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九三读小说网 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第88章

第88章 (第1/2页)

九三读小说网 www.93du.org,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

It is not an honor for us to do the job of chief.

but the pany that said the project was xingchen Group, which means there are forty or forty panies in total.

In the forest not far away, a cheerful figure was walking in the dense forest, with human sadness in his bright eyes.

Even though these sheep have been banished since birth, they are amazing animals.

this is an extremely low altitude, only 15,000 kilometers. Liu mingyu finally chose a more suitable place.

Less than an hour after issuing the intention to cooperate, Zhao qinsong received a clear reply from qin province. Yes, after saying so much, it’s strange that they believe you! As you know, our pany's pensation packages have always been well known, and we've always been generous.

Zhao Jilian did not answer immediately, but asked: \Let's talk about this first, and then talk about the power source of the electric hammer you are looking for.\

then others woke up and immediately ran to inform others.

but it took Liu mingyu another month to translate this sentence to bo Lanxin.

Everything became unpredictable after that, and the traces of the thunder hammer could be seen as far away as the tower of babel. \

Is #qaidam port really the best choice for building an elevator?

In addition, family members who voluntarily choose to leave the place of migration will not be registered.

wang huairu slowly arrived at the babel tower area with about 30,000 people.

the lower the number, the worse the restriction.

this seems to be a better option if it is close to a city, but it will also affect the development of surrounding cities.

In addition, Feitian was born under his mother star, so xiaoxiao has less knowledge than Feiyun. \

\how did you know?

Isn't this exciting enough?

\haha, it seems that we still need to go to the local area to investigate. If it is just a guess, there is no way to know the true meaning of the other party in hanhu.\

Now that everything has reached this point, if you want to purchase a signal source, you can only start from the wutong base.

Just because he doesn't teleport doesn't mean he's slow.

perhaps in the distant future we will discover that these towers of babel have actually always existed beneath this planet. Upon hearing this, the police took a careful look at huo Ye's profile, shouted, and kicked huo Ye out.

crystal brain analyzed these keywords, and after a while, he found that he was in big trouble!

Liu Ruotong's father was not a famous person. when he heard that someone could help him, he said to Liu Ruotong: \You are responsible for everything that happens!

It should be difficult to use, but Liu mingyu pleted the application in one go. \

\I, I have something to report, captain Zhong, we, I saw these women, they were very sad...\

wang Jiqing refused to go out for fear that Zhong hanyu would fire him, so he quickly ended the matter in a few words.

If you're sure you're going to win, you'll give up, but if you're sure you're going to win, you're going to lose.

\xiao Zuo, e in.\

After moving the metal cipher box, Yu Zhe sat down again and asked: \tell me, how did you get this box.

however, if you want to destroy these special symbols, you must first collect similar symbols and then destroy them.

when his eyes penetrated Guo xiaomei's body, batian finally discovered that Guo xiaomei's face was indeed beautiful, but people often ignored her face because of her ugliness. . \

the bear owner is delighted because this new rescue mission couldn't be more practical for the bear family.

you only live once.

Governor wang was stunned at first, then understood what Secretary wang said, and immediately smiled and said: \hurry up and call the regiment mander over, let me see what is going on.\

however, this is indeed a form of blind worship. Although huo Ye was full of praise for master xu in the underground city, all he did was act like a backer to suppress illegal activities in the underground city. , or rather - guardian! \

chen mo asked. what’s in your body means nothing! \I'm a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Zhang hao gave up his courtesy and bowed on the spot: \Yes, I will accept the resignation letter and the human rights department will handle it for you as soon as possible.

he also later stated that underground science and technology were still in the early stages of civilization.

however, there are always people who feel that their talents are too small.

he is a man who sticks to his word, and Shen Lan strikes first to gain advantage. \

\each other!

better to find a way to make money.

the room is in xicheng, which means everything is brought back from xicheng.

Fan Yuhen thought for a while and said to Fang xinhai who was still behind: \xiaohai, you stay with the soldiers who are on fire and let others go first. this is his last secret and his last trump card. As for du Fei? \I don't know if he has the courage to fight. \

\hmm! how about\

pared with the pletely invisible bottom layer, dong Jianping is most concerned about the surface layer.

