sword god is really amazing! Just as Zhao Ziliang said, he handed the videotape handed over by Sun Zhengkang to wang huairu who was standing.

\okay, I'll e next year.

professor wang has previously studied how to convert energy crystals with other properties into energy crystals with spatial properties.

qin An was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Liu Jun meant!

don't be afraid of anything, just be afraid of what will happen.

what happened?

however, apart from this small kindness, there was nothing he could do.

\If you let me live here, I don't think I have any reason to explain to you. It wouldn't do me any good, would it?\

\buying a gift?

the giant Zerg launched a fierce attack on Sun Zhengkang and others.

there is a lot of energy scattered here, and the information they send is swept away by that huge energy. otherwise, how can you municate with them? After the loud noise, the remaining two three-headed hells howled and slowly fell to the ground, shaking back and forth. \

“Yes, I would probably be bored if we had a leader like that in our foundation.

however, they are the main heroes of the doom Ring, and the conqueror's Ring is rare. \

he found that there were four signal sources left on the counter, quickly landed on the platform, and asked loudly:

\Kui, how are you?

Fang Yuheng smiled and said: \It's nothing, I just want to confirm with you.\

“I don’t know, is it impossible for two unmanned ships to municate directly?

And this person may be a zombie creature.

this is because the energy of the wave is decreasing.

of course, not all the information is displayed, just a small part.

don't be afraid of anything, just be afraid of what will happen.

In recent days, the frequency of surveys has reached hourly.

there was no way to stop xiao's movements in a short time.

Easily reach a life span of tens of thousands of years, including food, drink and shopping.

Even though I've been using this tool for several months, my understanding of what the tool does is still limited. \

Sun Zhengkang looked at Zhao Ziliang with burning eyes.

Liu mingyu chose four different testing methods.

but yesterday, after successfully killing tao Genbao and taking the base, the topic of food was brought up.

Fortunately, Ziyue has an automatic function. otherwise, he might be swallowed by the black hole in front of him when he was in subspace.

but what made tang mo feel sad was that even though the bears knew how tragically the people in the camp had been killed, they still decided to let these people go without any regrets. \

the radio suddenly sounded, and Liu mingyu and others were already quite close.

Is the information provided by the employer incorrect?

Even without the help of the life simulator, Liu mingyu would never believe that the huge tianmen would only release a small amount of energy.

Silver moon's two satellites hit a very high wall at high speed and were crushed.

do cancer treatments really work?

Something came out of it and I saw it continue to eat things around it.

however, he was wrong. he and Shangguan Yudie are a legally unmarried couple, so it is appropriate to fall in love!

when Sun Zhengkang received this idea, he was slapped in the face.

this may explain why black holes are growing in size faster and faster.

After that, they went to find Jeuri Guo xiaomei and Guo Shuai. they buried all the other bodies in that place. currently, there are only three of them left in this space.

Is he just nervous? have you checked it?

\You succeeded, have you reached the eighth level?

without treatment, he would die quickly.

“If there’s an opportunity, why don’t we do it now?

this has not been confirmed.

otherwise, no living creatures were seen in the half month after the space portal was successfully created.

And this data is still growing.

At this time, Sun Shenkang asked in the munication channel: \boss, everyone has gathered and is ready to go at any time.\

Sun Zhengkang patted his chest and expressed his support for the move, and Liu mingyu's plan also fulfilled his wish. don't worry, it's better to be careful.

\So what is reality?

\No, it's still too dangerous. I will find someone to study it and make sure there is no problem before doing it again, otherwise it will be too late.\

Jiang Feng sat on the soft big bed in the hotel. Fortunately, huo also answered the phone, otherwise he wouldn't have such an attitude when he saw Jiang Feng wearing only underwear!

whether he can be resurrected depends on this moment. \

\I hope this is easy. to be honest, I want to keep these 2 billion in the city, so that we can solve the employment problem of tens of thousands of people.\

Everyone immediately prepared for battle.

It doesn't matter if it continues to appear for thousands of years.


the reason why I went home alone was because I wanted to borrow one from my boss.

“boss, the result won’t have much impact on us.

when all the drinks were finished and hundreds of pots were broken, the First Emperor wiped his mouth with his hand and looked at chen mo.

however, the brood mother seems to have discovered the news that all Zerg species in the world have been wiped out, but there is no definite news yet. \

\what did he say?

the conditions seen in the simulation article are final results only and do not reflect actual details.

the other members of the supernatural team in the camp lacked equipment, but chong hanyu and the others forcibly sent them here and refused to take them out of the city. Unfortunately, they could only send them here. .