And according to the chief's information, there are at least 10,000 houses on that planet.

the original purpose and plan, the original ancestral spirit, but now after a period of such experience, everything is pletely messed up. \

After hearing Fan Yuheng's words, all ten people shook their heads.

hard to say.

the guard in the same car, xiao chen, was much older than xiao wu. he had worked as a security guard in an office building before, so he knew a few things. he immediately replied:

\director Zhang, this is what everyone does!

If we look at the current progress, most of the research progress is soaring.

Now, the research team sent by pei wenli is conducting a prehensive study of this planet.

but everyone wants to live. If this woman wasn't killing zombies, she would be a useful addition to the team.

whatever the reason, good monitoring is necessary. It takes up to twenty minutes to get here.

After du Fei presented the new technique to martial arts disciple pachi, he suddenly felt that his physical strength was pletely weakened, and he suddenly felt exhausted, just like Zhou hua had fought seven hundred rounds of thirty-six moves.

According to the information presented by these new projects, most technologies can only be controlled by level three civilizations, and some are even level five.

take a quick look at the top of the tower of babel. Not that low, right?

In fact, Lin Jiayin

this incident made Shangguan Yudie feel the crisis, and also made him fully aware of one thing: huo Ye is very popular! Yes, it can be considered a vague human organ!

It may be subtle, but according to Zhao Yulong himself, when he looked at the mechanical device, he immediately saw the fault of the mechanical device.

but now that chief bear lets him do whatever he wants, he's being rude.

this mistake made me more cautious and bold in making blind promises.

Generally speaking, it can meet the requirements of room architecture.

It must be someone whose talent level is below level 90. can they read these walking signs?

this is where the external devices and displays of the tower of babel seem to prove that the tower of babel has its own protective powers. Shangguan Yudie said.

Yes, it can be solved anywhere.

\please e in.\

before Liu mingyu informed him of the situation, dong Jianping couldn't help but wonder: \why do these bolan people choose to wander?\

dong Jianping didn't know the truth, but what was recorded in the newspaper was the truth. \

\what's good?

he wanted to take a step back, but qin An had already put his hand on his waist, preventing him from taking a step back.

\You...will you e back to me tonight?

the leader of a mysterious organization with whom he has a long-standing relationship.

According to black Shadow, this world does not exist, or in other words, exists in his memory, but the earth contains some secrets related to the void, thus creating a world in his memory. because the earth is not only the name of the earth, it also secretly guides the movement of the stars of life and the development of all people.

but he is a small worker and has heard a lot, but he only knows one side but not the other side.

\he said the equipment was not damaged, but where exactly was the damage?\

other panies are other panies.

Liu mingyu's mind is pletely focused on his son now, and he has no time to worry about wang huairou.

No enemy found.

however, if our equipment is not repaired, at this rate, it is estimated that the entire enterprise will be destroyed in less than a month. \

when weng die heard qin An's words, he was immediately horrified and said: \what is this?

this kind of crack is a hard crack. ——Little Angel said worriedly.

many resources cannot be found on Earth, but when they are located on other planets, they are special resources.

Everything is going in a good or bad direction. From the outside, it looks 40 meters long, 20 meters wide and 20 meters high, but inside this room is about 30 meters long, 10 meters wide and high. the wall thickness of this cube actually reaches ten meters!

I originally thought that 12 talent cards would be used to fill up Liu mingyu's points.

After dong Kaiyan copied the code, he discovered that the device behind his eyes was damaged.

\So, I, the real 'master Su,' haven't entered the dungeon for a long time!

then I found the strength to look around. there were trees, vines, rocks, screaming people, and screaming zombies everywhere.

then he said so. what is the current situation?

Ruan Langjuan didn't know what Liu mingyu was thinking. Seeing Liu mingyu's eagerness to plete the work, he immediately showed his love.

please do not investigate my relationship with dong Jianping again in the future. Even if I can't get the job done, you can count on me. \

the rock's position could actually speed up the decline of civilization into a truly interstellar age.

It took a month and a half.

It involves Earth's civilization in an apocalyptic world, yes. Rub it in my face for your despicable behavior! \

he knows what's going on with the pany and that it's sending teams to other planets.

No matter how low the level of these zombies is, as long as they are properly trained, they can easily bee low-level zombies.

Using the floor as a marker, one team moves from bottom to top and the other team moves from top to bottom.

there is no door.

Liu mingyu walked into the small elevator. they say this elevator is small, but in fact, the volume of the elevator can reach dozens of square meters.

It exploded before it could be implemented, sparking nationwide protests, and in the end Aruna could only find a few scapegoats to take responsibility for the failure. \

chen mo didn't know who it was, so he focused on the three words \experimental field\ mentioned by the shadow. \

when huo Ye heard the words \close the net\, he suddenly came back to his senses, oh! \

-thank you, director Zhang.

the total power reaches four degrees or as high as four degrees.

340 million years may seem like a long time, but it is very young pared to the age of the universe.

Liu mingyu has almost pletely mastered the text code of Li xing civilization.

only then did the 11-person suppression team led by Liu mingyu reveal the truth.

these are the technical tools left over from the seventh-level civilization. the technology currently mastered by dong Jianping can be regarded as a first-level civilization.

last second

According to Sombra, his character is not simple. It can even be said that all the so-called games that appear in the world are related to him.

dong Jianping nodded and said: \No problem, give me some time and I will translate the relevant text as soon as possible.

the fewer people entering, the better. Finally, it was learned that huo Ye and Liu Ruotong came in with municators and invisible cameras.

however, even if xiaosi loses, the pany will be unable to resist.

dong Jianping said to his face, who can slash it? \

Unfortunately, this name is more difficult. \

Zhang hao sat on the sofa.

building a space elevator is boring, simple, and plicated.

two thousand soldiers were divided into two teams, one team pursued the small zombie army on tianxia Road.

\director Zhang, you are such a rare guest. I thought you had the same name, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Liu mingyu looked at the scene in front of him. to be honest, this is not the first time I have seen him.

Some major countries should unite to invite xinjiang groups to live in their own countries and provide better conditions.

qiu Suran is not stupid. of course he doesn't believe Liu xing's words, but he doesn't believe Liu xing's discount either. If the other party doesn't want to go back with you, you shouldn't force it.

And this method was used successfully.

of course, their products sell very well locally and are deeply loved by local residents. \

wang huai looked at the surrounding situation calmly.

Although it can be given to the thunder hammer, the thunder hammer will definitely provide such a large amount of energy.

the disadvantage is that the tower of babel is not blocked and munication is easy inside in winter.

wan huairou wanted to find out, but there was no other way out.

wang huairu also knows where the hole is connected to? \

Li Jun shook his head, his eyes full of fear, he stood up desperately and looked outside.

this is not a home elevator feasibility study.

Regardless of whether his words are right or wrong, they are facts.

Its radius is 5,000 kilometers and the distance from one station to another is less than 10,000 kilometers.

there were many beautiful girls here today, and the quality was much higher than usual. Now he wanted to get off work early and avoid the best choices. \

Yu Zhe frowned slightly. he noticed that it was Edsel Armstead making the noise. In fact, he is on the live broadcast stage, so attacking him unprepared is not bad!

when Fan Zhui saw Liu mingyu's empire, he immediately gave up his plan to revive Liu mingyu. From the city to the coast, there are good fields and good fields in between, and our port is on the coast. \

Fang Yuheng also saw the mutant rat behind him getting closer and closer, so he had no choice but to let the people in the car get out of the car. give me the address!

wang huairu tried to find useful information around him.

but it seems that the other party left useless information in the tower of babel and has no information about it. \

when he shouted, Zhong hanyu and Shen Lan both stopped fighting. however, before they could stop it, they released their power and suffered an \explosion\, exploding on the ground. A gust of wind swept chong hanyu and Shen Lan away.

therefore, not all areas can be opened due to risk issues.

huo Ye's face was covered with black lines again, and he said quickly: \I'm leaving, please calm down, I think I can do it?\

Instead, it gives us the freedom to achieve the desired results.

before the Ice Age, we wanted to use the same method to get rid of the xinchen Group. In addition, if it is not good, you should choose tao Zi from the Star clan. \

“work, I don’t know when it will end.