If that's any reference, you can almost see these ships turning into ets, trailing long tails off into the distance.

So he was worried that brod would use space energy.

hearing Liu mingyu's concern for him, Zhao Ziliang was very sensitive and said quickly: \don't worry, boss, I will try my best to plete the work.\

Feeding sheep and bears is considered the most hopeless job in hulan base, because anyone with a little ambition will fight. bear hunting is the most proud occupation of hulan base.

So you can't destroy a wall, can you destroy it just by knowing what it's made of?

An energy arrow was quickly pressed into Starfury's bowstring. ouyang xiu raised the long arrow, pointed it at the injured maya, pletely pulled the arrow away, and then quickly released the fingers that were pulling the arrow.

the news I've seen on video isn't as shocking as seeing it in person.

Fortunately, the radiation problem was solved when Shizuki Yinzuki was built.

“boss, we saw something strange where the brood died. A small black hole appeared, and things nearby continued to burn.

\Start 321.

\then when will I e back?

“Goal, brodeur, everything is happening.

we can't seem to get around this wall.

“where does this thing e from?

Zhao Ziliang has a great advantage in this regard. It's just that the number of Zerg that can overe the firepower of the Great Net has bee very rare.

After huang Yi, Sun Zhengkang couldn't help but contact Liu mingyu.

All of these special bowls contain a nutrient, energy crystal.

Although the black hole is no longer absorbing matter, this does not mean that there is no longer danger inside the black hole. \

“this design is very good and increases the stability of the air intake.

“You are sure there is a wall, I will fort him.

whether they are once-extinct zombies or human survivors, they are always inherently different. Fang Yuheng said.

\this mr. Zhao looks very attractive to his brother!

“I understand, I’m going to do it now.

the ensuing fight was intense, and Ada's cage finally caught her attention. \

below, both sides received orders and the battle began immediately.

Sun Zhengkang gave an order, let go of Zi Yue's side, and quickly flew from the cage to the escape route.

but couldn't find any information.

No matter how many bad things he said about this man behind his back, this man was now blocking him like an iron wall.

Li Jun was a little scared, calmed down and said this.

\Yes, I am the leader of the original team, but I am here to protect our base in Shishan city.\

Sun Zhengkang thought Liu mingyu had missed something, so he quickly ran over to say hello to Liu mingyu.

Zhao Ziliang immediately reported his findings to Liu mingyu. I'm going to sleep. goodbye!

If the other party does not request skygate, how can I read and control it? I know this person is not bad, he can be considered a good person.

the vast space Zerg disappeared from the world before they could lay down any specific information. \

“If you do that, you can save 20 percent of the energy in the space.

Since Zhao Ziliang has no problem, then wang huairu, who is stronger than Zhao Ziliang, generally has no problem either.

the energy released is not a harmful substance, but a substance that promotes its development. \

\Yes, I would probably be angry if we had leadership like that at our foundation.\

Since the opponent's situation is still unknown, it is very dangerous to send many aircraft at once. the best way is to send one or two ships first to find out the situation. I have never heard of anything like this except in the sea, even in lakes.

\hey, this is for our future. As long as we have money, xiaoyu and his brother will be happy in the future.

therefore, it seems reasonable to think of small black holes as gateways to space. I researched for two hours and got no information?

there are many ways to crack it, but none of them are good at the moment.

both purple moon and Silver moon immediately advance their death Rays. \

Although Sun Zhengkang said that he had done nothing wrong, he quickly summoned two more unmanned spacecraft and took over the work of the previous two unmanned spacecraft.

everything is normal.

Even with the data showing that anti-cancer drugs are very effective.

Aren’t panies like this created to break us up? Even if there is no law of the sea on the planet, there is still not much pressure to deal with the descendants.

the missing team was full, ten people. chen Yang asked with a murderous look on his face, wanting to scare Liu Yu and force him to tell the truth. Fengjian Liuli had no objection to this.

After entering the opening position, Zhao Ziliang immediately moved to the Silver moon explosion area.

In the past two years, Liu mingyu has basically had no activities.

\how did this happen?

will the enemy e?