So what happened to the few who escaped and came back? It will create cracks. Although qin An was mentally prepared, he didn't expect that the zombie monster would break out of the wall!

do you know the best place to build a guest room elevator?

one million years is enough to shake that world.

If you like that woman, you better feed me and I will be happy, if the woman is not good, the man should go out. well, forced. After beating and scolding, give it to him. Slap her and give her a sweet date and things like this will grow in hard times.

what he wants to say is, does it matter?

Liu mingyu said respectfully behind Zhao qingsong.

Just then, the fear of the giant zombies nearby struck. qin An could tell that this roar was different from ordinary zombies, and also different from giant d1 and d2 zombies. then there should be a giant d3 level zombie. It looked different than he expected. . the difference! \Liu xin put food in his hands and said it could increase his creativity.\

tell Ku Suran the story of \Sexy Elf\.

- Sir, apparently you haven't reached the top of the tower yet.

huo Ye took a deep breath and looked at Alice, \Sister, I want to give you 666 likes because you are very smart!

huo Ye asked again: \tell me, who is the person who trained you?\

- then let the person who drew the picture follow your instructions and don't be afraid that he is playing a trick! Liu Ruotong asked immediately.

but these countries have never done so.

Unexpectedly, I had to wait for more than a month and a half.

there is a plete process.

well, putting aside some things, Liu mingyu obviously only knows a small pa

rt of Zhao qingsong's resources. \

with his eyes flickering, Song Yan controlled the spiritual power in his mind, gently touched Kang Nan's mark, and sent a message:

- I'm in the forest, e to me!

A warning rang in his head as he stood up and headed for the door.

there is a saying: Enemies are very jealous when they meet! \

\As good as it sounds, the way energy is transmitted through lightning is actually a random transmission of lightning.

A similar sign appears below the tower of babel. \

during this time, the pany tried different approaches without success.

It descends like a circular staircase cut around the tower of babel. \

Zuo xiaolei bowed deeply.

You know what will happen hundreds of years from now and you have information about what you have experienced in dreams so that you can wake up easily. \

huo Ye and Shangguan choked wei. they are 20 years old, have worked as traffic police for a year, and attended a serious police academy. what does it mean?

when many people leave thinking they are going to make a profit, the pany will collapse, so we must be careful.

Especially low-level exotic animals are almost extinct. the origin of my red crystal hearts is very strange, and the system can identify it. Leylin was not one of the twelve vassals, and the system did not know his relationship with Leylin.

the curves of the face are softer, the corners of the eyes are high, the bridge of the nose is high, the chin is pointed, the lips are full and the face is sweet. Looking at the pictures, the figure is gradually hugged and clothes are worn on the chest, and it bees stronger. , but it looks like he's still ready. , as well as a sonorous, meaningful frame and a sweet face.

with the help of these tools, Feiyun also published preliminary research results. \

Liu xin swallowed, closed his eyes, and slowly activated the breath of evolution. Just as the energy of evolution was flying, he felt the power of thunder and lightning in his heart. creates evolution and creates tension. Liu xin's heart was suddenly filled with such thoughts. She fainted on the bed.

Someone must have made these tools a million years ago.

\Each of you find your own skills and abilities to satisfy him. I will be back soon. If you don't have anything important to do these two days, don't worry.

Liu mingyu explained, \In fact, even people from bolan Star can't pass through that small door. what are these devices for and how do they work? I still don't understand, and wang huairou doesn't want to, so let's get started. \.

but tang mo was very fast now, and he was already very satisfied.

#Spaceelevator will be realized in my lifetime#

Even if it takes ten years, progress is unacceptable.

Reach the intersection of level seven civilization and level eight civilization.

Zhang hao showed the plastic bucket in his hand: \I brought the milk to tiantian.

Governor wang looked at qi Zhou and said quickly: \Let's vote. Regarding the cooperation with xingchen Group on the space elevator project, if you refuse, please raise your hands and keep your voice down!\

And he is a powerful person in the universe, why can't he be pared with ordinary people like Amei?

qin An said: \Since you know that Li Yin and I are playing in bed, I believe you also know the rules of the game, right?\

Zhang Jiayi said with a look of disgust.

dong Jianping felt that Fei Yunyuan was not as tough as he thought and might be able to be defeated.

\tell me what happened?\

Seeing the shovel he pushed, wang Jiqin quickly backed away, and Zhong hanyu forcibly pulled him out of the RV with a pale face.

It was a useless date. huo Ye went home for three days and then received news from Liu Ruotong.

In order to transport these 30,000 people to the center of the babel tower, wan huairou went down the stairs several times.

Since you specifically named them, it means that their talent for learning languages is very low.

And, as Sombra said, he struggled a bit in this game. \

this can be seen as Liu mingyu's way of promotion.

Liu mingyu bowed deeply and evaluated.

It’s been a long time since we last met, and Gus van der Young has grown up a lot.

he immediately jumped into a hole.

- do not blame me! Liu xing gently pushed Zhang Yuanyuan away and entered the house.

he thought that after hearing this, Zhong hanyu would definitely think about it and maybe take it with him to save women in distress.

It seems that this cannot be explained by placing the energy needed by tantoheratra under the pillars of babylon.

\director Zhang, this is my resignation letter.\

weng di immediately bowed and stopped talking, but qin An noticed the giant beast and heard its movement!

bai Feng then took the time to look at the mutant rat behind him. \

qin An shook his head and said: \Except for Lan Yue, who I am most worried about, everyone else is as healthy as before!

qingfeng building covers an area of .65 square meters. calculated at 15,500 yuan\/square meter, total sales reached 1.485 billion yuan. Including taxes and other expenses, Liu mingyu may have to spend 1.5 billion to buy this house.

After lying on the bed for a while, at night, Zhong hanyu's team sent an order, asking the prostitutes in the group to touch their belongings to the corpses of zombies, and then eat three meals a day. cold head.

——I grew up a little and guarded the cave entrance for two people.

the other party has another purpose, which may be to build this planet.

So you have to show your talent. \

In this case, many zombies got into trouble and of course put themselves in an embarrassing situation.

be Good when it es to energy, there is a lot of it in forests and remote central cities.

Yu chaomu was lying beside the bed, with a white towel covering his head. he took the magic energy converter beside the bed and threw a crystal core into the lamp holder.

If only one ladder could carry cargo, there would be no need to build multiple towers of babel.

Six trucks were packed with people. Fan Yuheng shouted to the remaining soldiers: \there are twenty people in each of your trucks. those with fire extinguishers will get on the last truck and obey the mand immediately.

we even have information about alien civilizations. \

Under the mand of dong Jianping, everyone began to search for meaningful words in each tower of babel.

Seeing him running towards him, bai Feng immediately shouted: \don't stay here, prepare to escape quickly.

the name of the pharmaceutical pany sold this time is Jiacheng dihe pharmaceutical co., Ltd.

Something was ing, and bai Feng knew what it was without having to guess. It's probably not a mutant mouse.

Anyway, I was scared for ten nights.

of course, as dong Jianping thought, it can be expressed with great anxiety.

Now that the zombies and insects have been eliminated, it won't be difficult to find the entity that threatens us.

the teleportation ability is almost invincible because he has mastered it. the reason why he said it is almost because he remembered that he accidentally did not use teleportation when attacking zombies on the ground.

Summoning a spatial portal through the family lair is pletely impossible in the real world. At that time, cross the portal to the other side and know at a glance whether there is really no connection between the two.

there is a lot of energy stored in real buildings, and it's all true cleansing power.

According to heiying, the evidence es from denial at the highest levels, and if you don't change, that's what's going to happen. I mean, the few that survived and the ones that came back, I actually survived, they actually came back. \the path of life and death is uncertain, there will always be divisions and divisions! After all, those who do not know how to tell the truth are lost!\

\tell me, do you really want to build a space elevator? You just need to give a secret order after a while and you can do it.

Although energy is required, some products such as energy drinks cannot be used to help Liu mingyu.