At the same time, Sun Zhengkang on the side saw Zhao Ziliang's plane and immediately followed it.

So when I saw that you had a specific drug to treat ALS, I thought my grandfather was saved. women's thoughts are often difficult to understand. Regardless of whether they were confused or not, their mood was calm. ouyang xiu looked at du Fei's broad shoulders and felt calm for the first time.

the distance between the two sides is so close that the time required suddenly decreases. \

Sun Zhengkang thought for a while and agreed with Zhao Ziliang's idea. he first used a drone to investigate the situation.

If you let the opponent escape, you will face attacks from the opponent in the future. \

\don't leave.\

xuantian said: \the return journey is very weak. After killing his body, his soul will be seriously damaged and fall into a deep sleep. It is very likely that he will not wake up on earth for a year. therefore. Invincible.!\

but this made Zhao Ziliang very sad.

the light emitted by gamma rays is truly terrifying.

of course, this is not the first time Liu mingyu has asked this.

moreover, as Zhao Ziliang said, there is no rule that those who enter the tianmen must be living people.

huo Ye pursed his lips and made the final decision: \okay, without further ado, let's set off early tomorrow morning!

with your investigative skills, what can you investigate?

the corners of Liu Yuyi's mouth raised slightly, and a glint flashed in his eyes. the next moment, wu xiaoxiao was staring at Liu Yuyi motionlessly, only three meters away from Liu Yuyi, his eyes full of fear. \

Jiao huaxian turned to look at Zhou hengming.

Now, everyone knows that an old fugitive has appeared in times Square, the wutong base. \

he put a bare finger into the storage bag, immediately shook his head, turned his gaze to Yu chamu, saluted, shook the meat in his stomach and said.

\Yes, I promise to plete the mission!

maybe it will bee clear later. \

“don’t make random guesses, you won’t know until you get there.

people cannot directly know that there is a black hole in their own eyes, they can only know its existence indirectly and observe its impact on other objects. Liu mingyu was a little worried.

Sun Zhengkang never believed that the black hole in front of him was the door to heaven.

this tiny black hole is a literal gateway to space. So the gravity of this small black hole is so strong, what else can it carry?

the current situation can only be solved step by step.

As for Zhao Ziliang, after entering the dimensional space, he can easily go to the central area of the black hole. \

Jiao huaxian immediately changed his mind.

however, Liu mingyu's ability to explode desperately was lost because of his ability to travel.

Liu mingyu stopped him in time: \captain Sun, this is all an illusion.

hit the same spot and the wall is about to burst.

based on ding chengkong's lifespan of several thousand years, it is 360,000 days. divided by 30,000 zombies, one person has 12 days.

Zhizhou shook his head: \I didn't know you wanted to open a pharmaceutical pany before, so the building prepared for you is in the city center. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to give it away now.\ city center.

“God, try another method and see if you can get more powerful kills.

the virtual reality technology of planetary replication has reached the point where it can be called real.

It was also the first time that Zhao Ziliang entered that dimensional space.

on the contrary, the land beneath their feet remains a \hothouse\ where human lives are in danger.

[Star] Notice: the first expansion pack has been released. Kill the zombie king, the final boss of the expansion pack, to transform the race into a royal family and gain the influence of King Sha. the term is 100 days. after a while. once reached, the final boss will exist and the expansion will fail. the loser gets the failure color, and the effect lasts until the game fails.

people's time is more important than refining oil.

this is definitely a new way to build a damper. \


No, promoting this method of energy injection may have an impact on the world. \

“I’m not afraid, I really don’t have enough money.

on this business trip, Jiao huaxian only brought one assistant. thanks to Zhang hao, minde has been busy with large and small projects recently, while others are so busy that they are inseparable.

the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Just by observing it with the naked eye, the giant iron ball created by du Fei was destroyed by the blow of the wind snake's sacrificial meteor. most of the wind snake's body was wrapped in an iron ball, and then crazy thunder and lightning bombarded it, shattering the iron ball. \Zhou Jianneng waved his hand, \Someone doesn't like us father and son and forces us to stop, then let's do as they wish!

Liu mingyu was exposed to various types of radiation emitted by the other party. qin An looked at weng die in confusion and asked, \why?

however, it was Sun Zhengkang who appeared in front of Liu mingyu, and he was even more excited than before.

weng die said to qin An: \qin An!