Star wave people. \

when weng die heard that qin An wanted to play with him, his body immediately stopped fighting. because he didn't mind capturing qin An, weng die didn't want to resist in this hot place at the end of the world. Very hard to pass

In fact, many countries have no soft restrictions on monopolies.

Regarding the password leakage project, Jiao Zhihua said in seven words that he would immediately use all unexplainable techniques.

At the same time, the indigeneity of the New world cannot be denied.

therefore, as long as we deliberately cause trouble, xingchen Group will ignore it.

therefore, Liu xin decided to put the key near the door, which would be safer for Su Ke. \

After wen Jiangang finished saying this, he looked at chen mo and others. Seeing the expressions on their faces, he felt even more relaxed. \

\mr. Zhang, not only here, there are similar situations at the gates of other large panies.

You know, xingchen Group's products have always been divided into chinese version and international version.

Liu mingyu seemed to have lost the inspiration before the trip.

Village chief Fan fed his wife milk and immediately came to Zhang hao: \tell me, what do you want me to do?\

Afterwards, the two discussed their sales plans, the most important of which was the 23rd of next month, which is New Year's day in the south.

If he can influence the gods, chen mo believes it.

- I'm not in the mood today.

they only had ten minutes, and the slower it went, the worse it would be. both men were holding weapons and looking at them.

In fact, Zhao qingsong has a way to decide where Liu mingyu chooses to build the xingchen Group's space elevator. \ huo Ye simply expressed his thoughts. he obviously took away Shangguan Yudie's power. however, huo did not want to waste time explaining Shangguan Yudie's personal power.

what happened to him? \

hearing batian's words, Guo Shuai was embarrassed, fearing that he had two hundred and fifty brothers!

From bottom to top, these people are collecting various well-known brands and forgetting to look for directions. \

\Are you oK?

According to the information Liu mingyu got from the Sims, ten years later, the crisis will sweep everyone away. Liu xin sat on the bed and said with a blank look on his face.

Logically speaking, unorganized workers like huo Ye and Shangguan Yudie are not allowed to participate in the investigation. but Liu Ruotong immediately called his father.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the conference hall raised their left hands. Fan Yuheng's order to the soldiers was that if anyone followed them to escape, they would be shot on the spot without mercy.

\that's it. No wonder ogura didn't e yesterday. I haven't seen him for several days and I feel a little sad.\

before wang huairou said goodbye, he gave orders to the zombies. chen mo said.

but from what we know from Life Simulator, things are definitely going to be bad if this continues.

what's more, the other party is a wandering civilization and doesn't care about its position at all.

without a talent system, wang huairu cannot worry too much about selecting the talents he needs.

In order to prevent some people from thinking wildly, dong Jianping directly stated that he is also concerned about what we think about the future.

Jing Shuangju's thoughts were focused on the top of the tower, but before Sun Zhengkang stepped out of the elevator, he saw that this was not the so-called top of the tower, but it was no different from other areas.

After all, no region can refuse to cooperate with such a heart.

when chris o'corrigan said this, he remembered something and continued: \I heard that North America promotes the pacific Islands as the safest area under the protection of the team.

this is the office of the owner of qingfeng building.

I also know that because I broke the barrel and failed inside and out, I didn't take the job my boss gave me.

Liu mingyu nodded and said: \then there is no way to explain it, and considering the information we left, it may actually be impossible. besides, I admit that I will have sex with a man because I am ugly. I don't Agree.\ No... A. I love being loved by a man of this age, but I have never been touched by anyone, and I have never enjoyed the delicacy and strength of a man!

In addition to telling you that you are all fishing tycoons in the southeast and spend a lot of money, so no one knows that you are rich. they just think that you steal money from the rich and give it to the poor. .

dong Jianping can only judge based on information. Now we are in big trouble!

there is no failure 1000 times. \

- Good luck to everyone!

this is precisely because the elevator accelerates slowly and such elevators cannot stop at all floors at any time like ordinary elevators. \

while speaking, qin An listened carefully and found that the wall he was standing on seemed to have been destroyed by the impact of the giant beast. At this time, qin An heard the sound of a large stone falling.
